Years ago I read a book called Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss with the desire to better understand my mother, whose own mother passed when she was just under 4 yrs. old.
It did indeed shed some light of understanding for me. Additionally, it helped me gain insight into some of the ... Views: 1293
For too long the mystery, fear and trepidation surrounding the elder years have kept us from maintaining meaningful relationships. Let’s start a movement to reframe our misguided perceptions and let the elder years be a time of continued living, not a time of waiting to die!
Connection. Some ... Views: 1318
Her hair was disheveled, which was unusual for her. The mini stroke she’d suffered after the sudden death of her longtime friend (right at the breakfast table. Put her head down and BOOM. Transitioned into whatever awaits us upon death with nary a peep) was evident in her slowed speech and ... Views: 1359
After spending several days hanging out with my eighty-nine-year-old mother, she was quite pooped and in a deep sleep when I arrived at the nursing home the next morning. My sister, Sharon, and I checked in on her periodically. Later in the morning, Sharon announced that mom was awake, and ... Views: 1325
I just received word that my new friend passed away this weekend.
Death announcements have been coming my way with great regularity. You see, I’m at that phase in life where aging family members are shifting the way and where I spend my time. In the past year I’ve said goodbye to my ... Views: 1271
Her hair was disheveled, which was unusual for her. The mini stroke she’d suffered after the sudden death of her longtime friend (right at the breakfast table. Put her head down and BOOM. Transitioned into whatever awaits us upon death with nary a peep) was evident in her slowed speech and ... Views: 1345