When you get your next paycheck, take a close look at it. The money that was deposited in your bank account was a direct result of the work your people did. You were rewarded for their performance or nonperformance—not yours. To tell yourself anything different is an outright denial of the ... Views: 1342
During seminars when I teach leaders the principle that “People don’t do dumb things on purpose.” invariably some joker will say, “Looks like you haven’t met my people.”
You may be thinking the same thing because like me, you’ve observed people do some really dumb things. What is important ... Views: 2082
In leadership one principle stands above all: You need your people more than they need you. Another way of saying this is that you get paid for what your people do, not for what you do.
If you only internalize one lesson about leadership, make this the one. A basic understanding that you ... Views: 1503
Trust in the workplace is fragile. Companies and their leaders have added to the inherent suspicion people carry for their bosses by using the terms trust, teamwork, and transparency as buzz words. They hire consultants, hold special meetings, or do team-building and trust-building exercises. ... Views: 1396
Leaders have tough jobs. Why? Because in most cases they bear 100 percent of the responsibility for the performance of their team yet receive little glory for their efforts. The best leaders work longer hours, endure more stress, and have greater responsibility than the people they manage. ... Views: 3217
As a leader you must never forget that you are the boss. You have power, and your decisions impact the lives and careers of the people on your team. Because you are the boss your people watch and analyze your every move—looking for meaning and clues to what you are thinking. What is most ... Views: 1098
We live in a society that thrives on 15-minutes-of-fame thrill rides. Reality shows like The Apprentice, where Donald Trump baits and then summarily fires contestants, dominate TV ratings. These shows frequently glorify the bad behavior that seems to be slowly, but surely, seeping into our ... Views: 2241
Here is the question most often asked by leaders: “How do I get my people to do what they are supposed to do?” In other words, most leaders are interested in how they can move people. Leaders are constantly seeking ways to motivate their employees to do take the right actions, for the right ... Views: 1026
Each week I travel the country speaking to groups of leaders at meetings and conferences. No matter where I go I’m asked the same question time and again by leaders ranging from frontline managers to CEOs , “How can I motivate my employees?” I’ve heard this question repeated thousands of times. ... Views: 1862
Here is a fact: As a leader the more questions you ask, the more your people will develop and ultimately win. To help people develop, you must first help them become aware, on their own terms, of the need to change. To do that, you ask questions. Unfortunately most leaders do not ask enough ... Views: 1251
Here’s a question: What is most important to your success?
Is it education, experience, product knowledge, job title, territory, or business dress? Is it your company’s reputation, product, price, marketing collateral, delivery lead times, in stock ratios, service guarantees, management ... Views: 5543