Anyone can become a deliberate creator, able to manifest in their universe what they need at the time that they need it. That sounds like a totally mind-blowing statement, but once you understand The Law of Attraction it really is not. We are all attracting people, things and situations through ... Views: 3558
I have to say that affirmations are a personal favorite manifesting tool. Once you start to use affirmations, you realize just how easy they are, and what an affect they can have on your life.
An affirmation is simply a positive statement. You can create an affirmation about just about ... Views: 2071
Love is absolutely essential in life. Love manifests happiness. To manifest love relationships in your life, or to even overcome the hatred and aloofness between relations, either between the husband and the wife, or other relatives, friends, and colleagues, and turn the negative vibrations of ... Views: 2594
Nothing is impossible to the believer! Jesus was probably the first man who taught this mystical theory to the masses. Bible provides us with many instances of Jesus himself practicing the art of creative visualization and imaging, and using the law of attraction in the most astonishing way! ... Views: 1543
I get asked a lot about how fast the manifestation process is. Well, there are several factors involved but it obviously varies from person to person and how much energy they're putting into their manifestation processes.
If you didn't get very excited about your visualization then you may want ... Views: 1276
Here’s how you can breakthrough the “it doesn't work” barrier once and for good…
If you want to experience your first mini-miracle, it really isn't as difficult as you may think. In fact, it should be quite exciting!
What you need to do is first choose a small item that ... Views: 1229
Manifesting your own reality is easy when you know how. Instead of over-complicating the process, it really does boil down to getting yourself into alignment with the things you say you’ve been wanting.
Alignment can be as easy as feeling good. Or it could mean making a gentle shift in ... Views: 1465
If you’re aware of the Law of Attraction and have a basic understanding of how it works, then you will know that how you feel is extremely important in what you’re going to attract.
Time and time again I have proven to myself that when I feel good about anything at all, that is when ... Views: 2804
Do you ever stop and ask yourself how or why you just manifested something completely unwanted?
The scratch on the car.
The dog poo on your shoe.
The delayed mail you were expecting.
Whenever you stop and ask yourself “how did that happen?”, you may be completely correct in your ... Views: 1179
When using visualizations to make the Law of Attraction yield to you your desires, you are in massive contradiction to the Law of Attraction itself.
The Law of Attraction will yield to you more of what you give your attention.
So, if you visualize in order to manifest more money, you will be ... Views: 4030
By being blissfully ignorant about certain things in this world, you can greatly increase your success rate with the Law of Attraction and making it work for you.
Illnesses can come and go in seconds instead of months. Depending on what you believe to be true, that is what you’ll ... Views: 1088
When using the Law of Attraction to attract your desires, your job is to “let it in”. Let what in? Abundance, well-being, source energy, joy, happiness, love. Etc.
Letting it in is easy, remembering to practice this on a consistent basis is the difficult part because you’re so ... Views: 1099
Is it possible to successfully place a bet and win it using the Law of Attraction? I’ve proved it possible.
Within each and every one of us is something called an Emotional Guidance System. You may know it with a different name (gut instincts for example), but simply put the emotions that ... Views: 5199
Just like gravity has just one job, the Law of Attraction also has one job too. Its job is to match like energy with like energy.
If you feel miserable and depressed, don’t be surprised that you experience more unwanted people, places and circumstances. Through the Law of Attraction, you ... Views: 1619
Do you make every attempt to get the Law of Attraction to function in your life, but you’re not seeing the right results you want? Do you start to ask to you whether this law of attraction is one big hoax, a marketing ploy which has suckered millions into buying its products? I’m ... Views: 1166
The purpose of this article is to provide you with several ways in which you can get yourself into alignment with manifesting more money.
