Awareness is the key behind any major achievement in life, be it love, success, relationships or spiritual growth. Without being aware, our chances for discovering and sustaining change and positive results in any arena of life are limited.
For many of us the New Year is about setting goals ... Views: 3157
You know what’s great about life? We get a brand new beginning each and every day to do what we didn’t do the day before. Think about that for a moment. Life grants us a chance every day to create "a new beginning." What could be more powerful than to know that within our grasp, is the chance to ... Views: 1960
When ever we think that there is something difficult to learn or master in life, we believe that there must be some “secret” attached to the outcome. We often say to ourselves, “what do I need to know, that I don’t or what do I need to do, that I haven’t.” What if I told you that there was no ... Views: 1991
If you’re like me and thousands of others on this planet, you’ve either read The Secret, watched the DVD or know what it’s about. Those of us who are familiar with the Law of Attraction (LOA), know that it has been around since Jesus and other prophets walked the earth. All we need to do is read ... Views: 2074
We’ve all learned from first hand experience that stepping into the unknown can be both exciting and scary at the same time. The human spirit is born to explore and discover, while our ego and subconscious may suggest we play it safe based on past events. So, how do we know when to act and when ... Views: 3207
The good news is that we all experience self-limiting beliefs; the bad news is, that’s right, we all have self-limiting beliefs. There’s more good news though - we can do something about them.
Limiting beliefs have a method to their madness, they keep us safe, safe from ever having to take a ... Views: 2491
Think back to when you were about to make a major change in your life or take on a big project. Let’s say you’re getting re-married, uh-oh, now that can be a big change. How about changing careers, starting a new business or moving your family. Can you feel the fear and trepidation resurface, ... Views: 2154
Isn’t it amazing how difficult it can be for any of us to change a bad habit or behavior? It can be a habit that is very simple such as losing your temper behind the wheel of a car or a more challenging one such as trying to break a serious addiction to say, smoking or over eating. Which ever ... Views: 2150
Each of us believes that the basis of our dreams, our desires and expectations are unique and different from anyone else. But are they really? Our dreams may differ, much as our desires and what we expect to achieve in our lives; however, there is a common denominator that lives in each of us, ... Views: 2226
Robert Frost once said, "I took the road less traveled and it has made all the difference." Map makers are not afraid to take the road less traveled as well. Often, at some point on the on the road of discovery, they realize they’ve failed. But they’ve learned to make one important distinction, ... Views: 1979
If you’ve read my bio, you know that in May of 1995, I suddenly became a single father over night. The tragedy left me in a space that I had never experienced before. I was both in shock and terror. At the same time, I knew what I had to do and by the grace of God I found the courage I needed ... Views: 2706
Like many fathers from his generation, my dad was probably like many of the dads across America. His parents emigrated here from Europe at the turn of the century as did many; some from Italy, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Austria and other parts of Europe. Many had acquired trades in their home ... Views: 2105
If your normal like me, you often make decisions not realizing that they’re being generated by your past. We don’t choose to do this, we don’t intend to do this, it just happens, as if we have no say about who we are and how we live our lives. But you do have a say about who you become and how ... Views: 1937
A few weeks ago, we noticed that there were three bird nests in our yard, with a total of eight eggs. I can’t tell you how excited we became. My family loves the happenings of nature, especially when it represents good tidings.
Two are blue bird nests and one is a family of sparrows. ... Views: 3112
We live in a fast paced world; fast cars, fast food, jet planes, cell phones, laptops etc. All of these technical and life style changes have had a definite impact on society, both positive and negative.
On the positive side, we have become the richest, most comfortable and most fortunate ... Views: 2052
Each of us aspires to live a life that is fulfilled. A life blessed with joy, health, happiness and prosperity. Yet, so many of us are challenged daily to realize these dreams and aspirations. What is it that's inherent for all of us in this life long struggle; why, after repeated effort to ... Views: 2922
I would like to share with you how exactly the Law of Attraction works. It is imperative that you understand that what ever we have discussed in these two documents, can be realized through the Law of Attraction. As gasoline is the fuel for your automobile, attraction is the fuel for your ... Views: 1933
Have you ever asked yourself why the simple things in life seem so hard to learn sometimes? Why things that should be so easy, just seem to be so damn hard? What’s funny about it, is the answer to the next question. Who makes it so hard...guess who?
But you can change that by making the ... Views: 2061
Everyone has the capacity and potential to be great, to be successful. It’s just a matter of deciding what your purpose is, focus on your intention and manifest your vision and dreams into reality. Most people never determine what it is that they want to achieve, because they don’t have a ... Views: 999