As we become more developed in our knowledge about channeling creative energy, we discover that creativity flows from two chakras in the body. One chakra from which creativity flows is the "Throat Chakra," but creativity also flows from the "Sacral Chakra"--the same chakra from which our ... Views: 4028
When our souls look back and wonder at our life experiences we see some great experiences and some traumatic experiences. As artists these experiences can mold and shape how inspiration flows through us.
The traumatic life experiences of the artist can produce a powerful creative voice or ... Views: 2197
Love is Metaphysical and it is the core of our personal development and spiritual evolution. Love reaches beyond our physical reality. Yes, love is a soul experience and when it is unconditional, its powers are far reaching.
Love is Metaphysical because it has flow and frequency. One could ... Views: 4516
Can we all get to a place in our consciousness in which we become present moment aware or as we in the field of metaphysics call aware in the Presence? It is often difficult for us to assert that we create life in the present moment or in the Presence because many of us spend most of our mental ... Views: 1488
It is vital to the happiness of every individual that he or she continues to evolve in spiritual growth, self-awareness, and personal development. This growth and expansion as our true and authentic self is the basis of all spirituality. Accordingly, this growth and expansion can be enhanced ... Views: 1989
Is creativity and inspiration important? Does it affect our abilities to create the life we want to live and manifest our true desires? It seems the answers to these questions aren’t as obvious as we think. Many of us underestimate the power of our creativity because we really don’t ... Views: 1485
Perhaps, you have heard the phrase “May the force be with you” from your favorite Episode of the Star Wars movies. The Star Wars movies explore the power of our choices, the wonder of destiny, and the manifesting power that is in us and all around us. However, what if the force could truly be ... Views: 1522
Metaphysics refers to the branch of philosophy that seeks to address all things Universal whether it is divine, cosmic, spiritual, or human. Ultimately, those who study metaphysics seek to address how we play a role in this continuum. It addresses those things perceived to be hidden.”
To that ... Views: 1629
Is it possible for someone to fear abundance? Who would not want to live the abundant life?
Polarity is a universal law. The law of polarity contends that everything has its polar opposite. The scales of life assures the existence of polar opposites. In conjunction with the Law of Rhythm, ... Views: 1902
Are you committed to losing weight and keeping it off? Then, it is time to discover the science of losing weight. Losing weight is the result of a chemical reaction that takes place in the body where stored fat is used for energy.
It is important to learn the science of losing weight. ... Views: 1535