Have you ever wondered why one person seems to get all the lucky breaks and others get none? Why it is that some people seem to meet just the right people and others never do? Why does one person become a millionaire, while another is broke?
Why do some athletes become Olympic stars and ... Views: 458
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could own a magic bow and arrow that had an arrowhead filled with love and shoot people with it when they are being mean, hateful, nasty, or spiteful. When the arrow hit them, it would spread love and joy throughout their hearts and bodies. They would immediately ... Views: 574
Have you ever set goals and then not made them happen? Were these goals what you really wanted? If they were, then why did you procrastinate and not get them accomplished? When you set goals, be sure they are what YOU want. If they aren’t, then you might need to amend them. Or you might need to ... Views: 567
Traditionally, people have used the word “courage” when referring to war heroes, police officers, fire fighters and others who put their lives on the line. It is true. They have tremendous courage. Do they feel fear? Yes, and they act anyway.
Perhaps our daily activities aren’t life ... Views: 523
To love and be loved is one of humanities deepest desires. Too often it remains an unsatisfied hunger, burning inside. Feeling unloved over a long period of time can cause us to feel unlovable. We retreat into ourselves, locking away our feelings and desires because we feel we are not good ... Views: 766
Are you lucky? Do good things just come your way? Do you always seem to be in the right place at the right time? Are you the person who gets the promotion, the great deal or the perfect mate? If not, you might want to consider making some changes in your habits.
Richard Wiseman, head of the ... Views: 616
Becoming a professional isn’t just a matter of learning all of the technical aspects of your job. You determine whether you are a professional or not by how you look, talk, write, act and work. Many businesses have come to accept less than professional performance from their team members. Casual ... Views: 639
When I was a teenager, I couldn’t wait to get older and get out of school. Somehow, I believed that once I was “grown up,” life would be easy and fun. I’d be able to do what I wanted, when I wanted and go where I wanted. Guess what I found out? Life is definitely not easy. About now, you are ... Views: 753
If you had all the money you would need, all the time it would take, and you knew you absolutely couldn’t fail, what would you do? Who would you do it with? Where would you go? What would you have? What would you want to be? In other words, what goals would you set for yourself, if you knew ... Views: 770
Here’s a fun exercise that will help you gain clarity.
Go to your favorite quiet place or anywhere you can feel comfortable and relaxed. Allow yourself to dream about possibilities. On a piece of paper or in your journal, list the things you dream about, the things you would like to do and ... Views: 737
Life is an adventure to be lived. Today is a new beginning. Imagine the exciting things you can do, the wonderful relationships you can have, the places you can go, and who you can be when you give up your fear. Choose success! It’s just as easy…if not easier…than failure, Based on my ... Views: 776
Can you see where you are going? Do you have a vision set firmly in your mind of how you want your life to be? Are you making the best of where you are now in order to get where you want to go? Do you love your job? Your relationships? Your home? Your physique? Your lifestyle? Are you ... Views: 728
Don’t think for a moment that you aren’t creative! You are creating your life right now, one day at a time. You have created our life as it is. Maybe not intentionally! But you have created it through the choices that you have made up until now. So, why not create the life you want? ... Views: 822
I was the keynote speaker at the Blind Merchants Association Convention. The organizer of the event asked me if I would attend the Women’s Breakfast and maybe say a few words about entrepreneurship. I eagerly agreed to do so.
I don’t know what I expected, but I didn’t expect the hotel to ... Views: 805
Negativity can really affect your life. It can lead to depression, cause health issues, and destroy your connections with others. Here are a few tips to help you eliminate the negativity in your life.
First, figure out what is triggering the negativity. Before you can eliminate it, you must ... Views: 889
Life is not easy. It’s downright hard. There are lots of troubles, irritations, and pain in life. Things happen! Things go wrong! People don’t always do what we want them to.
