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I love what I'm witnessing on this planet! In this wake of immense tragedy and wounding, more and more, we are "keeping our face in the light"! There is an unshakable, determined, collective choice to NOT be drawn into the fear and desperation, but to stand up taller and hold the lantern high. I ... Views: 648
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It's Just a Shoe! - by Kate Bares-Johnson, Founder: The Center for Well Being of Austin, Tx
Are you one of those people who feels a bit anxious when things get really, reaaaaaallly good? Do you habitually cover your proverbial head, waiting for the other shoe to drop? Ugh. Don't you just hate that? It's one thing to be awake and aware that the unexpected does and will occur, but to go ... Views: 1101
As an intuitive guide, healer, counselor and spiritual life coach, Kate has facilitated personal growth, transformation and soul awakening throughout Texas and the U.S. since 1992. Through her own life journey, as well as her experience as a spiritual "midwife" to others in their healing, she ... Views: 1107