Happiness is what we all aspire to. But you will feel deep happiness only when you first choose to be happy. Yes, happiness is a definite choice, a chosen way of being, thinking and acting that inevitably leads to positive results. The simple techniques I outline below will help you get started ... Views: 1191
What causes PMS and what can we do to lessen the pain every month? Scientists have found it difficult to identify a single cause of PMS. Theories include nutritional factors, hormonal disruptions, chemical changes and emotional or psychological factors. It is likely each of these factors plays a ... Views: 2154
How can you influence people at a core level and what does it mean to do so? In essence, it is spiritual entrepreneurship, a new and enlightened way of communicating with others. We activate different personas in relation to different situations that come up in life, basically engaging just two ... Views: 2582
Menopause does not herald the end of your love life. By no means! Here we are talking about having great sex during and after menopause. It is not only perfectly wonderful to be sexy, flirty and erotic in your 50s and 60s, but you deserve to feel as emotionally and physically fulfilled as ever, ... Views: 2508
I am surprised with the number of teenage girls and women that I have spoken with who do not know how to cope with Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, or PMS, as it is known. At some time or other most women suffer the effects of PMS, which can upset their social, school and business lives as well as their ... Views: 1712
It is time to birth the new reality of our future. We are creating a new world; what kind of world depends on our thoughts and our belief that we do in fact manifest what we think about. As a transformational life coach I am finding it easier and easier to speak to others about living in a state ... Views: 1486
Evidently you are interested in discovering this amazing and most powerful of all strategies for gaining brilliant success in the stock market. Stocks can go up, down, see-saw, or do the cha-cha in financial terms, and you will still win in trading financial instruments when you master the ... Views: 2611
We have much for which to be grateful, so very, very grateful, as this New Year ushers in a new decade. Whatever we decide our future will be, it WILL BE. And whatever we choose to be, WE WILL BE. So let us make these intense times a pivotal point in our own individual evolution and choose to ... Views: 1363
At every moment we make choices about what we want to experience. When our daily life throws up challenges and offers opportunities for growth we always have a choice. As the dark matrix of negative vibration tries to catapult us into the negativity of fear, anger or sadness, we select our ... Views: 1762
What does it take to be happy? In fact, how do we define happiness? The definitions are possibly as many and as varied as there people on this beautiful planet. But I think it may first be easier to take a look at what happiness is not.
We tend to hang on to the security that comes with our ... Views: 1352
We can align with the Law of Attraction; we have the power; it is simply a matter of understanding how and then working with the energy. We can design our future. We are maturing creators and are here on earth to learn about our power and to use that discovery wisely.
So how do you create a ... Views: 1508
Thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts are powerful. Thoughts are creative. Your thoughts are creative. You create with your thoughts whether you understand that you do or not. Understand your power of thinking and you will create whatever experiences in life that you want. Yes, your thoughts are ... Views: 1668
The ways to a happy present are the qualities of your happy future self. Work that one out and your life will change wonderfully. You will instantly see that you are actually creating your future right now, today. The happy future of which you dream is rooted in the joy and confidence you feel ... Views: 1447
Can humanity actually drop the shackles of our past limitations and separateness to step into a new reality of unity and peace? This would require a universal shift in consciousness such as has never been attained before. And this era is precisely what we are moving into right now.
