We are hovering at the apex of the grandest time in human existence. For years, we have all experienced references to the year 2012 and prophecies about the cataclysmic changes that would ensue. The most famous reference has been to the Mayan calendar and the date December 21, 2012, when ... Views: 810
Fear is ego-based. And the ego constantly tells a story. Many of the elements of this story use tiny bits of information—some from the past and many from a distorted sense of the future—and the ego and fear convinces us that this story is true. The story may relate a case for scarcity or issue ... Views: 960
“No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” Edmund Burke, 1756
How often have you dealt with hard choices related to your work or personal life that require decisions that do not guarantee that you will be successful in the path you might ... Views: 927
I am continuing a thread of information that was given to me from the spirits about living in our True Self and not in the illusion of our projected self. The scenario the spirits originally presented to me was in a journey where I saw many non-physical, intergalactic beings present as the ... Views: 747
Are We “Merely Players”?
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts….
William Shakespeare, As You Like It
In one of my journeys a year ago, I saw many nonphysical beings ... Views: 934
Some articles or information downloads from the spirits necessitate distribution and then need to be communicated repeatedly. I realize this to be true with the article I wrote titled: Choosing Happiness in Difficult Times.
I use this article and the information that flowed from the spirits in ... Views: 1114
Prayer is a communication between the universe and yourself that recognizes the divinity in both. It is focused energy directed to God/Source/Great Spirit, and when developed in a healthy way, is an essential part of the foundation for the journey on the spiritual path.
All forms of ... Views: 1080
We can feel "VERY SPIRITUAL" when things are going easy and well. The real mastery of internal joy is when wellness/ peace/ joy is apparent even in difficult situations. Life has its cycles and definite ups and downs, but the master holds to the internal truths of love and the higher vibrations ... Views: 1251
Life is a journey of becoming. The goal of the journey is not in its destination; rather, it is the understanding that emerges from the journey. It is through the journey that wisdom is gained.
Those who are interested in experiencing wisdom must change; they must seek healing. They must ... Views: 900
The spirits say to always bring your dreams to a good end. I first learned this in a shamanic dream class. We wore dream robes at night that were imbued with our own shamanic dream symbols. Going to bed was a ritual in itself, with pure intent to dream and heal in the dreaming process. This ... Views: 885
All You Need is Love...!
Love is a simple four-letter word used to describe a range of hundreds of emotions. Instead of having hundreds of words to describe hundreds of emotions, the English language tries to capture these feelings in one word. No wonder it is so confusing.
The greatest ... Views: 915
Years ago, I learned that one way indigenous cultures identified soul loss in a person was that they had stopped singing. The joy they usually showed in their natural state of wholeness was no longer emanating from them. A part or parts of them had fragmented, and the result was a lack of ... Views: 1380
The amount of feedback I received on last month's newsletter was enormous. Thank you for your support and generous love. I have more to add . . .
October was breast cancer awareness month. The following question was posed on the radio to a leading breast cancer surgeon: Is there more breast ... Views: 1025
The other day a phenomenon that had to do with vibrational alignment happened in my body and left me amazed. Many years ago, I was sitting in a sweat lodge with an excruciating headache asking for relief. The voice of spirit said loud and clear, "You cannot drink coffee or eat chocolate ... Views: 1149
As I contemplate the end of this year I have decided to look over the intentions that I put in motion for 2010. I am amazed what I have manifested and where my challenges have been. I notice that the challenges I have endured are a great part of the manifestation that is trying to come about. ... Views: 1050
We are living in the 21st Century --- the Age of Aquarius --- an age of enlightenment and of new hope. But this new millennium is also the era of rapid change and confusion. We face the ironic condition of a globalization that seems to separate us more than it brings us together. We are in an ... Views: 801
People who have spiritual power have learned how to work with energy. Working with energy requires an understanding of both scientific laws and universal laws. Scientific laws change as science progresses. There were once laws that supported the beliefs that the earth was flat, was the center of ... Views: 854
I am writing a new book entitled Sitting In Circle with the Gods. My goal is to complete it by the end of the year. This book has been a long time coming. I have attempted it on several occasions but now I realize that some of the experiences that I needed to capture had not yet happened. But ... Views: 744
Last month I revealed an excerpt from my upcoming book- Sitting in Circle with the GODs. I concluded with a question, who did I discover on the other side of the portal? (Please refer to last month's news letter Actualized Ascension). Before I can reveal that information I would like to weave ... Views: 852
The word “clairvoyant” is derived from Latin roots through French to English and literally translates as “clear sight.” Most understand the word as meaning intuitive, psychic, telepathic, second-sighted, perceptive, or farsighted. The first element of the word can also mean “light” as in “clair ... Views: 1735
Ascension is the act of moving upward, the transcendence of ordinary conditions of existence, the scaling to new heights of awareness and consciousness. The different dimensions we aspire to offer opportunities to create our own conditions of being and to discover the magical qualities of a ... Views: 817
Dreaming is a state of awareness that is mainly right brain. In a dream, we know that things are magical and spontaneous and don’t seem to follow the logic of cause and effect or the natural laws of three-dimension reality, such as gravity, speed, and force. Dreams can be representative of the ... Views: 920
As we ascend as a planet and humanity into the higher dimensions of consciousness it is good to understand the components of these different dimensions.
