A vision board is something that you should absolutely use for creating a conscious life. It is an important tool for the visioning process. When activated alongside aligned actions, your vision board leverages on the Law of Attraction to propel your dreams forward.
If you don’t put in ... Views: 5234
Do you like the idea of turning your passion into a viable home business? Starting your own home business is definitely exciting, especially if it is something that you have been dreaming of for years. You like the thought of becoming an entrepreneur and being your own boss.
However, ... Views: 3287
Have you ever realized how often you blame yourself for your current circumstances? Perhaps you have made a mistake, done something silly or brought about dire consequences that dragged others down even. Whether big or small, you cannot let go of your emotional attachment to the memory of your ... Views: 6105
Have you ever considered that constant self-doubt may be what is holding you back from success? With self-doubt, the belief that you have what it takes to succeed diminishes. You are always putting yourself down.
It is hard to live a happy life if you are overwhelmed by self-doubt. You ... Views: 2914
"Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here." – Marriane Williamson
The idea that you need to love yourself first may seem foreign to you. It’s not something that you are comfortable with. After all, you have been taught that it would be selfish of you to place your own ... Views: 2228
At some point in time, you may have heard someone being labeled as being narcissistic. Or, someone may even have told you that you display narcissistic behavior. And so, you have wondered what exactly that term means.
In short, narcissism is a type of personality trait that can be ... Views: 1841
To learn how to deal with criticism, you will need to change your perspective. Instead of viewing it negatively, you should look it at as a positive learning experience to improve who you are. In this self-improvement guide, you will learn how to deal with criticism in such a way that it ... Views: 1419
Do you make perfectionism your goal or way of life? It is important to distinguish the differences between perfectionism and doing your best. I admit it. I have been a perfectionist. Having awareness has helped me avoid the crippling effects of perfectionism, which used to cripple me. Allow ... Views: 2833
The law of attraction requires you to be open to receiving. Your beliefs can have an impact on your ability to receive. Allow me to explain further. What you think about and believe is what you end up with in life. For instance, if you were raised in poverty, you may have taken on a scarcity ... Views: 4895
What is alchemy? Well, answering this question becomes confusing to many modern people because alchemy has been in a morass of confusion itself for centuries. What we can say for certain to begin with is that alchemy was the root of today’s modern science of chemistry. But what makes alchemy ... Views: 4972
In your life, you can unlock many beneficial perspectives and pieces of knowledge from knowing your archetypes. That is, the archetypes that best fit you and fit in with your life. You have certain archetypes in your psyche that are harmonized with who you are. However, you must first understand ... Views: 6533
Living a life of abundance is only a dream for some. However, living a life of true happiness does not have to remain a fantasy. The possibility of becoming happy is as much of a possibility as anything else. Don’t know where to start? Consider making some effective changes to your habits. Your ... Views: 2267
Successful people has found out that when they step out to find their true calling, money come to them very easily. Sticking to their vision brings their dreams forward. Indeed, as the saying that goes, "Find what you love to do for a living and the money will follow". In short, work at ... Views: 3432
In our wildest dreams, we would all like the idea of being an abundance magnet. Being one allows us to live a life of our desire. We do not have to struggle nor have to worry about our ability to pay off our monthly loan installments. In reality, while many of us have these dreams, we ... Views: 2314
What can be more fun other than spending time doing some creative visualization of your ultimate dreams? Just imagine achieving your wildest goals, having an ideal job and traveling to some far-flung corner of the world?
