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Big decisions, by their nature, are scary. Decision making is in inexact science and the biggest decisions are usually made with incomplete information. There’s always the potential to know more but you can’t predict what’s around the corner and you want to avoid that ‘if only I had known’ ... Views: 1221
So today is the day that William and Catherine (or Wills and Kate, as the newspapers will have it) get hitched.
And deciding to get married is a big step in anyone’s life. But particularly for this couple who have the eyes of the world upon them. William is used to that and has been brought ... Views: 1490
I always ask the same question when my son comes home from school. After the hello and how are you the next question is ‘what homework have you got?’
And a couple of weeks ago I got an answer I didn’t expect – ‘We weren’t given any homework because we spent the day remembering my dead ... Views: 1225
How do you feel about 2011 so far? Has it met with your expectations? Is it working out the way you had hoped? Are you feeling safe and secure about the future or does it feel like a rocky road?
Maybe you are dealing with a lot of unknowns and you feel you just aren’t in a secure place. Or ... Views: 1189
Whatever changes you want to make in your life you will find some aspects of change easy and some aspects of change difficult.
The easy bit is working out that you need to change. That increasing sense of frustration, that growing sense of unease or just a general awareness of unhappiness, ... Views: 1398
What does success mean to you?
If you are reading this, I assume you want to be successful in some way, shape or form. But maybe you feel constrained by all the things you’d have to do, all the plans you’d have to stick to, all the goals that are worthy but, let’s face it, a bit dull.
If ... Views: 1293
Do you plan to be successful or do you just plan? There is a big difference between the two.
Any kind of plan is probably better than no plan at all. But do you know the reason so many plans fail or succeed only as a faded, watered-down version of what they're supposed to be? It could be ... Views: 1240
Everybody has a Time Dictator inside them. This is the person who when you want to goof off and be totally unproductive, wags their finger at you and says ‘This must be done... NOW!’
I think the Time Dictator is a close friend of the Tidiness Dictator, who always makes sure you put the ... Views: 2152
Some years ago we were traveling through Boston Airport. On the wall, and it was a huge wall, there was a colossal American flag. Whiling away the time before our flight, this obviously caught the imagination of one of the children. ‘What’ they said in a loud voice that seemed to fill one of ... Views: 4890
Goal setting is something we all do in our lives. It can be personal like giving up smoking or losing weight. Or it could be a professional goal such as reaching a particular sales target, achieving a particular grade in your company or, if you are running a business, breaking into a new market ... Views: 1735
Recently we went to see the Van Gogh exhibition at the Royal Academy. I knew about his colourful paintings of French landscapes but hadn’t seen his earlier work or his pen and ink drawings. The exhibition showed how his painting style developed and how it reflected his life.
And perhaps this ... Views: 1843
This time of year there are plenty of runners around London, locals limbering up for the marathon. They are out every day, running along the pavements (in spite of the fact that concrete is just about the worst surface to run on) and pounding the miles to the big day.
And their success will ... Views: 1645
My recent teleclass on procrastination dealt with the whys and hows, including the 3 steps to getting out of procrastination and the one essential ingredient to really get yourself moving forward. But on the call I didn’t have time to explore in detail some of the most wonderful procrastination ... Views: 1956
My recent teleclass on procrastination dealt with the whys and hows, including the 3 steps to getting out of procrastination and the one essential ingredient to really get yourself moving forward. But on the call I didn’t have time to explore in detail some of the most wonderful procrastination ... Views: 1939
There are several ways of getting rid of fear. Some people advocate facing it head on. That kind of person will lead you to the edge of the diving board and then give you a push. No doubt they do the same if you are in front of them with a parachute strapped to your back and hesitating before ... Views: 1355
Soon we’ll be getting all those television programmes that review the year just gone. There’ll be events we thought we’d never forget about, that we now can barely remember. There’ll be other apparently trivial events that stick in our memory. And underneath it all, perhaps a nagging ... Views: 1290
You may have set our New Year’s resolutions and are determined that this year it will be different. But take yourself forward to December 2010 - will you be looking back on this year the way you looked back on the last one? Will your dreams and goals be recognised? Will you be looking back on ... Views: 1388
It was supposed to be the year you lost the weight/trained to be a rocket scientist/ditched the husband/married the hot chick from accounts/went global. Or at least made some money. You know, the big stuff.
