Dear readers,
Materialist philosophy denies the existence of a creator. It considers all the existence to be consisting of matter which it believes is eternal. As a result, it attempts to explain every event based on matter and intellect. One of the theories posed by materialists when ... Views: 842
Dear readers,
Many persons consider religion and science as opposites. Undoubtedly, this perception is extremely wrong. Religion and science do not oppose but complement each other. By the data it provides, science helps people get to know better the universe in which they live and make ... Views: 816
Dear readers,
The most important thing needed for a human is "Ikhlas" after a right and complete "faith". It means being sincere in one's faith and deeds. A person who is not sincere with their faith and deeds will not sufficiently be able to benefit from various kinds of worldly favors and ... Views: 1062
Dear readers,
In my previous writing, I have completed the discussions on faith and explained in detail the requirements for having a proper and complete faith which will open the doors to an eternal bliss for us. But there are still such important points to be known about “faith” that I will ... Views: 998
Dear readers,
It is not possible to reach an eternal happiness without becoming a mature human being. And becoming “a mature human being” is only possible with “a perfect faith” . And one of the conditions for a complete faith is to believe free of any doubt and hesitation that everything ... Views: 877
Dear Readers,
Life after death begins with death of the human. Of course, it is impossible to obtain information about life after death for the human, all information of whom is restricted with his perceptions from the world. We were informed about Hereafter by the messengers of Allah, who ... Views: 871
Dear Readers,
We should attempt to die as martyr and help a moribund patient to die in this way. Rasulullah (s.a.w.) ordered that:
"Martyr surely will not suffer torment." [Ibn Mace, Bayhaqi, Imam-i Ahmad]
"Martyr doesn’t feel death grief, doesn’t sorrow in grave, doesn’t be disturbed ... Views: 955
Dear Readers,
In my last article, basing on the Rasulullah’s (s.a.w.) orders, I had stated that always keeping ablution, performing the salats with congregation, praise, patience and consent to predestination were the most important indicators of faith. In reality, every thing that Rasulullah ... Views: 930
Dear Readers,
In my last writings, I explained the issues needed to be performed not to die as an unbeliever. Now, I'm sure you're surprised when you saw this title due to although the expression is different, the title has the same meaning. But do not be surprised. Rasulullah (s.a.w.) ... Views: 848
Dear readers,
It was about a month ago. The phone rang. I picked up the handset. It was my daughter in Istanbul. Of course, I was glad to hear her voice. After inquiring her and my health, we talked about some issues for a while. I don't remember how it was opened up, she said me that ... Views: 891
Dear Readers,
An unbelieving heart is a dead heart. Faith is like spirit of heart. Heart awakens through faith. As long as the love of Allah, which is the light of faith in heart, increases, a spiritual joy, serenity, peace occur at heart. This situation is reflected likewise to human’s body, ... Views: 905
Dear Readers,
Not to die as an unbeliever, a believer must correct his faith in accordance with the information given by ahl al-sunnah scholars, must avoid from prohibitions, and must fulfill the orders.
Avoiding from prohibitions is called as "riyazat", fulfilling the orders is called ... Views: 927
Dear Readers,
Of course, dying as a unbeliever when expiring is the most intense fear for a Muslim. One day some of his lovers asked Junayd al-Baghdadi hazrats that "Sir, what is the greatest issue for a Muslim?" He ordered that “The most important issue for a Muslim is to leave this world ... Views: 984
Dear readers,
Although death is the bridge that unites the believer with Allah; one should not ask for his own death. Instead one should try to increase his good deeds in this ephemeral world. Because our Prophet (s.a.w.) ordered:
"World is the field of afterlife.” [Daylami]
“Do not ... Views: 854
Dear readers,
Death is an absolute phenomenon will happen to every living being. It is impossible to run away from it. We should not be unwary from it. Death is the beginning of a new life. Afterlife is a new divine order where the divine justice shall be fulfilled. Allah notifies us through ... Views: 2690
Dear readers,
One of the religious obligations for an absolute faith is to have faith in afterlife. It is ordered in a Qur'an verse:
"Any who denieth Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messenger, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far astray." [Nisaa, 136].
In the famous hadith ... Views: 940
Dear readers,
It is our duty to believe that all of our prophets have been sent by Allah. It is our duty to believe that all the knowledge notified by them are true and real. It is ordered in the verse from the Qur'an that:
"The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from ... Views: 913
Dear readers,
In my previous articles, prophets that appear in the Qur’an were listed. It should have drawn your attention. Almost all of Allah’s prophets that are elected to notify the divine mercy are males. For some reason, women are not assigned as prophets. This situation is stated in ... Views: 1039
Dear readers,
Just like one must believe in Allah, His angels and books for a proper and absolute faith, it is similarly compulsory to believe that the messengers of Allah (s.w.t.) who communicated them to us are valid.
"The first prophet is Adam (a.s) and the last is Mohammad Mustapha ... Views: 1045
Dear readers,
Qur’an is a very valuable source which separates truth from falsehood and which cannot be invalidated by any document neither in the past nor in the future.
"Those who reject the Message when it comes to them (are not hidden from Us). And indeed it is a Book of exalted power. ... Views: 841
Dear readers,
Rasulullah (s.a.w.) attached great importance to learning, teaching and reading Qur’an.