We are in ... Views: 1328
Do you have a vision? Do you have a dream for your life that you want to experience more than anything else in the whole world? You must first formulate it in your mind, and then pursue it with all your heart. Not with a fever pitch of activity but with quiet assurance and gratitude. Realize ... Views: 1739
The Law of Attraction works whether we believe it does or not; either way we get to experience what we believe. This is such a radical realization that most never grasp the depth and significance of how this universal law actually works. Humans are electro-magnetic beings for whom reality is a ... Views: 1326
Focus on feeling worthy for a moment, because this is precisely where the Law of Attraction for creating positive outcomes kicks in and the creative art of allowing comes into play. If I truly believe that what I ask for is coming to me, I will feel confident and worthy and my energy will align ... Views: 1385
Is the Law of Attraction as good as it sounds and does it really work? You may remember all the hype about the Law of Attraction that the movie, The Secret” stirred up a few years ago. Like most others who watched this excellent movie, I was delighted both with the hope it inspired in the ... Views: 1421
All self healing, whether spiritual, emotional or physical, takes place first at the level of our being, then in the mind, in the non-physical sphere of our consciousness. When the healing has already begun at this higher energetic level, then, and only then, will we be able to perceive physical ... Views: 1520
Is it possible to heal our emotional stress and physical disease? We are complex people but we, like the rest of creation, work and function according to universal laws. If we did not, life would be chaotic.
So when we understand how we function, in what order of flow our life works, then we ... Views: 1422
Communicating with our children and family is about relating in love, one on one, with each individual member of that family. From one point of view, we don’t choose our family of origin. From a higher perspective, we do. We choose our parents and our family; we choose those who will help us ... Views: 1574
Soul mate loving is about finding as many ways as possible to infuse your body, mind, heart and spirit with love and joy, and then sharing that love and joy intimately with another. We all seek love because love brings happiness. And happiness is a fundamental purpose of living. We yearn for ... Views: 2041
To discover the secrets of how will power works, we must study the functions of the mind. Our brain can cope quite easily with complex, multi dimensional concepts because it functions holistically. Though we usually think linearly, that is, one thought leads to another, and to another ... Views: 1480
To recognize the spiritual aspect of money is to align with its flow in your life. Money is intrinsically neither good nor bad, neither valuable nor worthless except to the degree to which we recognize and assign it as such. Money is energy, as are all things. It has value only when it can be ... Views: 1629
The best way to find happiness is to BE happiness. Happiness is not to be found outside of you; it is not something you have to find at all, because it is inherent to your very nature. To the extent you are connected in awareness to your inner life, your essential nature as a human being made ... Views: 1342
Depression is the opposite of happiness. It is one of the most painful and long-lasting negative emotions springing up from your negative belief about yourself. Depression is always a feeling, an emotion, about yourself, not about the outside world or your circumstances in life. Depression is ... Views: 1365
Decide to see the world in terms of the ideals of love, joy and service. In this article we will discuss ten simple mind steps you can take that will increase your power to live the life you choose rather than a life that just happens to you.
You create your life experience, whether you ... Views: 1346
Can we speed up success? Can we skip the pedantic stuff, the slow and arduous background work and taste the magic of instant wealth and success?
Probably not. If life was meant to give you instantly all the wealth and success you want on a platter, where would you learn your life lessons? ... Views: 1742
How many times have you heard that you get what you focus on? Every personal development guru mentions it in relation to the laws of attraction and manifestation. And the basic premise works well. As you emotionally energize your thoughts through consistent focus, they will come into your ... Views: 1417
There is a spiritual dimension to sex and sexuality, as indeed there is to every aspect of human life. Understanding the power of this spirituality and intentionally embracing it can only escalate the richness of our sexual experience.
Many single women and men who are celibate, see their ... Views: 2456
Joy to the World! is one of my favourite carols. If it makes us feel so fantastic when carolling, why not focus on feeling joy every single day of the year.
Joy opens our heart to recognize miracles happening all around us. When we focus on some happy, positive thought, these little ... Views: 1519
Before answering the question of why negative emotions seem to persist more than their positive counterparts, we must consider the origins of emotions. Everything in the universe is energy; it may be physical or non-physical in our experience.
Most things function as systems of energy, where ... Views: 1956
Relationships are supposed to be peaceful, rewarding, and fun! They're not supposed to be boring, difficult, or distant. If your relationship with your lover has turned a little chilly, lost its excitement or is now just plain boring, when did it begin to lose its spunk?