But somehow it’s fizzled out or been swamped by the old routine or engulfed in the ... Views: 1297
I was faced with an interesting question from my younger son the other day. He meandered into the kitchen and said was it all right if he used my The New Raw Food Detox Diet book as a plate for his chocolate cake. There were so many things wrong with this question I didn't know where to begin. ... Views: 1330
Isn’t that what some people say to you when you want to try something new?
Especially if it rocks their boat. Especially if it changes their universe.
“It won’t work.”
“You can’t do it.”
“It’s never been done before.”
“You’re thinking of doing what?”
Or, (laughing and pointing ... Views: 1610
So what are YOU eating tonight?
You know how it is. Full of good intentions, you plan your day/week/monthly menus, fill the house with good food and have the best of intentions for healthy eating.
That’s Monday.
And you chop, slice, sauté, cook and produce a great meal.
Tuesday ... Views: 1141
Do you have a to-do list that gets ever longer?
You think that once you are back to your routine after the disarrangement of summer holidays and packing/travelling/unpacking, you might actually GET THINGS DONE!
For a while it works, but pretty soon that old to–do list is getting longer ... Views: 1104
What is eating about?
Beautiful tastes and textures, wonderful aromas, a pleasing plate of food?
Something to fill you up when you are hungry?
A great gift that you can share with others, while you also enjoy their company?
A list of calories, fat grams or carbohydrate grams?
A ... Views: 1176
Just recently I’ve been thinking about Nantucket. I don’t know why, except my life is in the in-between dream state where one phase is ending and the next phase hasn’t yet begun. So in a way, anything is possible, and I set myself the task of day-dreaming about what I might like.
Which, when ... Views: 1163
Getting rid of your gremlins around food is not easy. Of course you have lots of help – diet books, slimming clubs, gym instructors (some of whom definitely have never been overweight), not to mention family members who give helpful advice while disdainfully looking at your hips.
And have you ... Views: 1553
Now before you get carried away, I don’t mean go wild eating.
Well you can do that with the right kind of foods but I don’t know what your current food inventory is, so I’m not going to advise raiding the fridge without limitation...
What I mean by going wild is... do something different, ... Views: 1185
Many people who overeat do so to fill in the empty time when they are bored, or they are using food to fill their emotional hunger. The pain of loneliness, the itch of frustration or the adrenaline-burst of anger can be suppressed by filling up with food.
And it’s better to do that, we reason, ... Views: 1168
Anyone who had done weight loss knows that to lose weight you need to set a goal. Or two. Or several if you have a lot of weight to lose.
And anyone who has read anything about success knows that good goal setting is essential. If you don’t know where you are going you will not know how to get ... Views: 934
Do you ever get the feeling that you are taking one step forward and two steps backwards?
You lose a little weight then it all gets a bit scary and you stop dieting? And then all the weight mysteriously comes back.
Or you stick to the diet all day but then in the evening you crave and long ... Views: 3237
I spend a lot of time coaching people through emotional eating. It’s a bit like taking apart an onion (ever noticed how many food metaphors I use?). Take off one layer, you think you’ve cracked it then there’s another issue to deal with.
And all of us are susceptible to our old ... Views: 946
Since we last met I’ve been to Battle – no, not a state of warfare (though I am capable of that!) but the site of the Battle of Hastings in 1066. It is just a field, though a very historic one, but well worth a visit if you are in the neighbourhood, along with Battle Abbey.
Standing on the site ... Views: 849
Watching a nature programme the other day, I was informed that a single walrus can eat 4000 clams in a ten minute dive (Nature’s Great Events, broadcast by BBC, Feb. 11 2009) which seems a tad greedy to me, but then look at the size of a walrus. Are they that big because they eat a lot of clams ... Views: 1265
Almost everyone overeats and under exercises at Christmas. Yes, thin people do it too. So don't feel you are a failure if you have put on a few pounds. And if you want to change your shape, starting off a new regime in midwinter is not easy.
