How can we be happy and passionate every day when we are dealing with the stresses of life? Worrying doesn’t accomplish anything. Worrying simply strangles our creative abilities and keeps us from being able to look for solutions to our problems and challenges. But how do we turn off the worry ... Views: 1768
Who told you life was going to be easy? There are lots of troubles, irritations, and pains in life. Things happen. Things go wrong. People don’t always do what we want them to. Don’t depend on other people for your happiness. Depend on yourself. Be who you are. Do the things you want to do. Get ... Views: 1803
Do One ThingHave you ever felt like everything in your life was out of control and dealing with it all was completely overwhelming? Most of us have. For many of us, it is because somewhere along the line, for reasons of which we may or may not be aware, clutter has crept into our lives. It has ... Views: 1465
Why do some athletes become Olympic stars and others never quite use their own full potential or get out of their hometown? Why do some people have their own successful companies, while others can just never get ahead? Why are some people in great relationships while others can’t seem to get ... Views: 1759
Fundamentally, we are all creative. The question is, “How do we use our creative abilities to our best advantage?” The best way to tap into our creativity is through flexibility of thinking and practice, practice, practice. Tapping into creativity means letting go of any preconceived ideas and ... Views: 1835
Most of us have at one point or another felt like everything in your life is out of control and overwhelming. For many of us, it is because somewhere along the line, for reasons of which we may or may not be aware, clutter has crept into our lives. It has stealthily invaded our homes, our ... Views: 1977
Have you ever blamed someone for something they didn’t even know they had been a part of? For example, this morning, I dropped a huge bottle of windshield de-icer on my toe. It hurt like the devil. And, just who would be doing anything with windshield de-icer in 119 degree weather ... Views: 1747
Mentors are people who have more experience than we have and are willing to help and guide us in our development. In many cases, mentors can open doors and introduce us to people we may want or need to know. They usually have nothing to gain by helping us other than their own personal ... Views: 1606
No matter how good you are at what you do, how talented, how knowledgeable or competent you may be, unless you develop a sense of urgency – a commitment that the time to DO it is NOW, you are likely to find yourself still wondering how to be successful five years from now.
“Just do it” may ... Views: 1629
For the past 15 years, I have lived in the same house. My house was always neat and clean, so I didn’t realize how much “stuff” I had collected.
While cleaning out all this “stuff” in preparation for the move, I discovered that I was not throwing away, I was shifting “stuff” from one place ... Views: 1802
When you were a child, did you ever imagine yourself to be something else…like a princess, a cowboy, an astronaut, a doctor, or some other character. I did. I would transform myself into a particular character for a period of time and have a wonderful adventure.
My favorite was to imagine I ... Views: 2260
You hear about it all the time. Writer’s Block – that awful moment you find yourself staring at the blank page and realize you have no idea how to begin and a deadline fast approaching. Oh, you have ideas, wonderful flights of fancy that have you finishing your report ahead of time, writing a ... Views: 1663
Some time back I received this letter from one of my clients. It so touched my heart, I decided to share it with you. I take it out and read it from time to time as it reminds me how important doing little things are in our lives.
Dear Judi:
My Grandson, Tristen was diagnosed 7 months ... Views: 1605
Journaling The year is almost half over. Are you using your Goal Achievement Journal. If not, why not? Don’t you want to achieve your goals this year.
Many of you know how long it took me to design and redesign this journal to make sure it would assist you in achieving your goals. It ... Views: 1908
We become so caught up in day to day living with the demands of our jobs, our families and our communities that we rarely pause to reflect on the miracles that happen every day.
No discussion of miracles would be complete without first talking about exactly what constitutes a miracle. For ... Views: 2344
Today’s society places us in many different rolls. We are the friend, the spouse, the parent or child, the employer or team member. We change our behaviors and personas to fit our different and evolving rolls and responsibilities. Like changing our clothes to fit the weather or activity, we ... Views: 2065
This spring, you may be fortunate enough to have good weather, a small piece of earth and the energy, enthusiasm and inspiration to plant a garden. There is nothing better to shake off the boredom and dullness of winter than to dig in the earth, plant some seeds and watch them grow. A small ... Views: 1666
Do what you love, love what you do. If you can’t love what you are doing at least, do it with love.
