When you consider that the information on our computers is irreplaceable and often far more valuable than the computers themselves, it’s amazing how many individuals and businesses still don’t take data backup seriously.
Despite the importance of information within any business, the ... Views: 1211
We all know that by adding an alarm and window locks to our houses we protect them from being burgled, we all know that if we park our car we should make sure the windows are closed and the doors locked – but how do we protect ourselves from identity theft?
Of all crimes, identity fraud is ... Views: 2462
Securing data in today’s information technology driven world is a must. Whether it is a network manager of a small or large corporation or a simple home user, it proves beneficial to all computer users to have a backup of their data so that it can be used to restore original data in the ... Views: 767
Most people in the UK who use the Internet do so via a broadband connection and router that is directly connected by a wire to their PC or laptop. Of course this is perfectly acceptable, but what advantages could “going wireless” bring and how do you go about this?
Well let’s ... Views: 826