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Happiness. What is it? With well being and contentment to be glad, cheerful, lighthearted, joyful, joyous, satisfied.
No matter how you define it, it's a state of "being" - a way to "feel". It's when those pleasure endorphins race through our bodies creating that euphoric state - our natural ... Views: 1008
You may be wondering what our dreams have to do with personal growth. Everything! You see, our dreams are an ancient communication tool with our soul - through our subconscious mind - directing us, coaching us, guiding us to what's most important for US. It's not for others - it's like your own ... Views: 1623
How often have you "tried" to do something and failed...often miserably. There's yet another reason to not try again - another example of failure. Soon you just give up trying and stay stuck in a life of mediocrity that may feels comfortable, but erodes your soul every day you exist there, until ... Views: 798
Time is the one thing we can't buy more of, borrow, rent, sell or trade. On this, we're all on the same playing field. So why do some people seem to move effortlessly through their day, accomplishing much AND they seem happy and balanced? Time Management done the right way...create more time by ... Views: 783
Do you feel like your inner light is very dark? Do you feel like you're ready to implode with the stress of your adversity? Know that you're not alone, especially in this time of a global financial shift. Many others are experiencing the same kind of adversity that you are - right now. That ... Views: 2552
Life-balance is a myth! Yes, you heard right. There's no such thing as life balance - at least not on a permanent basis. Let me explain…
The Myth
To say that you have life-balance implies that all areas of your life are in balance - physical, career, financial, relationships, spiritual - ... Views: 852
Here we are, a quarter way into the year already. What resolutions did you set for yourself this year? Are you on track to reaching your goals or did you give up after the 3rd week in January? If you did, why do you think that is? You'd be surprised to hear that many people are in the same ... Views: 740
When's the last time someone said something about you and you suddenly felt "less than" - somehow not good enough? What if what other people say about you could just roll off your back like water off a duck? Learn how to keep your self-esteem when faced with negative feedback....
Self-Esteem. ... Views: 794
So, you've been thinking your life is a mess! It's not. It certainly feels like it is, but it's really just in a state of restructure and re-adjustment. You're feeling like everything is falling apart because that's the feedback you're getting from the actions you've taken in your this ... Views: 2303
Attitude. We see it in our body language, hear it in our tone of voice and feel it in our bodies. Our attitude can attract or repel others and sets the quality of our thoughts, our relationships and our lives.
It stands to reason then, that consciously adopting an empowering attitude would ... Views: 899
How Are You Connecting With People?
Let's face it, the connection we have with other people affects our health, happiness, financial worth, and success. Whether that's through close interpersonal relationships with family and partners, business relationships or casual acquaintances. How we ... Views: 4097
Where do you come from? I don't mean the physical location, but the people you come from - your environment. You see, the lessons you learned growing up are likely the beliefs you now carry with you. These beliefs shape who you are, how you do things, how you interact with others, and yes, ... Views: 721
For many, and unfortunately this is an overwhelming majority, setting goals is as unfathomable to them as horses walking on their hind legs. Why is that? Highly successful motivational speaker Jim Rohn shed some light on the answer when he said, "I find it fascinating that most people plan their ... Views: 933
You're playing a tug of war game that you just can't win. You tell the Universe what you want and initially you're excited and believe you'll get it. That starts the process of bringing you what you want. The next day, you're not so confident so the Universe says, "Wait, hold that order." The ... Views: 1025
"Worry doesn't help tomorrow's troubles, but it does ruin today's happiness."
You feel it creeping up on you like a bad dream. With one small thought, it starts in the pit of your stomach as a flutter and quickly builds momentum to debilitating fear. You can't move. You can't breathe. ... Views: 1012
Since the movie "The Secret" came out over 2 years ago now, millions of people have become aware of the Law of Attraction and how it can work in their lives. In fact, thousands of people have seen major shifts as a result of consciously practicing the Law of Attraction. However, thousands more ... Views: 1067
Ever wonder why some people are successful? It could be the type of person you are. There are 3 types of people, and 1 of them is successful. Which one are you?
There are those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who don't know what the heck ... Views: 1799
Do you know anyone who is always "getting ready to get ready"? They're going to look for a new job once they put the final touches on their resume. Or they're going to start writing that book as soon as they buy the software that will organize the story for them. It could be they're going to ... Views: 694