Quotes and comments are from an Article published at:
Subject: From A.D.H.D. to 8 Gold Medals
In a recent interview with the New York Times, Deborah Phelps, middle school principal and mother of Michael Phelps, the most ... Views: 3878
If you lived to 500 years old, you might stand a chance to read all the articles on Wikipedia or a quarter of the books on Amazon.com.
Unfortunately we do not live to 500, and would need a fortune to buy half of the books on Amazon.com, so how about a solution that fits into one lifetime and ... Views: 2661
Capture the Lost Art of Concentration
Did you ever wish you were “octo-mom” or maybe had three heads instead of one? Having one head for each thing we are doing at any given time would be a blessing in today’s fast paced society. multi-tasking is what our surroundings have moved us too. But ... Views: 3606
Do want Good Grades, Study Little, AND Have a Life?
This is an issue that presents itself time and again. Students of all ages benefit when they increase brain power. Since the subconscious mind is the doer, put it to work for you to allow you to excel, and make your life more enjoyable. Good ... Views: 4338
Insights from a different world:
· Do You have a Photographic Memory?
· Do you Know how to Manage your Brain?
· Is you Mind Clear for Decision Making?
The following is a television description of documentary content I am editorializing:
The series exploring remarkable tales of human experience ... Views: 3486
Did you know you are what you perceive?
What you think about yourself becomes your reality
your own self-fulfilling prophecy.
Do you know that your beliefs define your reality?
This limits you for everything you do in life, even success.
What is "Whole Brain Learning"?
There are ways that you ... Views: 3119
What is Your Top 10?
A Business Marketing Exercise
Recently I was asked, what make your product different from other products in the market? The question was asked by a promoter wanting to promote our seminar using the top 10 things that make it different. This made me stop and think. This ... Views: 1771
(Government Spending on Education)… When was the last time you heard that the government got more than what it paid for by throwing hundreds of millions of dollars towards educating our children? What level of education for our children should we expect from the result of all ... Views: 2111
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***Matrix Breaker - by Shannon Panzo, the Official Guide to Mind Power
I am often asked, “How has using Brain Management and Mental Photography Changed your Life?”
Imagine having an idyllic lifestyle, meeting great people, loving your work, and having the opportunity to share a unique system with others – a system that allows you to break free of your paradigm ... Views: 1316
with contributions by Alina Berdichevsky
If someone had told me that I will one day be able to process information at 25,000+ words per minute, I would have told them they have a better chance winning a chicken-eating contest with Elvis Presley. And yet, I have learned Italian after only 3 ... Views: 1365
With contributions by Faye Taylor
THE MIND has intrigued humankind for centuries. Not many have stood out like
Confucius, Socrates or Einstein. Putting our own self-doubts to the side momentarily, American Brain Management expert Shannon Panzo believes we are all capable of achieving such ... Views: 2502
The Healing Power of Truth!
I was just viewing a provocative video on the front page of SelfGrowth.com. It was interesting and flabbergasting just what percentage of Americans are unwell in some way, shape, or form (most likely super-sized as well). Well, Mind To Mind is here to help! I suggest ... Views: 2184
Brain Management - Gain the Power of CLARITY
Recently, I was writing about another topic for the blog. That topic was “Mind to Mind - Integrity and Wellness - The Healing Power of Truth”! As you know, if you have been following my writing, I tend to build the clock - just to tell the time. ... Views: 8524
What are YOUR Plans for the New Year?
Hi my friends and colleagues. Since the Holiday season is upon us and the New Year is just around the corner, I wanted to bring your attention to a serious opportunity to make changes. Many of you have been doing it tough the second half the year, maybe the ... Views: 1983
Capture the Lost Art of Concentration
Did you ever wish you were “octo-mom” or maybe had three heads instead of one? Having one head for each thing we are doing at any given time would be a blessing in today’s fast paced society. multi-tasking is what our surroundings have moved us too. But ... Views: 1583
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Sex Sells… - by Shannon Panzo, the Official Guide to Mind Power
...everything from cars and cigarettes to your children’s favorite toys.
How are you and your family affected? Do you wonder why you are compelled to buy things you shouldn’t?
How would your life be different if Subliminal Advertising didn’t exist?
Why do advertisers spend billions of dollars ... Views: 1630
Mental Photography will Free up Your Time
When we were young we were all taught how to read. Today the average reading speed is 250 words per minute (wpm). Mental photography begins at 25,000 wpm and, during training; tests are employed at 52,000 wpm. How is this possible?
Richard Welch, ... Views: 1352
Be Your Own Psychic – Discover Your Own Path
As with all of the articles I present, I offer intrigue, different ways to look at things, observations of Human Nature, and the evolving Human Brain and Mind. Did you know that everyone is Psychic? You are! Does that sound so surprising to you? ... Views: 1970
Use Your BRAIN !
This is an exercise in the application of Mental Photography (ZOX)
I like to paint pictures. More precisely, I like to paint pictures for you to have some idea what it would be like for you to be using Mental Photography. And, if you already use Mental Photography, how to ... Views: 1323
I feel that I have a responsibility to reveal certain secrets to you here at MIND to MIND. Secrets that hold you back from your success.
Have you ever wondered about Your photographic memory? What would you think if I told you that you were born with a photographic memory? Some people carry ... Views: 3070
The following article may be very confrontational to some people. If you are easily disturbed by content that does not agree specifically with your beliefs, it may be better for you to pass this article by and not read it. Please keep in mind that “Mind To Mind – The Brain Accelerator” is ... Views: 1315
Added Monologue:
When I first posted this article, my intent was to be clear and only speak of one specific circumstance where the system that someone was using didn’t provide what his goal was. I wanted to keep it brief - maybe too brief. (I apologize to my readers that I was not more ... Views: 1600
(Note: Mental photography is also known as subliminal photography in the U.S.)
Ask yourself…
“What can be BETTER than READING?” How about 10,000% better than reading? Assimilate information at least 100 times the average reading speed? With 100% retention for life...and 100 times the ... Views: 7797
In a World Gone Nuts! Fear-Mongers Caught in the Backlash!
Good Lessons in Observation
Strangeness is a state of life. You are strange to everyone around you because you are not them they are not you. You are individual with individual thoughts. You may think about things the same way, but ... Views: 1150
What is Goal Setting? Do you find that your goal setting is not working? Do you want to achieve your goals?
In my travels I ran across a corporate trainer that had taught over 10,000 people traditional “Goal Setting”. He had become thoroughly disenchanted with Goal Setting! Amazing to me, he ... Views: 1319
With contributions by Thornton Massie Tice
My son came to me one night while I was working on the computer and asked, "Poppa, can you find something about speed reading on the Internet for me? I'd like to learn it.” "Sure" I replied, and within a few seconds I had a page of speed-reading ... Views: 2431
Mind To Mind (MINDtoMIND.com) Wants you to have somewhere you can go to gain perspective about the Self-Improvement, Self-Help Industry. This article is meant to highlight what I think you should be aware of from a ‘back-door’ point of view. Since I have been around the market for over 20 years, ... Views: 1807