Maybe your ... Views: 3257
All life experience owes its existence to the essential Law of Polarity which offers the opportunity of contrast in life. The Law of Polarity causes waves, the warp and woof, in life experience. Polarity is a basic and essential element of existence and of all experience. While it is a quite ... Views: 1826
Abundance of positive energy in every part of your life is the prime characteristic of holistic wealth creation. Holistic wealth maintenance in life means you constantly sustain abundance, effulgence, harmonious bounty and flow in every area of your life experience.
So to create an ... Views: 1765
Get ready for the conquest of Self discovery. How do you break through from the joyous dreaming of immense physical, temporal possibilities as yet unexplored, to real experiences about which mere dreaming falls infinitely short? The universal laws govern all experience, both physical and ... Views: 1543
Weight loss and losing weight have become an obsession with so many people. It has become a self-fulfilling prophecy: I’m over-weight and need to lose weight.
What is your subconscious mind hearing when you speak or even just think this kind of self-talk? It does not recognize negatives, so ... Views: 1469
You couldn’t stop being intuitive, even if you tried. Intuition is intrinsic to who you are and to how you relate to the world. It never turns off and it will never leave you. Whether you choose to listen and respond to your intuition is another matter entirely.
Let’s widen the expanse of ... Views: 1675
Holistic health embraces optimum functioning in five key areas of well-being. These are spiritual, emotional, relationships, health and fitness and finances/career. Depletion in any one area pulls down the holistic health of the entire person, because each area of our life relates and is ... Views: 1758
Is your diet giving you the holistic vitality you need to get through your day? Perhaps you’re too busy doing other things to worry about what you eat, as long as it’s quick to prepare or purchase and tasty to eat, it will suffice. Or will it? If you keep putting inferior fuel into an engine, ... Views: 1313
What is intuition? Intuition is each person’s inner holistic guidance system; it is innate in each of us. It operates outside our immediate conscious awareness, beyond the circumference of our focused attention. Intuition appears to have our best interests at heart. It alerts us beforehand to ... Views: 2365
You may have heard it said that everything is energy. And it’s true! The entire universe is made of energy; with infinite grades of density and resonance. As we explore the higher human energies, we find similar fluctuations. Thoughts and feelings are energy masses as real as any physical energy ... Views: 934
Higher human energies can be sensed in many ways. The advent of Kirlian photography scientifically proved the existence of the energy of the human aura, many decades ago. Another name for this aura is the electro magnetic energy field surrounding the physical body.
Many psychics can see this ... Views: 1639
What if your friend took you aside and, in hushed tones, shared with you that they know where to find a hidden treasure. Not only that, they also know, on sound authority, that this treasure is so vast and of such significance, it could change life as we know it on this planet in a very short ... Views: 1393
What do women really want? The answer is quite simple: to have a definitive say in their life, and to regain their self esteem sufficient enough to self govern and freely express their irrepressible love, joy and nurturing qualities.
For thousands of years women have surrendered their power ... Views: 2156
How do I discover my Life Purpose? Do I really have a Life Lesson to learn?
And what is my Core Fear?
Recall the words of that unforgettable song:
Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be!
So do we have no say in ... Views: 1782
One of the greatest assets of modern society is the baby boomer generation. They are the youthful elders of our society, the wisdom holders, and the insightful teachers skilled with real life experience. These are the women and men who have lived through the hard knocks of life and have learned ... Views: 1753
You have everything you need to be happy already. Just decide to be happy, that is, be happy, and then everything you need to be happy will flow to you. That's how creative living works. To have and live what you want, BE what you want, and what you want will come to you, pressed down and ... Views: 3244
Of all relationships we build in the course of our life, perhaps the most fundamental is that of family. The family relationship is like no other in that often the boundaries are blurred. Whatever family may mean for you, it is precious and serves your growth.
Family embraces multiple-aspect ... Views: 1215
Life experience and relationships are about personal responsibility and choice. If we want life to give us more joy and fulfillment, we probably need to make new life changes and wiser choices. The old axiom" If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always ... Views: 1339