What can be hard for someone to comprehend is why a man wouldn’t be able to see that he is focused on his mother and is neglecting himself. Now, the impact that his behaviour has on them is likely to depend on the type of relationship that they have with him.
Naturally, if this relates to a ... Views: 180
In order for someone to be able to freely express themselves, they will need to feel safe enough to do so. So, if they don’t feel safe, they are likely to have the need to hide who they are and please others.
In this case, their attention won’t be on what is taking place inside and outside of ... Views: 168
If a man’s life revolves around his mother, he is not going to have much time for another woman. If he was to get into a relationship, then, he is unlikely to have much time for her.
His mother will come first and his partner will come second. In the beginning, his partner might not have much ... Views: 180
If someone was to take a step back and reflect on their life, what might end up standing out is that they often experience a sense of disgust. When this takes place, they will be around something or someone that causes them to be repulsed and they could even feel sick.
This will then be a ... Views: 265
At times, it will be necessary for someone to relax and recharge, and, at other times, it will be necessary for them to take action and get things done. The fire that is inside them won’t be activated when they are relaxed and it will be when they are not.
However, to say that this fire will ... Views: 152
Now, although a man can’t leave his body and get into another person’s body, what he can do is mentally leave his body and focus on another person. When this takes place, he won’t have a strong connection with what is going on inside him but he will be aware of what is going on inside ... Views: 182
Nowadays, there are numerous books that go into what women are like and the truth about female nature. If, then, a man wants to understand women, he won’t find that there is a shortage of information on this topic.
Yet, if he has this need, he doesn’t need to read a book, as he will be able ... Views: 166
If a man is in a position where he spends a lot of his time and energy doing things for his mother, he is going to neglect his own needs. The reason for this is that there is only one of him.
However, if there were two of him, he would be able to focus on her and be there for himself. ... Views: 256
What someone may come to see, if they were to take a step back and reflect on their life, is that they have the tendency to feel jealous. But, this might not be something that they experience from time to time; no, it could be something that is a regular occurrence.
Consequently, when they ... Views: 158
Having the ability to adapt is important; after all, there are going to be times when something won’t go to plan. During a moment like this, someone will need to be able to change their approach.
If they were unable to do this, it wouldn’t be possible for them to move forward and to achieve ... Views: 141
Deep down, in their unconscious mind, someone can carry numerous unmet developmental needs. But, because they are outside of their conscious awareness, this won’t be something that they are aware of.
However, even though this is the case, it doesn’t mean that these needs will lie dormant and ... Views: 163
Based on how a man typically comes across, it can be as if he only has a masculine aspect. In other words, he can come across as emotionless, hard and as though nothing fazes him.
And, if he was to come across a man who is emotionally expressive and sensitive, he could criticise him. This ... Views: 154
If a man is in a position where he was in a relationship and this relationship largely came to an end because he was too focused on his mother, he could now be looking into what he can do to change his life. This relationship may have finished a few weeks ago or might have ended a number of ... Views: 184
If a man was to take a step back and reflect on how he behaves, he could find that he spends a lot of time doing things so that he can be enough. He could find that this doesn’t relate to being enough in general, it relates to being enough for a woman.
He could then spend a lot of time trying ... Views: 168
Even though someone is an imperfect human being, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this. Thus, they won’t be able to accept that making mistakes and getting things wrong is part of the human experience.
Naturally, this is going to cause them to experience a lot of unnecessary pressure. ... Views: 140
After a man has come to see that he is focused on his mother and is abandoning himself in the process, he could experience a fair amount of anger and frustration. Nonetheless, as his life is not going to be very fulfilling, it is to be expected that he would feel this way.
Along with this, ... Views: 174
When it comes to a man who is unknowingly caught up in his mother’s world, it can seem as though the best thing that can happen is for him to ‘wake up’. What this will do is allow him to see what is going on and to gradually change his life.
After all, he is not here to merely be an extension ... Views: 146
If a man was to see that he is out of balance, after focusing on his mother and not having much of a life for however long, he can look into what he can do to change his life. He can then be angry and fed up with how his life is but he can be relieved that he can now do something about ... Views: 148
What can be normal is for someone to be out of touch with how they feel and a number of their needs. By being this way, they are going to neglect themselves and this can mean that they will often feel drained.
So, their need to relax and connect deeply with others can typically be overlooked. ... Views: 158
A man might not remember a great deal about what his early years were like but that doesn’t mean that he will have truly moved on from this stage of his life. However, if this stage of his life has more or less been blocked out by his brain, he won’t be able to realise this.
As a result of ... Views: 182
If a man is focused on and often does things for his mother, he is going to be like a caretaker. Along with what he does for her, he might create the impression that he is happy to be there for her.
Based on how he behaves, it will be as though his sole purpose is to be there for his mother ... Views: 164
Having feelings is part of the human experience but that doesn’t mean that someone will have a good relationship with their own. What can be normal is for them to be out of touch with how they feel.
This part of them is there to provide them with guidance. Consequently, they are typically not ... Views: 161
If someone was to take a step back and reflect on their life, what might end up standing out is that they have a strong fear of being left. So, they can believe that their friends are going to leave them and perhaps their partner, if they have one.
By being this way, they could see that they ... Views: 166
If a man is caught up in his mother’s world, he might not be the only one in this position as his father could also be in the same position. Assuming that this is so, there will be what he does for his mother and what his father does for her.
Based on this, the weight of his mother’s life is ... Views: 173
It could be said that it is part of the human experience to want to not only be loved but to also love. But, although this is the case, it doesn’t mean that someone will be in touch with both of these needs.
