We find ourselves at a unique point in history: at the precipice of human transformation. In this world of rapid change and mass confusion, many of us feel a deep longing for something more—for connection, love, joy, peace and meaning. We are all awakening, each in our own way and in our own ... Views: 1705
When I was a child, faith was a dirty word to me. It wasn’t that anyone told me it was bad, it’s just the association I had created about it. I grew up in a multicultural home, complete with a Channamus Tree for the holidays. One side of the family was Jewish, the other Christian, and both sides ... Views: 1646
When a caterpillar approaches its time of transformation, it begins to eat ravenously, consuming everything in sight. The caterpillar outgrows its own skin many times, until it is too bloated to move. It turns its world on its head as it attaches itself upside-down to a branch and forms a ... Views: 2143
We live in perhaps the most exciting time in human history. In a changing landscape of globalization, we find ourselves experiencing a collective and individual shift—an awakening to a new way of life.
As an entrepreneur, I see firsthand how rapidly our financial and corporate economies are ... Views: 1553
From the first time we open our eyes we begin imitating our parents. When our caretakers smile at us we learn to smile. When our caretakers get frustrated we learn frustration. When we meet other children, especially in early elementary school, it is often comical how much they act and talk like ... Views: 4116
There is only one true desire. All of our longings, goals, and motivations are reaching toward a single fulfillment. The ultimate pot of gold that we long to reach at the end of our infinitude of rainbows is joy. Embracing joy is the driving force that helps us to get out of bed each day and the ... Views: 1373
What is the difference between you and Joe, a homeless man on a bench who asks for change? Are you more blessed because you are a better person? No. Just because someone lives on the streets doesn’t make him a bad person. Are you being rewarded for all of the good things you’ve done and Joe is ... Views: 2316
Nothing in life stands still. Science has shown us that the entire human body—every cell—completely regenerates itself within a span of about seven years. Brain scientists and psychologists have agreed that in each moment our brains are taking in new information and our minds are constantly ... Views: 1850
- Unexplained medical healing?
- Much needed money from an unknown source?
- An answered prayer?
- A significant coincidence?
- Surviving a horrible accident?
- Being saved by a surgeon?
- Witnessing child birth?
- Seeing the blessings within your curses?
When ... Views: 2271
Since the popular book and movie The Secret hit the shelves in 2006, the concept of The Law of Attraction (LOA) has spread like wildfire, attracting believers and critics alike. Believers—who call themselves “deliberate creators”—practice the processes of positive thought, affirmative thinking, ... Views: 6306
While growing up, my holiday home had halls decked with holly, a menorah in the window, and a “Chanamus” tree. I come from a multiracial, religiously diverse family. My mom’s family is Jewish and my dad’s family is Christian. I have ancestors who fled the holocaust, as well as ancestors who came ... Views: 2391
We all have the ability to create any emotion we want to experience at the flick of a switch. Imagine someone brings you a big, juicy lime. That person cuts into it, and the lime juice squirts onto you. He gives you a piece, and as you bite into it your face puckers as you taste the sour juices. ... Views: 2147
Every one of us exits childhood with our own unique cocktail of patterns, programming, beliefs, habits, preferences, expectations, and mind viruses. Some of these ingrained pieces of our psyche are positive, such as saying please and thank you, brushing our teeth every day, and, hopefully, ... Views: 1492
Sometimes insight comes from the strangest places.
I was sitting on the dock in the back of my house watching the light reflect on the water and listening to the egrets calling in the mangroves. I was on the tail end of a period of several months in which I had been undergoing intense ... Views: 2310
As a Transformation Coach I love my clients, just as I love my readers. That is why at times I must use tough love in order to encourage others to dig deeper, look truth square in the face, and make a commitment to change. Either you want to transform your life or you don’t, and I hope you do, ... Views: 1934
Nothing stands still in life. Change is constant, inevitable. As you read these words you are moving, growing, changing. This being the case you would think we humans might be more accustomed to the change process. Instead we often live in resistance, or even fierce opposition, to change, and ... Views: 2520
I stare for a long time, trying to discern the color of my grass. I consider the cliché about “the other side.” Time passes and distance helps me take in more of the view. I notice a crack across my vision. I pull away the pieces of the broken lenses – green in color – revealing the brown, ... Views: 1501
“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” —T.S. Elliot
During the time of Aristotle and for 18 centuries after that, it was believed that the Sun, our solar system, and the stars rotated ... Views: 1903
The motivation for all that we do comes down to wanting only one thing: JOY!
All of our choices and actions are either moving toward joy or away from suffering. It’s hard to feel joy when you’re suffering and hard to suffer when you feel joy. One evening Joeel (my co-conspirator) and I were ... Views: 2106
In the book The 100th Monkey Ken Keyes, Jr. tells the story of a scientific research study on monkeys that supports the notion that quantum shifts can occur when a population reaches a “critical mass.” This phenomenon is often referred to when one is in need of evidence to support the belief ... Views: 2491
The brain has as many nerve cells as there are stars in our galaxy and galaxies in our universe – over 100 billion. With high-speed cameras and high-powered lenses we have expanded our view of both the minute quantum details of life on earth and the contents of the depths of our universe.
One ... Views: 2537