Good Customer Service is taking care of the needs of the customer.
Can you remember the last time you received good customer? What happened? How did you feel? Now on the flip side when was the last time you received bad customer.
Good Customer Service is being friendly. It is greeting ... Views: 993
Marketing is serious business. Marketing should be consistent. It should be long term. It requires several continuous exposures to stay top of mind awareness.
Those who are not serious (which means they haven’t taken the proper steps to run a business) will lose a lot of time and money and ... Views: 1268
Write down your personal goals daily. Write down sales goals as well as profitability goals. It is just something about writing down your goals which should lead to a written plan of action to accomplish those goals.
Think positive. There is nothing worse than talking yourself out of success. ... Views: 1048
Whether you are a small business owner or a sales professional there are key things you must do in order to increase sales.
1. Market like you never have before. Be sure you have segmented your market. Be sure you are targeting the right market with the right message at the right time. ... Views: 1060
51. Write articles and submit to top 10 article directories.
52. Get a blog. Submit it to blog directories. Make at least 3 post daily if not 10 times a week.
53. Join a Web ring with a specific topic.
54. Answer questions on Yahoo Answers.
55. Submit RSS Feeds to top directories.
56. Start ... Views: 1220
1. Write a book/booklet/whitepaper
2. Remember the customer is always right.
3. Determine what you want your marketing to accomplish for your business ?
4. Measure your Marketing efforts. Where are you getting the most bang for your buck?
5. Get a website if you don’t have one. Make sure ... Views: 1114
1. Study best practices. What are the best practices in your industry or field especially as it pertains to customer service, marketing and operations. Also study other fields.
2. Create a marketing strategy. What tactics will you use to achieve those strategies?
3. Create a Marketing Plan. ... Views: 2785