We are living in a time when everything we have believed in or thought was normal, the way it should be or just how life was, is crumbling all around us. Every aspect of our world today is being affected by events beyond our personal control. The world we are in today seems vastly different than ... Views: 605
As a writer, I became interested in understanding the plight of men back in the nineties when Robert Bly, Sam Keen and other men who pioneered the Men’s Movement began to write and speak up. I was curious and it fascinated me to read books like Fire in the Belly and Iron John. It also helped ... Views: 2594
Which aspect of the Goddess of Love do you most identify with? Is it Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty? Or perhaps Lilith, the Primal Goddess? Or do you see yourself more as the Sacred Prostitute, Courtesan or Sexual Healer?
The Goddesses of Love have many names for they represent a side ... Views: 1654
What is the true meaning of being a sister to another woman?
This question of how women can create new ways of being with each other is an on going one for me. One the the key components for building trust between women is to give your women friends equal billing with your primary partner if ... Views: 1815
Everything and everyone must change and evolve if it, they, are to not only survive but thrive.
The concept of evolution has often been used when speaking about the origin of humankind and the evolvement of a particular species. But have you ever thought of the evolution of sex?
As ... Views: 2245
We are entering into a time that has been spoken of for thousands of years. This time has been called the Apocalypse, the New Age, the Golden Age and the End of the World. But for those of us who understand the message of the Mayas and of the indigenous peoples of the world we know this time ... Views: 1207
Perhaps you may have heard of the book Conversations With God by Neal Donald Walsh?
Well just recently I picked it up to read. I can't believe I never read this book when it first came out. The part I turned to, by just opening to a page in the book, was about Neal asking God about being ... Views: 1339
The time has rapidly approached us when we can no longer expect that the Earth changes may not effect the area you live in. The time has come for us to choose how we will respond and act as spiritual masters.
Recently, a trusted friend and spiritual teacher sent several predictions regarding ... Views: 1358
What is sexual energy?
For most it is something we feel when we notice we are attracted to someone. Our bodies feel tingly or our genitals feel some “heat”. Maybe your heart begins to pound and you just feel excited or “turned on”, but this is only a superficial explanation. Some may even ... Views: 15754
As a master I understand this outpouring of love in the face of crisis in Japan and elsewhere in the world as the new foundation, the basis of the new world we are creating. What has moved me the most in these past weeks has been how the Japanese themselves have responded to what has occurred. ... Views: 1335
I have found relationship to be a deeply spiritual process. It will reveal to you all of those unpleasant aspects of yourself that you would never face without one. It can be used to purify those aspects, to grow beyond them. It is a spiritual journey. This is where we get to learn about ... Views: 1984
What creates pleasure is a very interesting question. After doing research on the subject I discovered that the brain is our largest pleasure centers. Now I knew this before but what I did not know was that the pleasure center in our brain lets us know when something is enjoyable and ... Views: 1677
There are many ways that one can approach having a relationship. There are many systems that can teach you different aspects of healthy relating. But I have found that as a person matures the only relationship that will really support you in attracting the partner you have always wanted is the ... Views: 1257
Have you ever felt as if "God or Goddess" pulled the carpet out from under your feet? Well, recently, this is what happened to me. Living in challenging times you say, you betcha.
I had just started a new job a few months ago, one that I actually liked and felt good with. A job I had waited ... Views: 1383
I just finished watching a video of Julia Butterfly speaking about her life's journey and awakening to love. I assume many of you who are reading this know of her and maybe have even heard her speak. She was for me profoundly inspirational but not in the usual way. She invited her audience to ... Views: 2851
There are three stages of relating, according to David Deida an international teacher and author. He calls these stages Dependent, 50/50, and Intimate Communion. In his book Intimate Communion he defines these stages according to the polarity differences between men and women.
Dependent ... Views: 6173
Orgasmic energy is one of the most powerful tools for healing, energizing and balancing every aspect of being – the mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, and, of course, sexual. In the teachings of the Sweet Medicine Chuluaqui Quodoushka from the Metis Deer Tribe, there are four levels of ... Views: 6047
Tantra has always been identified with sexuality, especially Red Tantra which is about mastering sexual energy. And yet there are many forms of Tantra most of which are not related to sexuality. I create my own blend of what being a Tantrika means. It is a practice of working with my energy body ... Views: 1240
This is an age-old question that has been asked for decades and more. According to one woman’s opinion, Dana Perch a professional matchmaker, women want a man who is self-confident.
“Confidence... not arrogance, not dominance, not one-upsmanship, not useless bravado, not macho heroics. Women ... Views: 2302
In Tantra the essential premise is that we are all already awakened. And, we come into this world to learn discernment and to master various aspects of life.
For myself I know that I chose to master this life in many ways. I knew from a very early age that I was on a spiritual self-mastery ... Views: 1914
Recently I have been pondering the power of surrender. I have been contemplating this word and what it really means. There are many definitions and most have negative connotations. In our society this word has often been misunderstood. Yes, one might say the bad guys surrendered to the good ... Views: 1562
Lately I have been pondering how quickly everything is shifting and changing. I don’t know about you, but in my world things are moving rather quickly. The world is changing rapidly and whether we like it or not we can choose to go with these changes or become like the dinosaurs, extinct. ... Views: 3123
We have all heard the name of one of the greatest love manuals of all time, the Kama Sutra. The history of this book is quite fascinating as it offers us a glimpse into a culture where spirit and sex were seen as complimentary.
The Kama Sutra is a book on both love and relationship and takes ... Views: 2801