Let’s start by realizing life is what we make of it. We get to choose what we want as long as we are aware we have that choice. Once we are aware we will always choose what is best for us and never turn back.
Most of us however, live in a world of conditions allowing our lives to be dominated ... Views: 1073
Our brain is an amazing organ. Once believed to be static and hard wired, scientists have now proven otherwise through the study of neuroplasticity. Scientific research has established that our brain is creating new brain cells and forming new connections every day. Our brain is malleable to our ... Views: 1178
As a home business owner, I find great value in the information I read online in emails, ebooks, newsletters, ezines, articles and website content. However, being an online entrepreneur, I am sometimes bombarded with information (not all content driven) that can become an overwhelming ...
As ... Views: 1154