We’ve had a couple of months to live up to our New Year’s resolutions. Many of them have already been forgotten or deliberately set aside. One of the biggest reasons we don’t stick to our ... Views: 1668
Have You Ever Thought to Yourself …What Was I Thinking? Have you ever done something that was totally out of character for you, but you did it and later wondered if you had actually been in your right mind at the time when you did it? Well, that’s what I did. It was New Year’s Eve. My friend ... Views: 1693
If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you may have come to the conclusion that the outlook at the moment is bleak. You may be caught up in the gloom and doom, hopeless mindset that is more contagious than a flu pandemic.
There are some things you can do to keep yourself healthy when ... Views: 1752
Are you lucky? Do good things just come your way? Do you always seem to be in the right place at the right time? Are you the person who gets the promotion, the great deal or the perfect mate? If not, you might want to consider making some changes in your habits.
Richard Wiseman, head of the ... Views: 1725
The seasons have officially changed. In the northern hemisphere we are entering spring. For weeks now, there have seen signs of the awakening of the earth. Buds have appeared on trees, green shoots are peeking out of the ground. Daffodils, narcissus and grape hibiscus are springing up and ... Views: 1913
Have you ever driven past a bakery and smelled the wonderful smells of fresh bread baking? Did it bring back memories? If so, you’ll know what I mean when I tell you that when I get off the plane in Africa and smell the air, I feel like I’m home. It doesn’t smell like fresh bread, it’s sort ... Views: 1857
What frightens you? What shadows of your past are lurking in the deep recesses of your mind? What monsters do you fear are blocking your path to your future? We all have fears. It is what you believe about them and how you face them that will determine your course in life.
There is a ... Views: 1716
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could own cupid’s magic arrow with an arrowhead filled with love and shoot people with it when they are being mean, hateful, nasty, or spiteful. When the arrow hit them, it would spread love and joy throughout their heart and entire body. They would immediately ... Views: 1671
It’s your choice! You can go through life getting by or you can do something that really matters. It could be something you do for someone else or something you do for yourself. It could even be something you do for the world, but do something big.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is, ... Views: 1678
Why Journal: A new year has just begun. Now is the perfect time to establish, renew or continue the habit of stating your dreams and goals, chronicling your life’s events, recording your great accomplishments and collecting ideas – yours and other peoples.
More than just a history or memoir, ... Views: 1650
Throughout my 25+ years of public speaking and training, there is one question that I get asked more than any other. That question is “How do I say No?” Why do we have trouble with this? When we were children, we didn’t have a problem with it. It is only as we have grown older that we can’t ... Views: 2058
While hurrying off to work one morning, Beverly, an executive assistant, pulled into a fast food drive-thru. When asked what she wanted to order, she requested, “Iced tea with cut lemon.” The clerk replied immediately, “We ain’t got no cut lemons!” Shocked by such rudeness, Beverly asked ... Views: 2048
Negativity Not Allowed - Determined Optimism
It seems like every conversation I have had with someone lately, they have brought up the terrible state of the economy. I’ve started off many conversations with my friends this week with the sentence, “No negativity allowed.” I refuse to accept ... Views: 1910
As we start a new year, we have an opportunity to start anew. If we want some changes in our lives; If we want it to be more than it ever has been, then, we are going to have to do some things we’ve never done!!!
Here is my 5 step plan (SMART Method) for succeeding this year at whatever it is ... Views: 1839
When I was a teenager, I couldn’t wait to get older and get out of school. Somehow, I believed that once I was “grown up,” life would be easy and fun. I’d be able to do what I wanted, when I wanted and go where I wanted. Guess what I found out? Life is definitely not easy. About now, you are ... Views: 2442
Even the most successful people have experienced periods when they have been confused, disillusioned, and discouraged. Yet these very people have overcome trials and tribulations to triumph and victory because they have chosen the right attitude.
