Sanjivini Kriya Shakti
We, individuals, are divine sparks of the bigger universal divine source, called SOURCE BRAHMAN, all that is, tao e.t.c. in the game of creation, sometimes we know as God’s sport or LILA, we individuals got separated from the source and came to planet earth.
Divine ... Views: 1231
Everyone should undergo Past Life Regression sessions because there are numerous people aren’t undergone such past life regression sessions. If we’ve never lived before and we are here just accidentally and it also involves here the first time, then are you able to tell me why can we carry ... Views: 803
Awakening kundalini kuru karmani, o raje, o manchale, stay in the balance whether success or failure, samatavam yog uchyate, I utter this verse of bhagavt Geeta like this so that it is more understandable to the modern folk.
In kriya kundalini yoga which is known as a theory, philosophy, ... Views: 663
That coming into a state of Yoga or Yogasth state you do all action, whether they are material action, the action you do in a world. or internal action that you do for your own sake, for your own soul, for your meditation, for your peace of mind, etc..
Yogasth Kuru Karmani
Yogasth Kuru ... Views: 830
Yoga, very popular term these days and not only a term, not only a concept, but it is also a culture, it is fashion, it is invoked, it is the mainstream of the people today all over the world.
Is this the real yoga or the authentic yoga which we are following, which we are talking about, ... Views: 892
What is Reiki?
The word Reiki is the unification of two words ‘Rei’ and ‘Ki’ meaning spiritually influenced life force energy. Reiki can be simply defined as an advanced and highly superior technique that influences the construction and networking of the universe. It is identical to the prana ... Views: 1089
Reiki is a Divine life force energy. Reiki is a universal life force energy, where universal is “RE” and life force energy is “KI”. Reiki is a universal energy. Reiki is a life force energy. Reiki is positive energy.
Reiki is a beautiful science to learn. and at the present time very ... Views: 797
MEETING MYSELF by “Aatmanum”
this blog is written by” Aatmanum” who went through the wonderful experience
Not much time has passed, when I used to witness myself as a VICTIM!! Victim of situations, victim of betrayal, victim of emotional abuse, victim of lost identity! I was indeed a mess of ... Views: 765
Let me start with literal meanings of Narcissism and Spiritual.
Narcissism implies “having or showing an excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one’s physical appearance.” And Spiritual stands for something “relating to or affecting ... Views: 1147
Yogasth bhava. Reiki, the healing energy, it usually said and it is a general belief among the people that the Reiki healing energy is faith energy before I say something about Reiki I would like to mention, I would like to describe this energy because energy is all that is. Reiki is wisdom ... Views: 1130
I was so wrong…
I was so wrong by ” Aatmanum”
I was sinking in the deep, turbulent currents, looking desperately for a way out and you came bearing a torch. You showed me the direction to the calm waters, or so I thought…but I was so wrong.
You took me amidst the vast ocean and urged me ... Views: 1144
Yogasth bhava
I am going to tell you something about the upcoming course that is Yogasth Bhava, which is known as Yogasth Foundation course.
What is this Yogasth foundation course?
What are the benefits?
Who should do it?
What is the ultimate purpose?
Know the state of your ... Views: 822
Quest For Depth by ” Aatmanum”
In the darkest of the pits, we all need something/someone to hold onto.
May be that is the quest for depth.
In the brightest of the galaxies, we all need something/someone closest to share our joy with. May be that is the quest for ... Views: 660
By Kalki Ratna
I was looking at the image of the mystic I was going to meet with disbelief! The same divine person I have seen in my dream the night before. I was at the ashram of Yogi Buddhadeva whom I had never met before but God has given me an indication that I had found a ... Views: 620
why is it so difficult for us all to accept the change life brings along?
Some paths I used to think I would never walk on
Some streams I used to think I would never flow down
Standing at this point,
Thinking through all the thoughts I used to think,
Laughing on my own naïve and ... Views: 809
At times in life , we are at the beginning of something new & the challenges start dropping in swiftly . A person has started learning walking with such difficulty and is forced by destiny to run.
My family business involved giving plants on rental and maintaining them at offices, shops, and ... Views: 1064
Do you want to make a 100 percent total effort to handle the blockages in your path, especially those which are a cause of disease, failure, and other doshas? Even I wanted to do the same ever since I was five. But like a lot of Homo-sapiens, I also thought that I know how to live & ... Views: 920
You are carrying out your regular routine and your energy, enthusiasm, and productivity go through high and low depending on the day. Its a holiday and you become relaxed, excited, and dynamic.
We are a servant of our heart and allow thoughts, emotions, and attachments to make us dance to ... Views: 740
Abraham Lincoln was a regular citizen, born in poor conditions in Indiana, self-educated himself to become a lawyer who cared for the people. At an age in which people lose their youth, power, and sense of purpose—he became the President of the United States of America who preserved the Union, ... Views: 702
It would be so wonderful if the flow of everything in life would be as per our vasanas . The word “vasana” is grossly misunderstood, it refers to our driving desires of any kind.
We generally have no control over our thoughts. A single thought has to first defeat the competing ... Views: 856
Healing Attunement is a three-day intense symbols based process that makes the sub-conscious mind fertile and plants the seeds which bring shubhta to our being, our life, and our endeavors.
The demands of the business, the weakness within me due to the change of perception within ... Views: 955
Your parents appreciate your achievement at work & your home is heaven for you. You are being forced into marriage against your wish & the same parents become hell for you. The family in both cases is the same but the way we see it differs due to the state our being is in.
Here the ... Views: 890
I became a Reiki Grand-Master on 16 January 2009. Therefore I consider 16th January the day when my higher self got the first technical boost – The complete formal training in a spiritual discipline the first time.
It is therefore the formal birthday of the Kalki Ratna. Our ... Views: 922
Nurturing is natural in Consciousness-Energy. The five elements –Ether, Air, Fire, Earth, and Water have been nurturing the Universe since the formation of the cosmos. Ours, Mother Earth has been nurturing life in so many forms that we can never pay the debt of her unconditional love. The five ... Views: 912