Have you ever had a time in your business when you felt you just really needed to take that big step, that really big jump to help your business move forward?
Everyone kept telling me I needed to do a live event and how it would change my business. Well, the idea of that scared me to ... Views: 964
Do you have an entire notebook page of priorities for things you need/want to get accomplished? Or possibly is your list 2 or 3 pages?
I am in that situation now! Maybe it’s the change of seasons, but it always makes me look ahead at what I want to accomplish in the next 3-9-12 months.
Now ... Views: 1008
When I was growing up as a child and adolescent I was pretty competitive. I was a gymnast, a swimmer and snow skier and water skier. We were in teams of course, but individually we were competitive. As a team we collaborated.
My own daughters grew up the same way with soccer, tennis, swim ... Views: 1137
Do you ever feel isolated in your home based coaching business?
Would you like a situation which will energize you, and raise the bar on your own business as well as others?
I strongly suggest you find yourself a Mastermind group.
I have been in many myself, both live and virtual and ... Views: 857
Seriously, have you ever considered that? I know I thought about it and thought about it and thought about it until finally I just did it. Seems like it took me forever to make that decision and now I wish I had made it so much sooner.
When you do a live retreat or a conference it really ... Views: 828
Courage, guts, nerve, bravery, common sense, good sense, horse sense. That is what I get when I put my mouse over the word 'gumption' and right click.
Do you have gumption? How did you get it?
I have no doubt that you have gumption. You would have to have it if you own your own business. ... Views: 1124
I've been wondering that a lot lately it seems. I appear to be going through a period of time where I am not getting done the things I believe I just have to get done.
I have this whole list of certain things, work things, that I really want to complete so that I can offer them to you, to ... Views: 1091
You know you need to add another revenue stream to increase your cash flow, but which one? There are so many directions you can go in, how do you know which is right for you?
You could do a Telesummit, start a membership site, create a Platinum, high ticket coaching program.........the ideas ... Views: 1016
Are you stuck?
Do you feel afraid?
Are you confused what you should do next?
I have been in all of those places so I get it. I know how awful it can feel.
But I also know how I got myself out of those feeling and I can help you get away from wondering why in the world you started ... Views: 882
The Holiday time can be a challenge and you may think this is a terrible time to market your programs and services but let's think about that again!
It seems like I have gotten more holiday cards earlier this year than usual. I have barely even thought about them yet so I best get ... Views: 1025
I know that probably sounds very woo woo or simplistic to you but don't you think that it's possible?
I believe it is. Having just turned my 6th decade a bit before a holiday of gratefulness I do truly believe it.
All the big Positive Psychology gurus will attest to this. They have done ... Views: 907
I have this phenomenon that has been going around in my head and heart for the last few months.
I want my business to be simpler.
As may be true for you, I have been through stages in my business where I have been too stressed, too overwhelmed and too exhausted. I was working too hard and ... Views: 1246
I know there is a lot of talk about the importance of being happy in your life and in your business.
It's important to include both in your overall happiness because if you are not happy in one, the other will suffer. If you are not happy with your life, your business will suffer because of ... Views: 970
There may be some things that you can compromise on when you run your own business but your website is not one of them.
Your website is a big, live business card! If you do not have an on-line presence, even for an offline business, you are hurting your business which means hurting ... Views: 899
Don't make this harder than it is! You must have a way to keep in contact with your list. You simply must. There is no two ways about it. Don't over think it and then decide it's too hard so you don't do anything.
You cannot have an on-line business without a consistent way to keep in touch ... Views: 943
I know you know this. I know you know you must keep in touch with your list, your tribe, and your peeps.
The problem is that sometimes it just seems like such a daunting task! You see what some others are doing and quite frankly, it probably looks like a ton of work!
You can keep it ... Views: 971
I suspect it is.
Even if you are a newer business, once you have your free pieces in place and have your Signature System, you can offer a high end program.
You can run this as a group program or you can simply create a program for individuals.
Statistics have proven that 20% of your ... Views: 1046
Well, maybe your first question is why do I need a Signature System. Your clients will love them and your life will be much simpler because you will know exactly what your presenting to them and when. It's that simple.
Let me review a few of the reasons why right here.
•Clients will love ... Views: 1012
Have you ever noticed how uncomfortable some people get when the subject of money is brought up? Probably one of the most awkward questions you could ask someone is "How much money do you make?"
At least that was how I was raised. You just didn't talk about it. It was rude. It was a secret ... Views: 1207
It's summer. It's hot. People are on vacation it seems all the time. No one is signing up for your teleclasses or any other of the wonderful things you are offering. How are you supposed to grow your business at this rate?
Well, maybe there are other things you can do instead of feeling badly ... Views: 1328
This seems to be a very popular topic as of late! I believe it's always been around, how could it not be, it's so logical?
But as logical as I and probably many of you think it is, it's amazing how some people just don't seem to get it.
The reality is if you want to attract and keep ... Views: 858
I hear many times from entrepreneurs that they feel like their clients are running their business that they feel like they are at their beck and call. This certainly can happen when you are new in business but it also happens to seasoned business women. I believe this affects us women more than ... Views: 1093
You're new to building your business. You have been in business for some time now but you don't have as many clients as you wish.
Either way one of the tricks is to figure what the missing piece is. Where is the disconnect? Is it the marketing? Is your niche not tight enough? Does your ... Views: 1425
Building a business from scratch is a very exciting time in the eyes of a solo entrepreneur. Usually it is something you have been thinking of for quite some time, not something where you woke up one day saying, "Wow, today I am going to start my own business!"
It's a journey building and ... Views: 1054
How well do you really know your spirit? How well do you value your beliefs and your mindset?
