Our five-movement model suggests why sitting still silently, in a symmetrical, “metal-like” posture for an extended time period is very challenging for many people. Even though we may be aware that the quiescent mood created in meditation is the exact missing element our lives would benefit ... Views: 1650
LOVE: The experience of a blissful and highly gratifying feeling that elicits a deep
desire and enthusiasm to live one’s life to the fullest.
In the dawning of morning light
In the sound of wind through the trees
An ocean wave laps upon the shore
and the sparkle in your eyes reminds me ... Views: 913
The Path of Relationship —Legend and Legacy
The Legend: The story has been told many ways, in many a place
Is it true? Search your soul ..feel.. divine grace
From the unity of the infinite came a separation-a separation that would birth a
passionate expression of vital ... Views: 1035
Zen-Touch™ is a form of body therapy that combines:
“Zen” - A state of being where one is flowing in harmony with the forces of nature. When we
experience this place we feel a sense of Oneness... Unity... with the divine. We can all recall times, perhaps moments when our life ... Views: 1071
When I first began studying Tai Chi, Shiatsu and Macrobiotics in the 70's, there was a
concentrated group of individuals, myself included who had experienced, witnessed or at
least felt the passionate influence of the 60's/early 70's and the Viet Nam war.
Change was imperative. Global Peace ... Views: 782
Modern research in the field of Quantum Physics is shedding light on how Hands-On Healing works. Frequencies and vibrations originating in the brain may hold the answer to this age-old question.
Brain Waves are vibrations that communicate to cellular receptors throughout the human body, which ... Views: 1016