Don’t depend on other people for your happiness. Depend on yourself. Be who you are. Do the things you want to ... Views: 926
The minister at my church once told me “Worry is a form of prayer and the form most people practice often.” I’m sure he didn’t mean to be negative, but he wanted me to realize what people focus on is what they bring about. Worry is fear. Worry is a state of mind which is often brought on my ... Views: 924
You have a right and even a responsibility to be happy. Happiness is a state of mind. Many people let life pass them by because they choose to be unhappy. (Bet you are thinking, “Judi, people don’t choose to be unhappy. It just happens.) Wrong! People who sit around complaining, whining, ... Views: 1100
Do you want to be more successful, but you just don’t know what you want or what you need to do? Are you just a little lost? No problem. It’s as easy as changing your thoughts. If you are going to be more successful, you must change any negative thoughts that you may be having into positive ... Views: 928
Giving up — even once — makes it easier and more acceptable to “just give up” again. When you give up, you damage your self-respect. You heart doesn’t listen to the excuses for quitting which are created by your mind. Your heart knows that when you quit — when you give up — a little piece of ... Views: 911
In life, you try one thing. It works. You try another. It doesn’t work. Instead of letting it paralyze you, do some self-analysis. What went right? What went wrong? What went right that could have gone wrong? What other possibilities are there? Then, do something differently. Be ... Views: 956
Most of us were taught we should be concerned about what others think about us and should seek their approval for all that we do. We sometimes hear a little voice in our head that actually says, “What will they think?” or “If you fail, you’ll look like a fool.”
I bet you can look back at ... Views: 1059
This is a technique we use to examine all of the possibilities and potential solutions to a problem, without making judgments about any of these possibilities until we have exhausted all of our options.
Dr. Alex Osborn, the originator of the Brainstorming Technique, and co-founder of what was ... Views: 1031
The secret to getting what you want is to believe it is possible. But how do you believe if you are unsure?
First, find out everything you can about what it is you want to try. Do your research. Find out what parts might be easy, what might be hard, what might be good, and what might be ... Views: 1145
Today I borrowed a friend’s car (red corvette) to run some errands. I stopped at the service station to fill it up with gas. There was a very good looking young man getting gas as well. He asked me what year the car was. I replied that I didn’t know as it was a friend’s car. He then said, ... Views: 1102
My business partner and I had a consulting job for a riverboat casino, One night as we were walking through the casino observing the customer service, we noticed one of the blackjack tables had approximately ten customers lined up waiting behind every chair. These customers were waiting for a ... Views: 1138
Do you demand perfection from yourself? From others? Do you have to have the perfect spouse, children, house, car, furniture, clothing, jewelry? Do you have to live in the perfect neighborhood? Do you really believe things can be perfect? Will there ever be time to do things perfectly? ... Views: 1125
Yes, you owe it to yourself to express your uniqueness. When you do this on a consistent basis, you will feel more complete. There’s no one else exactly like you. You are one very special individual who was created to be who you are…doing the best you can each day to get the best results life ... Views: 1192
Do you criticize yourself? Do you say mean and disrespectful things to you? Do you look at yourself and think nasty things about who and what you are?
STOP IT! Stop talking to yourself in a negative voice. And, stop talking to others about your negative traits. The more you concentrate ... Views: 1231
My dad was a successful salesman. He carried a little spiral notebook with his appointments, notes to himself, important names and numbers. One day, he dropped the notebook on the floor and when it fell open, I saw it had gold stars pasted on most of the pages. I asked him why a grown man ... Views: 1267
Are you a person who needs things to be perfect? Do you try to have a perfectly clean house, perfectly spotless car, perfect kids, perfect spouse, perfect hair style, perfect wardrobe? Does absolutely everything of yours need to be perfect?
If so, you are not only putting a lot of pressure ... Views: 1212
Let's face it! Life is not always easy, and for some of us, depression very often takes over, We get depressed when we are discouraged or disappointed in ourselves or our lives. We start to feel as though we can’t live up to the expectations of others….or even our own expectations. We feel ... Views: 1483
Most people enjoy people showing an interest in them. I know I do. But, there are some people who just have to be the center of attention. They talk incessantly about themselves, their accomplishments, what they own, who they know, where they have been, and even, the illnesses they have ... Views: 1208
Recently, I was sitting next to a woman at a meeting who turned to me and said, “Do you know any good gossip about any of these people here? I just love to hear the dirt on everyone.” Wow! What a way to go through life…looking for negativity and what she could find wrong with others and their ... Views: 1140
When I was a child, I had a favorite cousin, Bobbie. She was pretty, smart, kind, and really fun to be around. We always looked forward to spending time together.