When we feel discouraged and stressed; when ... Views: 2172
Becoming a professional isn’t just a matter of learning all of the technical aspects of your job. You determine whether you are a professional or not by how you look, talk, write, act and work. Many businesses have come to accept less than professional performance from their team members. Casual ... Views: 1937
Difficult people turn up in everyone’s life from time to time. They show up as co-workers, bosses, friends and relatives. We all know when difficult situations are left unaddressed, it won’t get better. In fact, it usually gets worse. You simmer and stew until the situation erupts into ... Views: 1875
Are you lucky? Do good things just come your way? Do you always seem to be in the right place at the right time? Are you the person who gets the promotion, the great deal or the perfect mate? If not, you might want to consider making some changes in your habits.
Richard Wiseman, head of the ... Views: 2072
To love and be loved is one of humanities deepest desires. Too often it remains an unsatisfied hunger, burning inside. Feeling unloved over a long period of time can cause us to feel unlovable. We retreat into ourselves, locking away our feelings and desires because we feel we are not good ... Views: 1921
Traditionally, people have used the word “courage” when referring to war heroes, police officers, fire fighters and others who put their lives on the line. It is true. They have tremendous courage. Do they feel fear? Yes, and they act anyway.
Perhaps our daily activities aren’t life ... Views: 2071
Have you ever set goals and then not made them happen? Were these goals what you really wanted? If they were, then why did you procrastinate and not get them accomplished? When you set goals, be sure they are what YOU want. If they aren’t, then you might need to amend them. Or you might need ... Views: 2014
While hurrying off to work one morning, Beverly pulled into a fast food drive-thru. When asked what she wanted to order, she requested, “Iced tea with cut lemon.” The clerk replied immediately, “We ain’t got no cut lemons!” Shocked by such rudeness, Beverly asked politely, “Can you cut some?” ... Views: 2506
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could own a magic bow and arrow that had an arrowhead filled with love and shoot people with it when they are being mean, hateful, nasty, or spiteful. When the arrow hit them, it would spread love and joy throughout their hearts and bodies. ... Views: 1885
Have you ever wondered why one person seems to get all the lucky breaks and others get none? Why it is that some people seem to meet just the right people and others never do? Why does one person become a millionaire, while another is broke?
Why do some athletes become Olympic stars and ... Views: 1885
Does it feel like life has you caught in the storm and about to go down for the third time? Are you sending out distress signals and hoping that somehow, in the midst of all the chaos in your life, someone will hear and come to your rescue?
We all have times when life just seems ... Views: 1920
It’s your choice! You can go through life getting by or you can do something that really matters. It could be something you do for someone else or something you do for yourself. It could even be something you do for the world.
One thing I’ve learned over the years is, it’s just as easy to do ... Views: 1986
Success and failure are largely the result of habit, the automatic ways you respond and react to what's going on around you. Changing habits which are no longer consistent with your purpose is one of the hardest things you'll ever have to do, and one of the most essential to the quality of your ... Views: 2067
It seems like every conversation I have had with someone lately, they have brought up the terrible state of the economy. I've started many conversations this week with the sentence, "No negativity allowed." I refuse to accept the "ain't it awful mentality" of the masses. I know I make my own ... Views: 2153
It is up to us to open our minds to what “can be” and then make the choice to pursue it passionately. Many people are doing what they do because they think they have to do it. All too often, choices are made based on what we believe is the “right” thing to do rather than on what will make us ... Views: 2556
You hear about it all the time. Writer’s Block – that awful moment you find yourself staring at the blank page and realize you have no idea how to begin and a deadline fast approaching. Oh, you have ideas, wonderful flights of fancy that have you finishing your report ahead of time, writing a ... Views: 2034
There are always going to be challenging times in life. The real challenge is to overcome them. For some of us, an obstacle may be "the end of the line." For others with strong beliefs and great expectations, an obstacle is simply regarded as a setback. Let it be that way for you. ... Views: 1912
Discipline is a major key to success. It is the ability to do what needs to be done at the appropriat time in order to accomplish your desired goals.
Taking the First Step
My friend Wally, who is 72 years old, runs three miles every weekday morning and has done so for 35 years. He is in ... Views: 15347