There is a right way and a grossly unprofessional way to introduce yourself to a speakers bureau. Be sure you know the rules before you call.
Before you embarrass yourself, be sure to read my article, “Bozo or Pro? Ten Ways Speakers Bureaus Know.”
That will give you great insight into ... Views: 2154
You think you have what it takes to become a professional speaker. After doing a little web surfing, you call a speakers bureau, introduce yourself and say, "I'm a terrific speaker. I'd like to talk to you about getting on the speaking circuit."
"I see," the person says. "What do you speak ... Views: 1519
Even if your topic is serious and not particularly fertile for comedy, it's always a good strategy to relax the audience with a lighthearted comment in your opening remarks. The very best kind of icebreaker, of course, is a quip that’s crafted specifically your audience. For example, at one ... Views: 1417
I’m a comedian and a two-time cancer survivor, and I make people laugh about my experiences with the disease until their faces hurt. Unusual job, true; but my mission is to convince people that laughter is as important to physical and mental health as eating right and exercising. And if you or ... Views: 1781
A fire extinguisher was mounted on the wall directly behind the platform, but only a fire marshal or an attentive speaker looking for a good icebreaker would notice it amid the general room clutter. Fred, the president of the organization, introduced me. I took the stage, acknowledged the ... ... Views: 3250