The first thing you need to do is realize that to manifest more money, you must feel abundant already. If you feel poor, miserable and penniless then that is ... Views: 1442
We all know that a pot of gold will not fall out of the sky and make us rich, yet films like “The Secret” lead us to believe that we can draw a picture of a bicycle, and then one day, Grandpa will conveniently knock at the door with a new gift for us (yes, it’s that bicycle ... Views: 965
There are two different types of people when it comes to learning about the Law of Attraction. There are those who will love to read anything on the Law of Attraction, regardless of who the material is written by. And then there are those who find a specific teacher who they resonate with and ... Views: 856
Most people manifest things they want very sporadically. One day will be great and they’ll manifest some great stuff, and then the next two weeks will be miserable until they get that next high event when a new manifestation will come about.
That’s no way to live a fulfilled ... Views: 942
If you’re a firm believer of the Law of Attraction, and you feel your friends of family could benefit from this wisdom, should you tell them?
My own personal opinion is that you should follow your gut instinct on this. In some cases telling your friends or family could lead to ridicule ... Views: 1049
In part 1 of this article, we discussed why people become depressed and how it’s possible to get out of that cycle of depression.
When I say that getting out of it is easy, I really do mean it. The problem is that most people do not try this method of getting out of it, instead they rely ... Views: 1049
I’ve worked with several people who would classify themselves as depressed and by using the Law of Attraction and some other processes they’ve been able to pull themselves out of depression and are now happy, life-loving people.
Let’s have a look at how it is ... Views: 993
Are you taking the right steps to manifest your desires using the Law of Attraction?
A lot of the time you will see me discussing about the two methods of manifestation. In my opinion the two methods are:
Feel Good
Believe Your Desire
When you feel good about anything at all, in that moment ... Views: 934
Is the Law of Attraction too good to be true? Is it all hype and marketing? Or is there something magical about it that the masses just don’t grasp?
These are good questions and one that I feel confident in answering. I’ve been practising using the Law of Attraction to ... Views: 870
Have you ever found yourself without much energy to do your daily routines?
Do you feel lethargic and not “in the mood” to do much of anything? Instead you’d prefer it if you could relax with a good book or just watch a film and lay out on your couch?
Instead of fighting ... Views: 2204
I have to say that affirmations are a personal favorite manifesting tool. Once you start to use affirmations, you realize just how easy they are, and what an affect they can have on your life.
An affirmation is simply a positive statement. You can create an affirmation about just about ... Views: 1142
Here are three Law of Attraction tips for you so you can start seeing more abundance in your life starting today.
The Universe Likes Speed – When utilizing the Law of Attraction do not hesitate when you feel inspired to do something. Hesitating gives your thoughts the time to change how ... Views: 879
I’m sure you’ve seen the DVD “The Secret” and you noticed the part when the elephant was instantly manifested. Maybe you thought you were glad instant manifestation doesn’t occur, or maybe you thought that actually you would prefer instant manifestation and that the ... Views: 3249
One little talked about method of achieving instant greatness is sex transmutation.
A few years back, if you had of asked me what sex transmutation was, I would have stared at you with a gloomed look on my face. Thankfully after reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, he devotes an entire ... Views: 1740
Have you ever noticed how completely satisfied your pets are? Especially cats. When you give them your full attention, they want for nothing more!
One of my most favourite manifestations to date was manifesting a cat into my life. Because of my landlord’s decision, I am not allowed to own ... Views: 809
Your feelings are essential to making the Law of Attraction work for you.
It is ultimately your feelings that will control what your vibration is, and it is your vibration that you send out that does the attracting.
Our current human consciousness is based upon feeling miserable. We find it ... Views: 1221
I hold a different view to most people about having a life purpose. A lot of people tend to think that you must have a life purpose and that you must work it out when you’re here on earth.
Others will say that you cannot know your life purpose until you transcend into the non-physical. ... Views: 909
When people speak of the present moment, most will dismiss it from having any real value. After all, they think they’re always in the moment, as now is all any of us have. It’s the common theme amongst all animals and humans, we all share “now”.
But how present and in ... Views: 863
“All you have to do is think positively and you'll manifest whatever you want!”
