There are many ways to see things, yet we often stay committed to one version of reality...even if it keeps us stuck.
A while back, I had a coaching session with a woman who was convinced she couldn't do what she really wanted to do with her life.
She longed to change careers, but was ... Views: 1348
In a funk. In a hole. In a rough patch.
Off my game. Fallen off.
Hit a wall. Hit bottom.
Slipping. Spiraling. Tanking. Trapped. Stuck.
Do these words ever come out of your mouth?
Face it. We all have bad days or bad seasons where we don't have a sense of well-being. Even though ... Views: 5705
The other day, I could tell something wasn't right. I felt ill-at-ease, but had no idea what was going on.
Was I getting sick? Was I picking up on the collective mood of the universe? I didn't know.
I tried to go about my day - doing the tasks at hand, sticking to my well-crafted ... Views: 1362
Do you ever wonder what is holding you back?
What keeps you from having better relationships?
What stops you from improving yourself?
What is blocking you from moving forward in your life?
As much as you may want to transform your life, there is also a pull to keep you where you ... Views: 1332
Whether you're going to gather with family or friends, many people find holiday events very stressful.
Here are some simple tips to help you prepare and make this year better than your last. Make sure you do these BEFORE you go!
Prep #1: Remember Why
Holidays were created because they ... Views: 1574
I want change and I want it now!!!!! I want the room to be organized, the fat to melt off, the winning lottery ticket...
Living in a culture of immediate gratification, it's a challenge for many of us to stay on track for more than 5 minutes. If we don't see substantial quick and easy ... Views: 1050
Belinda: Let's talk about anger, especially in relationships. Please share your definition of anger and the very clever acronym you created.
Rabbi Finley: Anger is always the suffering of a disappointed need. Every time you've gotten angry, it's because you had a typically unarticulated ... Views: 1788
What happens when your expectations are dashed?
When it feels like your world is falling apart?
When you don't have the answers?
Did you think that you would find your soulmate by now? Never get divorced?
Did you think you would always have financial security? Not outlive ... Views: 1609
Belinda: You often distinguish between thoughts, feelings, and intuition in your classes. Let’s talk about feelings first.
I see many people using feelings as their main criteria for making major life decisions and relationship decisions. They’ll talk about their feelings as if they’re the ... Views: 1953
Belinda: Welcome Rabbi Finley. Thank you for joining me today. In my last article, I used the Passover theme of leaving our personal Mitzrayim (Egypt, constriction, slavery to bad habits, etc.) and making the transition into freedom. How do you define the freedom that we’re going ... Views: 2156
As we travel through life, we are constantly making transitions; leaving one place and going to another place. From______________To________________.
From high school to college. From sickness to health. From single life to married life and sometimes back again.
If you take a look at ... Views: 1605
Recently, my cat Squeakers started losing a lot of weight. My husband and I took her to the vet, thinking that she was probably dying. We braced ourselves for the inevitable sad news only to find out that she had hyperthyroidism and just needed to take a pill. The vet said, "It looks like ... Views: 1203
I was walking along the streets of New York the other day, when I noticed a business sign posted in a construction zone. It said, 'Spring Scaffolding'.
These two words immediately conjured up a couple of ideas.
The first word is obvious: we're entering the Spring season. As I walk ... Views: 1310
There is no one like you in the world. Did you know that? OK, maybe you have an identical twin, but there is still no one exactly like you.
The world is made up of unique individuals who form the whole. Each is a cell in the body, so to speak. Everyone has a part to play and gifts to ... Views: 1024
"If he/she would just change, then I would be happy."
Ever heard that one? Better yet, have you ever said it yourself?
This is a very typical relationship equation. It means that your happiness and well-being is contingent on someone else doing what you want and need.
And conversely, ... Views: 1024
The mind is amazing! As human beings, we have a unique ability to think and reason that far exceeds any other living thing.
With this ability comes the choice to build
up or tear generate fear or be noble or degrading...all initiated by thoughts.
Just as you can ... Views: 2503
What kind of person do you want to be?
Do you notice that once you set out on a course to change something in your life, you immediately bump up against obstacles?
While some obstacles are external, many actually exist within us. It's as if we're in a battle with ourselves.
What is ... Views: 5689
One of the most frequently stated goals at the beginning of the year is, "I'm going to get in better shape and start eating healthier" - aka "diet and exercise."
But, the gap between good intentions and concrete results can seem enormous, especially when it comes to taking care of ... Views: 1067
Have you ever watched a kite? They soar in the stratosphere - free, unencumbered, dancing and twirling in the wind.
However, kites don't fly all by themselves. They need help.
Who is on the other end of the string?
A pilot. A solid anchor connected to the earth.
If the kite ... Views: 2640
What happened to your dreams?
As people mature into a life of responsibility, they often find that they've lost something along the way - something that they wish they could regain.
Where there used to be passion and imagination, there is now the mundane - the everyday activities.
Harsh ... Views: 1378
During this Thanksgiving season, I want to challenge you to make gratitude your new daily ritual.
It's easy to continue cultivating bad habits, right? So, how about replacing one of them with this great habit? Here's my recommendation:
Start a gratitude ... Views: 1306
I remember being a young mom and finally getting my baby on a routine.
Oh, I've got it down now. I just need to feed him at 7, change his diaper, and put him down for a nap from 9-10:30. I have a whole hour and a half to take my shower, do the dishes, make phone calls...
Finally! I ... Views: 1209
"My wife died about 5 years ago now. I'm still having such a hard time going through her belongings. Every time I pick up one of her sweaters I just collapse with sadness and longing. Even her handwriting on a piece of scrap paper is sacred. I don't know how I can ever part with anything ... Views: 2162
Clearing space typically means something like organizing your garage or clearing the excess activities off of your calendar.
These are the kinds of things you get to choose to eliminate.
What about those areas you don't get to choose?
What about the space created from loss?
All ... Views: 1584
I just fought with a plant...and I won.
I recently decided to rearrange some plantings in my backyard. VISION. The next step was to uproot the ones that I wanted to move. PLAN.
Everything was going smoothly until...(dun-dun-dun!), I began to uproot the plant from hell. OBSTACLE. ... Views: 1205
Sarah walked into a party of people she didn't know. She was handed a drink and whisked into a lively conversation with several women. The gal across from her asked, "So, what do you do?" Sarah started to respond just as the woman turned her attention to a nearby group that had burst into ... Views: 3041