Do you remember when you used to write real thank you notes to express your gratitude. Maybe some of you still do from time to time.
The value of the thank you note goes much further than the words you write. The best thing about thank you notes is that they rarely get discarded. I still ... Views: 986
Todays economic downturn has left many people without enough money to eat wel. I designed this special budget soup because it has almost everything you need to have a healthy eating day. YOu not only get all the veggies you need but spices that increase your brain health. It is very ... Views: 1117
Well the time has come and the kids have left or are leaving the nest. Lots of mixed feelings here…However, sometimes grown kids return to the scene of the crime. Sometimes they come home when they have no where to live. Sometimes they come home with little off-springs. Perhaps it is ... Views: 1094
Stop that random eating! This careless eating is what is making many of us over-weight and unhealthy. I do not mean “stop eating” but think before you eat. Plan your splurges. When you see that plate of cookies, doughnuts, samples in grocery stores just say NO! During the holidays this is a ... Views: 1102