In case you’re wondering, leaders make mistakes too. Leaders can veer off-course just like anyone, sometimes creating havoc in their wake. They’re human just like you and I, but the difference is, they chose to put themselves front and center. Whether leading a large company or institution, a ... Views: 1311
Customer satisfaction – I’ve heard it… you’ve heard it a gazillion times. Businesses, large and small, striving to fulfill their customers needs and desires. Doing everything they can to meet the customer’s expectations or demands; seemingly believing that as long as they have content ... Views: 1482
“Thank you for your business. Hope to see you again soon.” How many times have you heard that in your life as a consumer? As a business leader what irks me most about that statement is the word “hope”. Hope is not a business strategy, yet our team members use it as a parting gesture as our ... Views: 992
They come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are monumental distractions and time-wasters. Others are opportunities that seem almost too good to pass up. The one thing they have in common is, you and me and other entrepreneurs who constantly have their radar up and attract these things ... Views: 1168