Are you in business with a spouse or significant other or do you know people including family members who are? If so, you may understand there are some very unique challenges in these types of businesses that require attention.
* Because these family run businesses are the backbone to our ... Views: 1385
Our most intimate partners know how to trigger us. Sometimes we get annoyed or even angry. We take the bait and we’re in reactive mode. It’s not a matter of “if” we will get triggered, it’s a matter of how often and what we can do to stay grounded and accept the gift being offered.
Yes, you ... Views: 1235
Most couples believe they need better communication skills and that would change their relationship for the better. They claim that they either argue because of misunderstandings or that one or the other don’t discuss their problems openly.
Communication (or lack of it) is often NOT the ... Views: 1281
Are you and your sweetheart running a business together or thinking about it?
These unique partner run businesses are on the rise. If you are one of the 2.5 million and growing spouse run businesses, or you work with them here are two areas to address from the get-go for greater ... Views: 1158
What do you really believe about relationships, starting with yourself?
It is widely accepted that about 90% of our belief system (BS) was formed by the age of 7. To know what we really believe about relationships would be critical as it has shaped how we view them today at least to the ... Views: 1097
There is a genius to courageous loving because we have to access something we've forgotten and make it a real part of our lives again. It exists in each and every one of us yet it takes courage to access it. We can only access it when we become aware and we are ready for it.
I believe, we are ... Views: 1212
Have you ever found yourself thinking about your crazy schedule and experiencing a time crunch that impacts the quality time spent on your relationship? Balancing work and family with couple time, is a major concern that most couples express.
You may see yourself in part in the following ... Views: 1240
Have you ever found yourself doing the same things day after day and you begin to wonder, “Is this all there is to my life?” If you remember the movie, Groundhog Day, you get the picture. Also known as living in the comfort zone, this place can be seductive for all of us. We are often very ... Views: 1793
There is a reason you picked your partner, and there is a reason why you have friction in your relationship. The areas that are still unresolved are due to the inability to overcome the potentially meaningful challenges. If you are willing to take full responsibility for your life and make a ... Views: 1263
Business Success & Intimate Relationships
Are you an entrepreneur or small business owner? If so, do you realize how much your intimate/primary relationship matters to your business success? Really think about this for a moment.
If there is upset in our primary relationship what often ... Views: 1101
Self love; this is a powerful practice we explored last month. We have heard often how crucial it is to our authentic success and joy. There is one very insidious trap that sabotages self love; something many of us may be all too familiar with… Comparing…
Have you ever found that you compare ... Views: 1121
Tuning Out the Outer Critic
In my work with hundreds of men and women who are choosing greater success in designing their future, one major challenge they often experience, is listening to, and being affected by the voice and opinions of others. Taking in the criticism of others and being ... Views: 1064
Limiting beliefs is a powerful thing that can affect you being successful in your business. You can, however, experience greater FREEDOM as you begin to explore your beliefs and experience true transformation.
Look at the following list and without over-thinking or over-analyzing the ... Views: 1436
The science of manifesting your vision is all about holding the vibration of your vision. Another way of saying this is that to manifest your vision, i.e.: take it from the invisible to material form; you will need to change your thinking and your energy.
Einstein said that, “Problems cannot ... Views: 1259
“All you have shall some day be given; Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors.” ~Kahil Gabrain
~ Giving is the first fundamental law of life-and is the first law of all creation.
~ There is a right and wrong way to give and receive. We are ... Views: 2807
Some of you may have studied the topic of powerful Universal Laws. These laws are working whether we are aware of them or not much like the law of gravity or electricity.
First we must understand that the universe operates in an orderly manner-with precision so the earth stays rotating in a ... Views: 1145
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then ... Views: 1055
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable” ~Christopher Reeve
Thought energy is said to be one of the most powerful forms of energy in the universe. Think about this; how often do we really think? ... Views: 1114
What do you really want? Once you get clear about this the Law of Sacrifice comes into play.
Many do not know. We have been more focused and programmed to talk about and dwell on what we don’t want. As we really entertain what we want, our focus sharpens and we grow in our awareness that we ... Views: 1340
Are you a business owner/entrepreneur who feels challenged when you hear the word “marketing”?
Does this conger up a bit of fear, some negative/limiting self talk, beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors? You love what you do so you just want the people to come to you by the Law of Attraction ... Views: 1005
This term comes from the vocabulary of quantum physics and is described as the most powerful science ever conceived by human beings; yet as we are always evolving we might add, up until now. Tomorrow new technology will reveal more about our universe and how we fit into it. ... Views: 1581
1. First, take a look at your life and what you keep putting off and make a list of what needs to be done. Once you decide, write it down; it’s harder to ignore something written down. The written word is also powerful and can release pent up energy and emotions. Be gentle with yourself. Usually ... Views: 1089
Habits begin with a decision
We may not think of procrastination as making a decision yet this is exactly what happens. We decide to put off what needs to be done for a later time. We rationalize why we are doing this and believe it. According to Bob Proctor,”the only thing worse than an ... Views: 948
Thoughts become things... so choose the good ones!
~Mike Dooley
I tell people: If you don't want to get into positive thinking, that's OK. Just eliminate all the negative thoughts from your mind, and whatever's ... Views: 957
We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are.
~Anais Nin
Our Paradigms create our Reality
"Your paradigm is so intrinsic to your mental process that you are hardly aware of its existence, until you try to communicate with someone ... Views: 1109
"It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude".
... Views: 1058
Failure as a Welcome Friend
“Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain ... Views: 1107
"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we summon the Will, they soon become inevitable"
~ Christopher Reeves
Have you ever wondered how sometimes you get great results, and yet other times ... Views: 835
“Life shrinks or expands according to one’s courage."
~Anais Nin (author and diarist, 1903-1977)
Courage is defined in Miriam Webster’s dictionary as 1) “the quality of mind that enables one to encounter difficulties and danger with firmness or without fear; bravery” and 2) to have ... Views: 971