They say “You are what you eat”, so we can also say that your mental health is affected by what you eat. If your blood sugar is all over the place, then your moods will be too. If you are eating foods devoid of B Vitamins and Omega 3 Fats, then Depression can set in. If your liver and ... Views: 3546
They say we make cancer cells in our body on a regular basis, so the important thing is whether our body can rid itself of these cancerous cells daily. Sometimes it seems like everything causes cancer, but there really is no one magic pill to protecting yourself against this condition. Diet, ... Views: 2095
There are two very important things for your blood sugar, they are diet and exercise. In your diet, you must keep the blood sugar balanced in order to keep your brain and emotions level. Eating every 3-4 hours, including fiber and protein in those meals, are the ways to balance your Blood Sugar ... Views: 2320
Having a child with Autism can be extremely challenging, as they are not like regular children and they cannot be treated as such. Autistic children respond differently, they learn differently and each is unique in their own way. When dealing with natural and other therapies, each child will ... Views: 1993
How can Hobbies help with your health? Having hobbies can help you keep busy so you are not overeating, they can lower your blood pressure, provide a release from stress, and keep your mind and body active. Want to quit smoking or drinking? Want to feel more interested in life, a sense of ... Views: 2308