This past weekend, my family and I had the pleasure of what Minnesotan’s lovingly call, “going up north!” Essentially, it means communing with nature either on the north shore of Lake Superior or in the North woods/Lakes area. It is also understood that what you experience up there is a profound ... Views: 1038
I’m not big on schedules and structures, though I would like to be. I admire those who create their own schedules and stick to them as well as those who accept institutional structures that tell them where to be, what to do, when to show up and how long to stay. I, on the other hand, am one of ... Views: 1388
This past week, I found myself on the road again. My family and I took an emergency road trip to my husband’s home town. Though, not a pleasant reason to travel, I suddenly remembered how much I like the actual process of traveling.
When I was a kid, we traveled a lot My parents being ... Views: 938
It’s become more and more apparent to me lately that I’m a child of the 80's. I may have been born in the late 60's but my high school and college years spanned the full spectrum, 1981-1989. Not only do I remember the Reagan years as the “all about me” years but I can hear just about any 80's ... Views: 1109
There’s a strange saying going around my house. Perhaps you may have heard it too? It sounds a bit whiny and even nasal at times. Often it’s followed by a gasp, annoyed intonation or a rolling of the eyes. Yes, you guessed it, it sounds like this: “But I don’t feel like it!”
This ... Views: 1001
I don’t like to exercise! I mean, the thought of intentionally moving my body is so unappealing that I’d rather just forget the whole thing. As a youngster, I was quite athletic. In fact, in high school, I made the varsity tennis team as an incoming freshman! I guess, now, left to my own ... Views: 885
Saw the movie Adjustment Bureau and liked it a lot! It made me think about all the times I forced myself to do something or accomplish something without my heart being truly in it. Like the many sales jobs I’ve had over the years and just didn’t believe in the product. It didn’t matter how ... Views: 1029
Last weekend marked the end of yet another season of basketball for my daughter. An unusually demanding season, I still found myself looking forward to not just watching her play but to cheer and gab with other parents. It started out as any other season except that I seemed much more ... Views: 951
Last Friday, I attended something called the Spiritual Spa at the Carondelet Center in St. Paul. I was hoping to get some time to just relax, draw, journal, whatever. I ended up getting some of that and so much more Before lunch, we, the Spiritual Spa participants, were invited to collect ... Views: 7128
Where’s the Connective Flow?
With so many things shifting in our world today, it’s hard not to get carried away with political rhetoric, fear, anxiety, etc. So often, in times such as these, it’s easy to just want to control your own little piece of the world and micro-manage all that comes ... Views: 1712
I’ve had interesting discussions lately about the Chinese culture and how it compares to our own. First, a high school teacher and I approached our students by comparing and contrasting the education systems within the two countries. Our students seemed taken aback as we discussed how China ... Views: 1061
I first went to see Dr. P because I had a pain in my leg, now I go to him because he helps me pay attention to what my body says and needs. Let me explain.
My initial chiropractic evaluation was a bit unsettling with all that cracking, especially around the neck. For some people, the neck ... Views: 1093
My daughter has had a love affair with ball sports since any of us can remember. She’s tried dance, gymnastics, skating, swimming and even fencing but nothing seems to compare to her desire to hit, pass, chase or kick that ball! She’s not discriminating about the size of the ball either as long ... Views: 1172