It`s a question I have been pondering for the past few years – is business leadership getting easier? I read articles and work in businesses that say change is occurring faster and markets are ever more complex, my experience however just doesn`t bear that out (and I appreciate it may be because ... Views: 1078
When you’re seeking out a psychotherapist in Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow or London, how will you know a good one from a mediocre one? It’s not like a hairdresser where every friend you have has been to one so you can ask for a recommendation from your mate with a hairstyle or colour you ... Views: 1154
This afternoon I chose to leave work a little early and go down to the pool for some exercise and some mind clearing. After 30 minutes and with 64 lengths done and dusted (that’s a mile exactly if you’re wondering about the random number) I headed to the showering area.
As I was washing ... Views: 1023
As Healthy Chat evolves and begins to morph and manifest into the vision I’ve been holding for nearly 5 years, the process has encouraged me to look at how I’ve been resourced personally to get to this point.
Since 2009 my pace of life has changed as has my family shape, my home, and my ... Views: 1495
What's the Return On Investment of working with an Executive Coach? This is such a juicy question. Ten years and over 1000 clients ago, as I tentatively opened my doors to my first incarnation of being an executive coach. I had very little understanding of the value I was bringing to my market. ... Views: 1322
Over the last fortnight, in the process of building an ‘extension’ onto my present business activities, I’ve met an extraordinary range of diverse leaders – some corporate, some entrepreneurial, most a bit of both. Here’s what’s been interesting to me – they have each been successful in their ... Views: 1193
‘What does it take to be successful in top leadership?’, I’m asked by a client about to step up to an MD-on-the-board role. And I found my usual coach approach of ‘empower the client to discover’ went right out the window. ‘If you really want to lead with style’, I said, ‘then genuinely be ... Views: 1442
As an executive coach, I’m sometimes called on when a leader, manager or company has too much going no – people, projects, development, deadlines, decisions – and they’ve passed the tipping point of working to full effectiveness. It’s not a weakness to have said ‘yes’ to so many things (or, more ... Views: 1427
I've been gripped with Olympic fever for the past 10 days. What an honour to watch the world's elite athletes pitting their decades-honed talents against each other. And the physiques on show?... oh my! For me too, as far as getting athletes' victory-against-all-odds stories to parallel into my ... Views: 2346
When I took my first job in the corporate publishing industry over twenty years ago the culture was very different to what I know from the various corporates I deliver executive leadership coaching to now. In the 90s there was still a sense of having to do your time. You most likely had to have ... Views: 1164
Leaders define success in any number of ways – increasing turnover, launching innovative products, hiring world-class teams, going global, changing lives.
Some CEOs are credentialed and experienced to the hilt; others are risk takers and their own best PR machine. Some step in to lead a ... Views: 1010
As a corporate coach, and particularly as an executive coach in London and other commercial-centric cities, I’m beginning to ask myself whether business change isn’t occurring faster that ever before in history.
What makes a leadership team, and by extension an entire company, equipped to ... Views: 969
I can talk about leadership development and companies can hire me as an executive coach to encourage more advanced and successful leadership but I may as well be a lorry driver (a secret fantasy of mine since the Yorkie advert era) and they may as well torch their people-investment spend if we ... Views: 888
If I were to knock on your office door tomorrow and say this: ’Knowing that you’re guaranteed to succeed, what is your plan – personal & professional – for 2012?’ …
Would you know your answer?
Would you smile with excitement and be able to rattle off the ... Views: 825
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard it asked by corporate leaders from directors, to board members to CEOs ”but why would I need coaching … I’m doing everything right”. To which I reply “you wouldn’t be at your level of success if you weren’t doing everything right. And I work with ... Views: 952
What happens when the thing you loved doing the most – the reason you stepped up for your chosen career – is no longer present in your job?
I’ve spoken to directors who were designers, managers who were mechanics, and leaders who were lifeguards – all of whom have progressed far enough ... Views: 1021
How often have to heard successful business leaders say that their prosperity was attracted to them as opposed to having to work hard for it? Hardly ever right?
Whilst space along the extra mile is still pretty plentiful, things are changing and business leaders are becoming more conscious in ... Views: 842
6. Law of Connection: nothing happens by chance. Every action has a consequence or a reaction. Everything is energy – light, sound, heat, emotions, thought, even those things that appear static or solid, like rocks, sea, cars, jewels and planets. We are connected through this field of energy to ... Views: 1409
Here are the first 6 of the 12 universal principles which form the basis of all success generated on the planet.
Being ‘universal’ means that they apply to you whether or not you’re aware of them, much like gravity. However, knowing the principles is the first step to increasing your choices ... Views: 1042
How much do you think you compromise on a day-to-day basis? Do you do it in work, in your relationships, in the stories you tell yourself about the choices you do and don’t have? Where did you learn those notions, those stories you tell yourself are ‘the one right way’? And is it easier to ... Views: 1038
When conducting seminars and workshops for leaders of medium and large companies, occasionally I’ll meet a “revealer.” These are the people who will speak out about their success process without being nervous of disclosing techniques.
It’s a positive trait and one where I can take the ... Views: 1002
I’ve often heard when working with a corporate leadership client – ‘well I haven’t told anyone I’m working with you – I don’t want them to know there’s a problem’. And I have to ask myself ‘where has this message come from’ because I certainly don’t work with clients because there’s a problem ... Views: 914
What does it take for anyone to be the best at anything? And does being labelled the best success coach in the UK take different traits to being the best runner in the Olympics, the best artist of the Turner Prize, the best actress at the Oscars or the best leader in your organisation?
The ... Views: 1152
What happens when you’re totally, totally stuck?! Staying is slowly killing your will to live but you don’t know how to leave. You feel like you want change – but fear of the unknown is paralysing. You’re living a life of conformity and ‘success’ from the outside – but inside the authentic you ... Views: 903
This is a massive topic. It's one I've been reading around now for about 5 years. And I'll tell you what - when you see it working it's like magic just appeared in your life. So let's start with basic 3 questions:
1. What is an intention?
An intention is a desire to be, to do or to have ... Views: 1184
The thing about single parents and work is that we've got to be way more innovative in our thinking, our planning and our dedication to delivering value in our workplaces. When there are two parents contributing to finances and to homemaking there's often more support and more choices to fall ... Views: 1022
I read books on metaphysics (the philosophy of 'being') on a regular basis. There's a huge raising up of global consciousness around the fact that our limitations rarely come from our government, our society, our family or our friends. Our limitations come from our mindset. We can positively ... Views: 1273