Unfortunately, when it comes to visualization, many people do not make ... Views: 3875
Many people have heard about the concept of creative visualization but have no understanding over what it really means. Should an attempt be made, they get into a panic when they find themselves unable to conjure a mental image when they close their eyes. Hence, there is a tendency to believe ... Views: 3075
You may be mistaken into believing that creative visualization involves intense hours of being at alpha levels of meditation. Which is why you find plenty of excuses not to set aside time for it. You also figure that it must be a complex process, something which you will not be able to do. ... Views: 2822
If you have not already realized it, you have already been using creative visualization everyday. Now how is that possible? It is because you have been manifesting whatever that your mind is focusing on. It is true that most of us tend to experience visualization in a negative way. We ... Views: 4842
Creative visualization is one great technique that can be used to manifest your goals and dreams. Creative visualization works based on the principles of the law of attraction. According to this law, the more you focus your mind on the things you want, the more likely it is that the universe ... Views: 5446
If you are not already aware, you are constantly talking to yourself. Your conversations are about yourself, others and your stories about the world. Some of it may be positive self talk that encourages you. However, more often than not, our self talk is made up of a lot of negative, self ... Views: 3344
Your self image is the opinion you have about yourself. Just like how you would form judgments about others, you can also view yourself in a certain way. The problem is that many people do not have very positive self images. They can judge themselves pretty harshly. A negative self image ... Views: 5506
We are drawn to the idea of manifesting wealth because we believe that money can help us solve many of our everyday problems. Indeed, money is needed to help us pay our bills, buy food and run our living expenses. We also need money for material comforts or even to take us traveling. ... Views: 1827
Manifesting abundance starts with being already contented with what you already have. However, contentment is not about being external gratification alone. True contentment comes from self acceptance. It is about loving yourself unconditionally. Hence, if you wish to manifest abundance, you ... Views: 4321
Money affirmations can be used to help us attract the wealth we desire. The problem that many of us face is that we have a poor relationship with money. We put ourselves in inner conflict because of our misunderstandings. Hence, we need to improve on our self talk with and about money. By ... Views: 2388
We can use positive affirmations to influence or even override our habitual patterns of thought. Many of us have been largely conditioned in the way we think since young. We believed what was told to us by our parents and caregivers. We simply accepted them without question. Over time, the ... Views: 6003
The "wounded child" is an archetype containing negative emotional patterns of our youth. You have a blocked or damaged archetypal pattern when you allow your wounded child to run your life. You find yourself attracting the same repeated pattern of negative experiences in your adult life. You ... Views: 14571
It is important to set yourself up for success. Repeated so-called failures can show up the same learning lessons, of which you may have difficulty recognizing. Despite detailed goal setting, planning and all, it is possible that you have been unconsciously sabotaging yourself. It may well be ... Views: 1549
Is the person that you see in the mirror really who you are? Perhaps it is that you have been adopting a false front to hide your true self. Or it can be the case that you do not really know yourself deep down inside. You often see yourself through the lenses of others. You believe what they ... Views: 1182
We are often told not to hold on to the past if we want to embrace a brighter future. After all, the past is already in the past and there is nothing we can do about it. This view is mostly correct. However, if there are patterns in the past that have been keeping you stuck, it is a good idea ... Views: 1326
The world today is getting more interconnected. Success cannot happen if you are in isolation. For your business to be successful, you need to build good relationships. It is inevitable that you need the support of your clients, suppliers, friends, family, and colleagues. You need to interact ... Views: 8250
"Psst!" You’ll hear someone say in a Wall Street bar. "Do I have a great stock tip for you!" It sure sounds like a dream come true for you; getting a stock tip from someone who is in the know. However, it is better to learn how to trade or invest yourself, rather than rely on getting stock picks ... Views: 1353
Would it not be great to have the chance to sit down to lunch or have a drink with some of the world's most successful people -- and get their advice on building your own wealth? Well, if you've been having trouble getting your calls returned, we've created some great wealth building tips based ... Views: 3142
Who wouldn't want a life lesson from Donald Trump? One of the world's most successful -- and popular billionaires. He owns some of the U.S.A.'s most prime real estate and is best known for his NBC television show The Apprentice. The words "You're fired!" are permanently tied to Mr. Trump for so ... Views: 10009
Many people are hungry for love. They seek out love and would do anything for love. Yet the love they so desperately want are lacking within. They are people with every bit of anger and little forgiveness towards themselves. Because their hearts are already closed in the first place, they will ... Views: 1465
You have probably heard the saying that people are "funny" about money. This saying highlights that when it comes to money issues, lots of people get very emotional. Whether you have a lot or you have a little -- your emotions become involved when we look at our bank statments or open our ... Views: 1292
We all can develop our awareness to increase intuition. Your intuition is speaking to you all the time. But are you listening? Understanding your intuition's voice can be critical to your life's success in every area. From relationships, work, abundance, creativity and long-term planning: ... Views: 5553
When you are around clutter, you can just about feel it psychically. Clutter affects us in many ways. Feng Shui masters have spoken for years about the benefits of clearing clutter. An old feng shui tips speaks of never having anything under your bed, because at night it will run through your ... Views: 3538
Many people are looking for love. They do lots of things to attract a romantic partner: from losing weight, whitening their teeth and going to the hottest new disco in town. But that loud blaring music has nothing to do with attracting the man or woman of your dreams. You can use the Law of ... Views: 11275
You may already have heard about how the Law of Attraction can help you. Amazingly, with applying it, you are said to be able to attract easily and effortlessly what you would like to have in you life. From the ideal relationship, perfect job, beautiful body and anything else you desire -- it ... Views: 3165