DANVILLE, CA. – Raising awareness about the danger cancer poses to minorities is the driving force behind a new partnership between Dana Dornsife, founder and president of the Lazarex Cancer Foundation, and legendary R&B artist Lenny Williams.
The two have teamed up to urge minorities to take ... Views: 1186
Some of the best research is done through clinical trials. We are talking about the research that helps find cures, answers, and solutions to the most deadly diseases we know about – especially cancer. The problem that clinical trials run into is that they are often not funded by insurance ... Views: 942
Keys to Happiness and Wellbeing - Oriental Secrets
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Researchers from Harvard just published the results of a study about happiness. As reported by the New York Times, the main finding is that what matters the most is not what you are doing, but how involved you are in your ... Views: 1350
We hear everyday about new findings telling us to eat this type of food to prevent cancer or to avoid that one to better our chances for recovery. There are lists of anti-cancer foods, miracle cures, millions of advice out there. So how do we know what to believe and which recommendations to ... Views: 816
Are You a Spiritual Survivor? Along with Financial Help, Lazarex Cancer Foundation Believes Patients Need Spiritual Guidance to Withstand Cancer Treatment
Treating your body is the first step towards recovery. Traditional cancer treatments are improving every day, thanks to research, and ... Views: 1265