So everyone here I am sitting on my chair and contemplating life. Why? I have no idea and that is my point. How many times do we sit on our deirerre and become the chair the thought of the chair and the desire to be the chair while doing nothing about the chair?
Nothing to do about nothing I ... Views: 1002
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Another destination - by Suzanne Montpetit author of The Thought Factor learning to debate with the inner self
We seem to come and go all the time, but have we ever seen death as another destination? Death is a place of being just like going to the store, your job, learning and loving. All destinations can be internal as external where we can choose and choose again how we want to get there full steam. ... Views: 1120
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Another destination - by Suzanne Montpetit author of The Thought Factor learning to debate with the inner self
We seem to come and go all the time, but have we ever seen death as another destination? Death is a place of being just like going to the store, your job, learning and loving. All destinations can be internal as external where we can choose and choose again how we want to get there full steam. ... Views: 1089
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Morning after - by Suzanne Montpetit The Thought Factor and author of Frog Dreams
The morning after we always want to assess what we did or did not do the day before.
We wonder, we wander, we go forward with change and we regress from those changes that we find are to hard to digest. its too bad we cannot develop a pill that mentally helps us stimulate the process of change ... Views: 1305
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Morning after - by Suzanne Montpetit The Thought Factor and author of Frog Dreams
The morning after we always want to assess what we did or did not do the day before.
We wonder, we wander, we go forward with change and we regress from those changes that we find are to hard to digest. its too bad we cannot develop a pill that mentally helps us stimulate the process of change ... Views: 1369
One day I was walking along and found myself looking into a deep hole at the root of a large tree. Wondering and being the inquisitive being I am I got down on my knees and peered into the dust covered tunnel that ran deep into the ground. Ah, and where does this lead I thought to myself? I ... Views: 1059
So how do we decide what we what and how is it sometimes we don't get it at least in the way we imagined it? Sometimes life brings us what our self conscious wants and desires and we unconsciously can't change it. Why is that? well because we don't have the life skills to understand how the ... Views: 1162