As we grew older, we lived in different cities and didn’t get to see each other so often. I lived closer to my grandmother than ... Views: 1150
Most of our beliefs about ourselves have come from outside sources: people, education, and experiences. Many of us have allowed the opinions of others to become our opinions of ourselves. We’ve listened to people tell us things about ourselves and then we’ve internalized, processed, and ... Views: 1319
Why is it that having confidence in ourselves and our abilities is so hard? Why do so many of us have the tendency to overestimate others and underestimate ourselves? And, why are we so concerned about what other people think about us?
I believe if we are ever going to be able to answer ... Views: 1202
You could say that in life we are motivated by two basic forces – love and fear. Love opens us to the passion and excitement that love has to offer, while fear causes us to withdraw from life and hide away, terrified of hurt and pain. John Lennon said something along these lines and noted that ... Views: 1626
When looking for inspiration, there are countless different techniques you can use and a wide variety of different strategies that have been used by other creative individuals throughout history. One of the most exciting and unusual of these is largely forgotten and no longer widely used. ... Views: 1594
One of the common desires that people experience in their lives is summed up in a well-known saying – “I want to thrive, not just survive.” This can also be interpreted as enjoying life as opposed to simply existing. When there is a deep need for people to change their way of life, the world has ... Views: 1622
Most of us would do just about anything to prevent that terrible feeling of being out of control… but in life, it’s unavoidable. At times, uncertainty isn’t just unsettling, it’s crippling. However, it’s vital for growth and when you find yourself faced with a change or period in your life that ... Views: 1561
Negativity can really affect your life. It can lead to depression, cause health issues, and destroy your connections with others. Here are a few tips to help you eliminate the negativity in your life.
1. First, figure out what is triggering the negativity. Before you can eliminate it, you ... Views: 1556
There are worlds of possibilities and yet many of us never see them because we don’t think they are possible for us. We think things would be nice to have, or to do, but then we think, “Those thing aren’t for people like me.”discover your possibilities
Don’t waste the time you have. Start ... Views: 1735
Goal setting is the key that unlocks the door to positive self-esteem. The feeling of accomplishment gained through goal attainment is highly rewarding. This feeling fuels you to continue pursuing and achieving other worthwhile goals.
Goals are dreams with a deadline; therefore they connect ... Views: 1503
Throughout my 25+ years of public speaking and training, there is one question that I get asked more than any other. That question is “How do I say No?” Why do we have trouble with this? When we were children, we didn’t have a problem with it. It is only as we have grown older that we can’t ... Views: 1411
When the nightly news is filled with the major tragedies of today, it is very hard to stay positive and upbeat. Even if these terrible things weren’t done to us or to someone we love, they still affect us. They are all around us. They are being done to people who are like us, who have ... Views: 1811
Some time back I received this letter from one of my clients. It so touched my heart, I decided to share it with you. I take it out and read it from time to time as it reminds me how important doing little things are in our lives.
Dear Judi:little things
My Grandson, Tristen was ... Views: 1539
Whenever I see a fresh picked vegetable, the earth freshly turned, or observe the many beautiful flowers in her garden, I remember those special days when she would punish me for something rotten I had done by making me work in the garden next to her. As we planted the seeds, she was planting ... Views: 1584
Do you find that there are certain hours of the day when you feel depleted of energy? Would you like to remain “revved up”, clear-headed, alert, and ready for anything all day long?
Most of us experience our highest energy levels during the first four hours of the day when we are refreshed ... Views: 1656
Looking to find inspiration for the next great novel? For your musical masterpiece? For your next business idea? Often, the best way to find it is just to go for a walk: an ‘inspiration walk’!finding inspiration
What is an Inspiration Walk?
The idea behind an ‘inspiration walk’ is to leave ... Views: 1481