The fourth dimension fosters the futuristic realization that no one is greater or more important than anyone else. This is the beginning of ... Views: 2196
Each summer LightSong offers a workshop on Telepathic Communication outdoors in a camp situation. This workshop is a practicum for my Level 2 Practical Shaman class and we use the template of the vision quest to experience the profound magic of telepathic communication. Set in Tillamook, Oregon, ... Views: 980
A sculptor was once asked how he created such marvelous results from the stone he worked. He replied, "If I want to carve an elephant in stone, I simply chip away all of the stone that does not look like an elephant."
The artist's creative process involved finding the inherent qualities of ... Views: 1176
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Ascension 2012 - by Jan Engels-Smith founder of the LightSong School of Shamanic Studies
I have previously written that I have dedicated this year and next to the cultivation of living through chaotic times with grace and ascension. The years 2011 and 2012 are pivotal times for humanity. The old paradigms that govern our lives are being deconstructed and new ways of understanding ... Views: 983
Ascension and greater consciousness have been my intention for years. I work with the spirits consistently and follow their guidance to the best of my ability. For the past several years the spirits have been diligent about me aligning with the natural rhythms of the earth and stars. Under their ... Views: 1033
Learning about shamanic healing practices and soul retrieval became imperative for me. I contacted Sandra Ingerman, the author of Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self, through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. I strongly felt that I needed to have a soul retrieval and the information ... Views: 924
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Life out of Chaos - by Jan Engels-Smith founder of the LightSong School of Shamanic Studies
From earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan to tornadoes in the southern United States and recent natural events in all regions of Earth, we have been reminded again of the power of nature and the fragility of this reality we occupy daily. Our hearts go out to those whose lives have been disrupted ... Views: 1003
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Letting Go of Resistance - by Jan Engels-Smith founder of the LightSong School of Shamanic Studies
Have you heard the phrase, "we are one"? It is a concept, ideal, slogan, and mindset that many give lip service to --- self included, although I have only begun to scratch the surface of its meaning. I have been sitting with this ideal for years, watching how it affects me and when I am in ... Views: 917
For any desire to be realized by you, or before anything can manifest in your life experience, there must be vibrational compatibility between your desires and your beliefs (The Secret). This is an exceptionally important statement to understand!
Many people think that they understand the ... Views: 1023
Affirmations and mantras are statements you say to yourself in a repetitive and rote way. Affirmations have been used in psychology for years as part of the healing process for clients, with varying degrees of success. Mantras have been used for thousands of years by monks to train their mind. ... Views: 7204
I, like many, spent several years in therapy. I had varying degrees of success, but I still viewed my childhood as something that wounded me terribly. I spent much of my adult life healing.
I was in a workshop, one day, and we were asked to come up with a happy memory from our childhood and to ... Views: 969
An energy field surrounds everything. Energy pulses out from objects, interacting with and absorbing other energies. A person's energy field, commonly called an aura, is generated inside the body and extends outward to surround it. Understanding the electrical and magnetic nature of energy is ... Views: 1142
In a world full of stress, deadlines, needs, and scarcity, it is sometimes hard to determine that you have any power. Helping yourself can feel like an overwhelming and unattainable mission. However, we also live in a world full of new information and understandings. Ideas of self-empowerment ... Views: 872