"The most virtuous among you are those who learn and teach Qur’an." [Bukhari]
"The most supreme worship in my community is to read Qur’an." [Abu Nu'aym]
"In a house where Qur’an ... Views: 845
Dear readers,
As I stated in my previous article, numerous atheists and enemies of Islam have been intensely desirous of altering Qur’an, distorting it, raising doubts in the hearts of Muslims because Qur’an is the fundamental and the securest source of Islam. But can the truth ever be ... Views: 924
Dear Readers,
The third pillar of faith is belief in Allah's books. It is ordered in the verse from the Qur'an that:
"And who believe in the Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time;" [Baqarah, 4]
We must believe in Qur'an which was given to Rasulullah (a.s.) and Torah, ... Views: 1033
Dear Readers,
Allah (swt) did not leave human, whom He bestowed with reason and will, undisciplined after He created them. All works and words of human are recorded and kept by angels. It is ordered in the verses from the Qur'an that:
"But verily over you (are appointed angels) to protect ... Views: 870
Dear Readers,
The second pillar of faith is belief in Angels. Angels belong to The Amr Alam (The Command World or The Angelic World), which is one of the two big worlds which was created by Allah (swt). It is an unseen world, which is also called as world of spirits. It is not possible to ... Views: 969
Dear Readers,
I would like to explain another important subject within believing in Allah. Some of the scientists think that religion is a "dogma" and the most important obstacle of science. This is certainly a big mistake.
It is obvious that the judgments of the religion are not ... Views: 971
Dear Readers,
Allah is excluded from space and time. In other words, He exists without a location and as timeless. Time and space concepts are the concepts belong to the material world. On the other hand, the material world is created in image level. For this reason, there is a mental ... Views: 1587
Dear Readers,
Our daily lives, family meetings, concerts and chats include so many statements and behaviors which harm the "oneness" belief of the human.
The lyrics of the songs are shocking. Some of them include lyrics meaning "You created me", "I worship you" and "I worship Allah and ... Views: 966
Dear Readers,
Allah (swt) partially and symbolically bestowed some of His subuti attributes as seeing, hearing, speaking, .. and some of His moral characteristics as mercy, grace, fairness and patience to His servants. However these attributes of Allah (swt) can never be compared with the ... Views: 1050
Dear Readers,
Believing in Allah (swt) means believing all Personal and Subuti attributes of Allah (swt) as they are stated in Qur'an which is the main source of religion and its best interpretation and explanation, Hadiths. His attributes do not resemble the characteristics of those He ... Views: 884
Dear Readers,
In one of my previous articles, I had stated that Imam-ı Rabbani hazrats ordered that "when a person says "Lailahe illallah" (there is no god, but Allah) by being aware of its meaning, a touch of belief occurs in his heart".(1)
The touch of belief that occurs with the word ... Views: 1064
Dear Readers,
The religion is Islam in the sight of Allah (swt). The ordered religion has an "invisible aspect" related to the heart besides "visible aspect" related to worship. The invisible aspect of religion related to heart is called "Faith" and the visible aspect related to worship is ... Views: 1019
Dear Readers,
Islam is the whole of the spiritual values that make the human a mature, decent and happy. He becomes a perfect human being in this way. Islam is a teaching system which belongs to Allah (swt). Islam is the tawhid (oneness) belief that is based on accepting and approving that ... Views: 931
Dear Readers,
The human is a creation masterpiece. He is a respectable creature who is equipped with extraordinary qualifications and capabilities. Most of all, the human is created in accordance to achieve spiritual ascension.
Nowadays, the scientists accept the monkeys, which are called ... Views: 1034
Dear Readers,
There is only one truth in absolute sense. It is Allah Himself. In various parts of Qur'an, it is ordered that Allah (swt) is the only truth:
"That is because Allah is the Truth." (Luqman, 30)
"All that is on earth will perish: But will abide (for ever) the Face of thy ... Views: 903
Dear Readers,
In my previous article, I stated that Allah (swt) corrected all the wrong information and comments about Him with the last book that was sent to human through His Messengers.
Qur'an gave a true and real insight that is appropriate to the facts to attributes of Allah besides ... Views: 1045
Dear Readers,
The human beings live in an "order" that we call the universe. This organization has a unique and perfect structure. Everything is created in its proper place, given a creation purpose, equipped in accordance with the creation purpose, and correlated in the best way within the ... Views: 1038
Hello my precious brother,
I have frequently mentioned in my previous articles that Islam is accepting to receive His divine education by being subject to the will of Allah. Since the creation of the first human being, those who had adopted this divine education reached the peak of maturity ... Views: 1311
Hello my precious brother,
I had talked about the five existence dimensions of the human to you in my previous articles. The human gathers on himself all the physical and chemical features of the matters world in first dimension, all the physiological features of the plants world in second ... Views: 1054
(If you wish to obtain more benefit from this article, please read firstly our "Correct Understanding the Human" titled article.)
My precious brother,
I had talked about five dimensions of the human existence in my previous article.
"Substance", "Physiological" and "Psychological" ... Views: 4613
Hello my precious brother,
The human has been created in the just centre of the values in the Universe. He is one of the most honourable of the creatures. He is a dear and respected existent. If we can understand the human in a correct way, it becomes possible to understand a lot of things in a ... Views: 1058