Spiritual wellness can mean different things to different people however the most basic definition is a search for meaning and purpose; the values, ethics and morals that guide an individual and gives meaning and direction to their life.
For most of us spiritual wellness is an evolutionary ... Views: 3974
In the month of February the focus was love. It feels so right to begin March – Spiritual Wellness Month by sharing how taking time out for self-care allows you share the best of yourself with your family and through your business.
When you love yourself so much that you like yourself, you ... Views: 1691
The month of February reminds me of family, history and most of all love. Like most of you, I recognize and honor love each and every day but there is something very special about the collective consciousness that allows you to take a deeper look at how love shows up. What a wonderful time to ... Views: 1288
In our excitement to stick to our resolutions and reach the goals we set for the year, we can sometimes become overwhelmed with trying to fulfill them all at once. This can lead to postponing our dreams and not being able to help to create positive change in the lives of those we love and ... Views: 1333
Have you resolved to make a change this year but you are not quite sure if the resolution you’ve made is one you really want to commit to? Are you excited about making the change but resistance is much easier than stepping outside of your comfort zone? If either of these scenarios sounds ... Views: 1423
True freedom is having the courage to look yourself in the eyes and ask the important questions, to touch your own heart and the ability to touch your own heart and be the recipient of self love. It takes courage to realize that you are only on the edge of your comfort zone and are now ready to ... Views: 1363
December often brings about the idea of time. 23 days until Christmas… 29 days until the New Year! We begin to ask ourselves questions like …did I do everything I wanted to do this year? What are my New Years resolutions? And saying things like “Next year will be better.” And this is all before ... Views: 1363
There is a shift in the consciousness in our culture right now. More and more people want to live in integrity and do what their soul longs for instead of living a hybrid existence. This is particularly true for the soul-inspired entrepreneur.
Just like a hybrid vehicle that has two different ... Views: 1297
As much as I love the holidays, there is something special and peaceful about the few days before they arrive. The quiet you feel just before all of the preparation begins and the visitors arrive. Before the anticipation of a meal well cooked and the welcomed sounds and smells of the holidays. ... Views: 1344
If you have been following the articles of the past several weeks, you have probably been making some big changes in decluttering your life and preparing for the New Year. So let’s take a moment to breathe… relax… and look at some small shifts that can make big differences.
Just like any ... Views: 1503
In designing our lives, most of the time we start with listing things that we want to accomplish, places we wish to go or things we wish to accumulate instead of how we want to be in our life. When we align ourselves with the essence, beauty, and truth of who we already are it is easier to ... Views: 1325
A big part of releasing clutter this month in your business is keeping only what you absolutely love, use and need. The only way to do that is to take inventory of every area of your business including your team and how you work together.
Your team can be either formal, informal, or a ... Views: 1339
In the past few years, the way we communicate has expanded so much that it has affected everything we do. A lot of the processes we use to communicate are not new. Think about it; the first telephone was invented in 1876, the first television in 1925, and the first computer 1939. They have all ... Views: 1561
Have you ever been so passionate about your business, so in love with your business that you’ve stayed up late, maybe most of the night to work on an upcoming project? Have you gotten up early because the spark of an idea woke you up without the need of an alarm clock? What I am describing is ... Views: 1405
Have you found that while aligning your life that you have shifted but your resources have not? One of the great joys of being a conscious entrepreneur is that you absolutely know that you can create the lifestyle you desire.
When I consciously made the decision to not only align my ... Views: 1381
Have you ever felt that you were getting ready for an adventure? Or that you were preparing for a journey that will absolutely empower your life? Well, as you know everyday retreats can happen at anytime. One of my favorite retreats is a travel retreat and here is one that I’d love sharing with ... Views: 1451
A few years ago, I participated in a retreat that up until that time was one of the most soul fulfilling journeys that I could consciously remember experiencing.
The center itself was nestled in the warmth of nature, miles away from the busyness of life. And although, it was located in North ... Views: 1273