If you are in Australia, no excuses, I know it is ... Views: 1061
I recently wrote that Younger Son was on the Ark Royal. Well he survived it - and more importantly the Ark Royal survived him!
He was a bit peeved that as they left the ship at Liverpool the crew were putting tables and chairs out for a party. Younger Son felt he was missing out on a feast and ... Views: 914
In this Hitchcock movie, the amiable but earnest Jimmy Stewart is confined to his New York apartment by a broken leg and thinks he has witnessed a murder. Sitting at his window he sees nearly all the activities in the apartments opposite. The gorgeous Grace Kelly is sceptical but gamely ... Views: 1002
Our Christmas began early when my daughter and I went to Nuremberg to visit the Christkindlesmarkt or Christmas market. I went there to buy, among other things, angel chimes, only to find that the chimes I wanted actually come from Sweden - and can, therefore, probably be bought at IKEA!
But ... Views: 893
We were all designed to be fat. Annoying but true; our ancestors never knew whether it was going to be feast or famine. So in the feast times they ate and put on weight. When the famine came along all that stored fat came in useful.
Of course it helped that they had very active lifestyles. In ... Views: 1372
If you want to eat it’s possible to be very creative and find all sorts of reasons for overeating. These reasons are, of course, excuses. But sometimes we find ourselves in situations where it is very difficult to eat as healthily as we’d like.
Here are some practical tips for dealing with ... Views: 1034
When I was younger I read The Thirty-Nine Steps but much preferred the movie version. Calamity follows adventure and a sequence of unlikely escapes maintains the tension, along with the mystery of the 39 steps. It’s a good introduction to Hitchcock’s suspense-building ... Views: 924
News is a strange thing. Until a couple of weeks ago I had never heard the term "hockey mom" (and if I hear it again I’ll throw a brick at the TV!). A week ago I had not heard of a Large Hadron Collider, but it can, apparently, reveal the secrets of the universe. When driving to school the other ... Views: 885
Holidaying in Southern Spain this year we enjoyed the Mediterranean food. A typical meal was salmon fillet with home-made pesto sauce (basil, pine nuts and olive oil) and stir-fried Mediterranean vegetables.
Our Mediterranean veg medley consisted of aubergines (eggplants) and courgettes ... Views: 831
When were in Spain we decided to visit the Alhambra. This sounds as if it ought to be a bingo hall in Whitley Bay (US readers – for Whitley Bay think Atlantic City only smaller and colder). The Alhambra is, of course, an ancient palace originally built by the Arabs in Spain and then occupied by ... Views: 863
So you’ve done the cabbage soup diet, the high fibre diet, the low fibre diet, the ice cream and beer diet (just kidding) and now you are ready to start a proper eating plan. But you also want to continue it.
Already you know how diet failure goes. Full of hope, you clear out the ... Views: 850
In Star Trek Next Generation Jean-Luc Picard (French but inexplicably with a perfect English accent) was admirably played by Patrick Stewart.
I was once lucky enough to see Patrick at a conference; he was one of the speakers giving an inspirational talk. He held the stage as befits a Royal ... Views: 1057
I’ve always been biased against Cinderella. Mainly because I have large feet and would never have fitted into that glass slipper. But also because I feel that if she were treated that badly by her sisters she should have left home and set up a cleaning business (which we know she was skilled at) ... Views: 921
Emotional eating can sabotage any diet or cause people to pile the pounds back on when they've reached their target weight. Does that donut have your name written on it? Is that last chocolate in the box the one that tastes the best? (And you'd know that because you've eaten all the others). Are ... Views: 850
One of my children (it would be unfair to give a name) has tried every trick in the book to get out of handing in homework. Actually, they've all gone through a phase of doing that, so much for my brilliant parenting. Don't kids realise that teachers have heard every excuse and no longer believe ... Views: 1056
So how emotional are you over food? Some people regard food just as a source of fuel. They skip meals because they literally forget to eat and it will only be that gnawing hunger in their stomach that drives them to food. Lucky them, you might think. Actually, that’s not that case. People who ... Views: 906