Is that really how it is?
My opinion is no. If you think positively for the attainment of stuff, you're going to manifest nothing. Why? Because when you think positively to acquire stuff, you're putting ... Views: 1166
Far too many people are over complicating the Law of Attraction. They think that because they haven't been able to make it work for them that it has to be hard and difficult to make it work.
“There must be something more. It can't possibly be that simple.”
The truth of the matter ... Views: 932
Here are three simple yet effective tips that will help you to start manifesting more money into your life. Like anything that you want, the trick is to get into alignment with what you want. These three processes are just ways in which you can do that with money.
Pick Up The Penny – How ... Views: 1150
It's not that hard to get yourself stuck in a habit or routine that doesn't serve you. Most of us will end up coming home from a hard days work, getting a quick meal and spending the rest of the evening in front of the television.
Is this any way to live a life?
When you look back on your life ... Views: 869
I recently read an article that stated happiness was to be taught in universities as an experimental class. At first I couldn't believe what I was reading... that we now had to be taught happiness!
Surely happiness comes from within oneself?
Teaching happiness is like saying that you have no ... Views: 850
No doubt you've gotten fired up about using the Law of Attraction to manifest some cool stuff in your life, but eventually after a few days or a few weeks or trying, you gave up and then told yourself... “this stuff doesn't work”.
Maybe you got lazy and couldn't be bothered to keep ... Views: 953
Is it possible to stay happy when it all kicks off?
Can you remain positive and think happy things immediately after an argument?
How can you stay happy when bad stuff happens?
Trying to stay positive even when not so good stuff is happening appears like a massive challenge. It's actually ... Views: 839
Is there a conflict between the Law of Attraction and being present in the now?
If you've read books from Eckhart Tolle and Abraham Hicks then you may be seeing conflicting information between the two teachings.
Primarily with the Law of Attraction style of teaching (Abraham-Hicks, "The ... Views: 4132
When visualizing your desires there are a few tricks that you may or may not be aware of. In this article I am going to introduce you to some basic, older NLP devices that can be incredibly effective.
First if you have never heard of NLP before, it stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Be ... Views: 4923
You are a perfect being, capable of being, doing and having anything that you can conceive. You are the creator of your own reality and the basis of this creative haven is the Law of Attraction. There are no boundaries or limitations as to what you are capable of, so why do we sometimes limit ... Views: 841
When it comes to abundance and prosperity, expectations are vitally important. By studying the Law of Attraction we understand that we receive exactly what we expect in life. Why is this? How do expectations work with the Law of Attraction?
Your expectation of something is extremely powerful. ... Views: 818
Do you believe you can have it in your life?
Most of us would like to believe that, but at the same time we have a little voice in the back of our minds that prevents us from experiencing what it is that we want:
“You’re no good at this... Who do you think you are?... Don’t ... Views: 947
When you come to understand that you really are the creator of everything in your life, at first it can appear quite uncomfortable because in the past or present you’ve experienced bad things and you know that you would never intentionally hurt yourself or cause bad things to come to you, ... Views: 1277
Manifestation only occurs when you’ve got yourself into alignment with what it is that you want. This basically means that you’re either in solid expectation of your desire, or you’ve spent time getting into alignment by visualizing or just feeling good.
If you’ve not ... Views: 1097
For most people, hearing that you can be, do or have anything you want just by thinking about it is an incredibly attractive message. Some people will go to work on the knowledge they learn whereas others will just sit back and wait to see others using this law before they try it ... Views: 892
The Law of Attraction is a theory commonly associated with New Thought and New Age philosophy. The Law of Attraction is not a new concept. Even Buddha said that ‘All that we are is the result of what we have thought.’ Again in the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus has said ‘It ... Views: 1617
If you’re wondering how you can use the Law of Attraction to create wealth in your life or how can you attract more abundance, then it is my intention that by the time you’ve finished reading this article you will have a better understanding of the process you must follow.
First, ... Views: 920