“A Woman’s Intuition” is the term used to describe the uncanny ability women often show as an active response to any number of situations that would be considered outside the realm of typical logic or reason in terms of knowing or feeling, or both.
It manifests itself in:
Romantic ... Views: 1097
Peacefully releasing an intimate relationship is one of our greatest challenges in life. There are few things in life more painful, difficult, and traumatic than breaking up with someone we have loved…what’s even worse is being released by someone we love when we “aren’t ready”.
What ... Views: 2017
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In Your Dreams - by Ann Catherine, C.Ht., D.D. at Empowered Woman Awake
Dream interpretation is a process of assigning meaning to dreams. In ancient times Egyptians and Greeks considered dreaming a gateway to divine communication and sometimes, intervention. However, the ancients believed that only individuals with certain powers had the ability to determine ... Views: 1060
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Parenting By Proxy - by Ann Catherine, C.Ht., D.D. at Empowered Woman Awake
Proxy is defined by Merriam-Webster as the “authority or power to act for another”, which is essentially what we do as parents. In the midst of today’s busy schedules and majority of two-parent working households and single parenting, the task of best caring for and nurturing our children can ... Views: 1634