I know you want to build a successful coaching business and I know you want to do it in a successful manner, now. Before that can happen however, there are a few items that need to be put into place. ... Views: 960
A Virtual Retreat is a vehicle for helping your business reach new financial gains. I have done many and just love the ease and the transformations that can occur in a short period of time, as well as generating income.
These VIP Days are wonderful when people don't want to travel due to ... Views: 1204
You have probably heard the statistics and they aren't pretty. If you read the numbers that the U.S. Government Small Business Administration's website states it says that 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years.
You might have come out of another employment situation and are ... Views: 1145
Does that sound pie in the sky to you? Does that make me sound like I don't live in the real world of business?
Trust me I do, after 25 years of working for myself, this has become more and more clear to me.
Even as a therapist in private practice, it was a competitive world. In the world ... Views: 1147
When you look back at your life are you proud of who you are and what you have become? Are you the person you thought you would be?
As a woman in your fifties or beyond you have had more than several decades as an adult. I am sure you had hopes and dreams, goals and plans. At least I hope you ... Views: 1843
Do you know what that 1 mistake might be? Can you guess?
Let me just say that it’s not as difficult as you might think.
This mistake can be avoided if you just pay attention. Now I know that doesn’t sound as though that should be very difficult but you would be surprised! As a woman born ... Views: 1714
What does planning for your summer vacation and planning for your retirement have to do with each other?
I can just hear some of you saying “they have nothing to do with each other” and others saying “they have a LOT to do with each other.”
What do you think?
I have been working and ... Views: 1766
You have heard people say “It’s in my genes” or “It’s in my DNA” which basically means that it’s just the way it is so I can’t change it. “My parents, grandparents, great grandparents were all diabetic, or overweight or died of cancer. There is nothing I can do about it.”
Sorry to take that ... Views: 1564
Has your work ever interfered with your ‘other life?’ That ‘real’ life that does not include work, even if it’s work you love? What I mean is true leisure. Not thinking about, planning about or doing anything even close to work.
I am talking especially for those of you entrepreneurial types. ... Views: 1557
You go to school, you get your education, you get your experience and your working world should be in pretty good shape right? While that may be true for many of you I’ll bet my bottom dollar it’s not true for each of you.
Would you like this to be true for you? Heck Yes! Why wouldn’t you? ... Views: 1852
If so, you are certainly not alone. Also, women are more apt to extend this date then men. Women earning $75,000.00 or more have a six out of ten chance of delaying retirement.
Those are high numbers and now there is even a term for this. If you are one of the six, you are part of the ... Views: 1334
Do you believe you are financially comfortable? Possibly more than comfortable?
You were able to work less or not work at all while you raised families or cared for an aging parent.
That was then, this is now. This is the New Environment. You may not realize it but 78% of the job lay offs ... Views: 1452
The answer is probably a resounding “No.” Or maybe you’re not even sure what that Crucial Conversation is.
This conversation is about how you are going to live the rest of your lives together as a couple. On one hand, this may sound pretty simple but when you really dig in and start talking, ... Views: 1372
Do you even know what an Active Vacation is? Let’s just say it’s the opposite of sitting on the beach with a book in one hand and an umbrella drink in the other. Not that this isn’t desirable at times, but more and more boomers want more action than that.
Assuming you are a health-minded ... Views: 1274
Ethical Wills have been around for many generations but seem to be regaining their strength. That may be simply because many of you are getting to the stage in life where you begin thinking about what you are passing along to your children or other loved ones.
Another term for Ethical Wills ... Views: 1321
Remember when your kids were little and you thought they would never grow up? You felt like you were going to be tying sneakers forever, going to parent/teacher conferences and endless soccer tournaments till you were old and gray.
Well, you are older…maybe gray…maybe not. But, they really ... Views: 1475
Family vacations may have been wonderful when your kiddos were still little and you were in charge. You were definitely the parent, roles were defined and everyone knew their place. Then, lo and behold, those youngsters grew up!
This changes many things in your life but it's the natural order ... Views: 1581
Isn’t it grand being a grandparent? You probably don’t want to be called Grandma or Grandpa because that would make you seem older than you believe you are. You’ve probably come up with some clever name for yourself, which is great. But do you want to know how to be the cleverest grandparent of ... Views: 1506
Always the feisty ones, you boomers aren’t going to let the economy slow you down!
If you have retired already or have been laid off you may have a desire to get back into the employment seen. Well, hate to tell you this, but that may be easier said than done. So what? You’re resilient and ... Views: 1407
Myth # 7: Annual or regular Doctors appointments and tests are not necessary. Wrong. Early detection of most diseases can be much more easily dealt with. It will save you money and it will save your time. It may save your life. Regular preventative care will keep you living longer and ... Views: 773
Last ezine, two weeks ago, we went over the first 3 myths of a Boomers Health. Just as a review for you here is a review:
Myth # 1: I don’t have time to work out at this point in my life. I‘ll get back on track after I retire. Baloney. Do it now.
Myth # 2: Eating healthy is just too much ... Views: 771
How do you feel? Right now. Today. Did you hop out of bed this morning ready to tackle the day? If yes, wonderful! If not, why not? Did you not sleep well, eat too much, drink too much or are you too stressed?
As a boomer you may be one of those people who have done a pretty good job of ... Views: 817
Have you ever tried for something so hard, for so long, that you wanted so badly and then it worked?
I’ll tell you, I watch these athletes in the Olympics and I am always so amazed. I grew up watching them with my folks, and my daughters and I watched in their growing up years. They are ... Views: 824
It’s no secret that Boomers make up the majority of the world population. Even while there is much discussed about the “graying of America, it is certainly not in a negative way. England and France have boomers as Presidents/Leaders. Hillary had a running chance to be added to that ... Views: 897