{Connie Huebner facilities the presence of Divine Mother by putting her attention on the deepest level within her heart. She experiences the vibration of Divine Mother's name at the quiet inner most subtle level of life and is then able to have an intimate, inner conversation with Her. The ... Views: 1115
{Connie Huebner facilities the presence of Divine Mother by putting her attention on the deepest level within her heart. She experiences the vibration of Divine Mother's name at the quiet inner most subtle level of life and is then able to have an intimate, inner conversation with Her. The ... Views: 992
{Connie Huebner facilities the presence of Divine Mother by putting her attention on the deepest level within her heart. She experiences the vibration of Divine Mother's name at the quiet inner most subtle level of life and is then able to have an intimate, inner conversation with Her. The ... Views: 1079
{Connie Huebner facilities the presence of Divine Mother by putting her attention on the deepest level within her heart. She experiences the vibration of Divine Mother's name at the quiet inner most subtle level of life and is then able to have an intimate, inner conversation with Her. The ... Views: 1074
Question: Over the weekend I heard someone talking about 2012. On the one hand he was very inspiring but on the other hand it was rather doomish and gloomish and it really threw me off for a bit so I wondered if Divine Mother would give her take on 2012.
Divine Mother: We need a year to ... Views: 1264
Question: There is a lot of talk about raising our vibration to our Light bodies instead of ascending.
Divine Mother: Raising your vibration to your Light body is the Ascension process. It is happening. That's what we do here -- we lift the vibration. We change the composition of your ... Views: 1664
Question: Divine Mother talks about the wisdom coming from the heart and the knowledge from the heart versus the knowledge coming from the intellect…could you talk about the difference?
Divine Mother: What has happened is too much reliance has been given to the intellect and in that ... Views: 1405
Question: How do I get the mind to serve the Infinite?
Divine Mother: The way to assist the thinking mind (ego mind, small mind) to serve Dharma, to serve Love, is to surrender (which I believe you are saying, just using a different word), to surrender the ideas to the heart ... Views: 1084
Question: I have a question about solving the problems by just imaging them dissolved. Could you elaborate on that? I am fascinated by that. I really like the idea.
Divine Mother: I want you to know that problems are energy that is no longer serving you. It has become a problem. If an ... Views: 1361
Question: If sleep is providing some rest for our bodies, it seems to me that there is also the opportunity to access some deeper levels of knowledge that we would not as readily access when we are awake. So my question is -- if we have a question about something in our lives, or want to gain ... Views: 1485
Question: Everybody that I know has major challenges going on in some part of their life. Things seem to be very intense. Could you talk about why and what can be done?
Divine Mother: This is because they are changing. There is a new Light coming to the earth. There is new Light flooding ... Views: 1246
Question: Divine Mother said that if you are not being successful, if what you manifest has some fear in it, this fear will haunt it and eventually destroy it. Personally in my life, a lot of things seem to be falling apart. Maybe they are falling apart because they are making way for new ... Views: 1640
Question: We were told to try to find the energy or the vibration of a negative emotion in order to dissolve it. This was very interesting to me. I would like a further explanation of the emotion and vibration.
Divine Mother: You are a vibrational package. Everything about you is vibration, ... Views: 1832
Question: Could you say something about losing a loved one through death?
Divine Mother: Yes, this is the ultimate in letting go in the relative life. If you can let go and soften into the Wholeness, you meet your loved one. If you try to hold on because they are no longer physical, then ... Views: 1338
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What is Dharma? - by Connie Huebner, facilitating the wisdom of Divine Mother
Question: What is Dharma? It seems like the message we’re getting today is that Dharma is something that is really every moment of life, that it’s a very vast thing. I’ve heard Dharma defined as Love. Is our Dharma just to become enlightened, however that is, or is there also some specific ... Views: 1199
Question: Divine Mother talks about the wisdom coming from the heart and the knowledge from the heart versus the knowledge coming from the intellect…could you talk about the difference?
Divine Mother: What has happened is too much reliance has been given to the intellect and in that ... Views: 1655
Question: How does one know that they are making the right decision, doing the right thing?
Divine Mother: You know by how you feel, by how you vibrate. It is about the happiness. It is about the liveliness in your system. It is about the thrill, the excitement. This is your confirmation. ... Views: 1375
Question: The mind thinks and creates structures, and you want us to break any negative structures that we create. And that means that we create other structures that are positive. I guess there is a doubt in my mind about whether I am creating positive structures or not. I'd like a ... Views: 1139
Question: What can we do if we feel depressed in any way?
Divine Mother: I want you to know something about depression. I want you to know why this situation is so debilitating. The truth is that when people don't allow themselves to be themselves, there is a repression of energy in the ... Views: 1501
Question: I know to call on Divine Mother when I am feeling ruffled or angry, if I'm aware that I am out of alignment. The problem seems to be that I am not aware that I am out of alignment. The anger or the fear takes me over. How can we be more aware when we are not in alignment to come ... Views: 1204