If they aren’t, these needs will be repressed and will, therefore, be outside of ... Views: 148
What is clear is that a man can only have one life; he can’t have two or more lives. Therefore, if he spends a lot of time doing things for his mother, it is naturally going to have a negative impact on his ability to have a life that is fulfilling.
In fact, due to how caught up he is in his ... Views: 155
If someone was to step back and reflect on their life, what they may find is that they often feel angry and even enraged. At times, due to how worked up they become, they could lose the ability to think clearly and do things that they later regret.
This could be how they have been for as long ... Views: 155
A little while ago, there were lockdowns in place that prevented millions of people from being able to carry on as normal. The main purpose of these lockdowns was said to have been to try to stop the virus from spreading.
Since then, there has been a war between Russia and Ukraine. And, to go ... Views: 162
Just because someone is an individual, with their own needs and feelings, it doesn’t mean that they generally act like one. In general, they could do what they can to please others.
As a result of this, it will be as if they are here to serve the needs of others, not to have their own life. ... Views: 156
If someone has come to see that they were mistreated during their formative years, they could have a strong need to talk to their parent or parents about what happened. Now, it might seem strange as to how they have only just come to see that this was the case.
However, what needs to be ... Views: 160
Although someone’s body is part of them and is, therefore, not something that they can get rid of, it doesn’t mean that they have embraced it. As a result of this, they may overlook this part of them or they could do just about everything that they can to change it.
What this will illustrate ... Views: 167
Even though a man is a separate human being with his own needs and feelings and life to lead, it doesn’t mean that he will act like one. Instead, what can be normal is for him to act as if he is an extension of his mother.
He is then not going to be the main actor in his own life; he will be ... Views: 164
If a man was to step back and reflect on how he sees women, he might find that he doesn’t have a positive view of them. He could see them as cold, critical, cruel and emotionally unstable and unpredictable, among other things.
As to why he sees them in this way, it is likely to be a sign that ... Views: 161
After getting to the stage where they can see that they are typically only appreciated for their looks, they could end up coming to see that this is largely due to how they present themselves. Although they will have many different sides to them, they might have primarily focused on one ... Views: 173
After feeling pretty exhausted and no longer having the energy to behave as they normally would, someone could think about how they find it hard to say no. What can be normal is for them to spend a lot of time doing things that they would rather not do.
They are then going to be like an ... Views: 167
What a man may find, if he was to step back and reflect on his life, is that he finds it hard to experience both ‘positive’ feelings and good things for very long. Therefore, whenever he has felt good, it might not have been long before his mood changed.
And, whenever an area of life is going ... Views: 174
If someone has been able to get to the stage where they can see that how their mother behaved during their formative years was anything but healthy, they could wonder why she was this way. But that might not be all there is to it, though, as their mother might not be much different now that they ... Views: 152
Even though someone is a valuable human being, who has the right to say no and live their own life, it doesn’t mean that they will know this at the core of their being. Consequently, they can be accustomed to being treated badly and putting up with things that don’t serve them, saying yes to ... Views: 168
When it comes to how someone behaves, it might generally be a reflection of their true self. Then again, it might generally be a reflection of their false self.
If it is generally a reflection of their true self, it will mean that they will have a strong connection with their body. By having ... Views: 162
During a man’s developmental years, he may have not only had a mother who was abusive, but his father may have also been abusive. In this case, both of his parents would have played a part in undermining him.
A stage of his life, then, when he needed his mother's and father's love would have ... Views: 181
What can be normal is for someone to be passive and lack motivation. This could be how they have been for as long as they can remember.
Due to this, they might typically only do what they have to do. Based on how they live their life, it will be as though they have given up on life and don’t ... Views: 162
Nowadays, a lot is often said about having the ‘right mindset’ and being mentally strong. By having the right mindset and being mentally strong, someone will be more likely to achieve their goals and handle the challenges that come their way.
Naturally, if someone sees themselves and the ... Views: 173
At this point in time, a man could believe that, once he finds the right woman, he will settle down. If so, this will mean that he is either not in a relationship, or he is simply having casual encounters.
Over the years, he might have dated a number of women; then again, he might have only ... Views: 173
Based on how someone behaves, it could be as if they are here to meet other people’s needs and don’t have any of their own. The reason for this is that they could act like an extension of others.
Apart from taking care of their basic needs, then, such as their need to eat and sleep, they ... Views: 156
Even though someone is an adult, it doesn’t mean that they have it together and are living a fulfilling life. Instead, their life could be one big struggle and they could be well and truly fed up.
But, if this is just what is normal, what is going on for them might not stand out. As a result ... Views: 180
There are going to be moments when someone needs to be in an active state and moments when they will need to be in a passive state. They are, after all, not a tree and neither are they a machine.
If they were more or less always in doing mode, they are likely to end up being burnt out before ... Views: 191
If someone’s inner world was a climate, it might be somewhere that is typically extremely cold. The reason for this is that they might rarely talk to themselves in a kind manner and they could often experience ‘negative’ feelings.
Therefore, when they do have moments when they talk to ... Views: 149
Over the years, a man may have been with a number of women who were anything but nurturing. These women may have undermined him in a variety of different ways and made his life a misery.
Once his time with one of these women came to an end, it might have taken him a number of months if not ... Views: 185
Even though someone is a separate being that has their own needs and feelings, based on how they typically behave, it can be as though they are merely an extension of others. They are then going to be focused on other people’s needs.
Due to how caught up they are in other people’s lives, they ... Views: 173
Recently, a man may have been in a relationship that seemed to be going well and then, out of nowhere, it came to an end. As a result of this, he could be in a pretty bad way and find it hard to function.
When he is not feeling low and flat, he could be filled with a deep sense of sadness and ... Views: 203