A lot of the correspondence that I get is concerning, but one type stands out from all the rest. This type of correspondence is indicative of a very serious problem that shouldn't be ignored. You might assume that I'm talking about extreme anger, sorrow, or even claims of outright hatred between ... Views: 788
Many of the people who reach out to me are wives. They are wives who are reluctantly separated and who are miserable living without their husbands. Understandably, they often experiment with different strategies and behaviors to try to encourage a reconciliation. Sometimes, these experiments ... Views: 789
There are many strategies that couples might try when it feels like they're treading water with their marriage. Often, they will first sincerely try to work through their issues. Unfortunately, this can be a tricky and/or gradual process. So couples can become impatient or frustrated. That's why ... Views: 1047
Many of the inquiries that I get are questions like "how to survive a trial separation." Or "how to overcome a separated marriage." It is very clear that most wives see the separation as something which must be endured. I completely understand this because this is how I viewed it during my own ... Views: 728
A common worry that many wives have is whether or not they should be worried when their husband shows "weird" or "unusual" behavior. The first inclination of many is to just ask him about this. Unfortunately, though, many husbands do not give you a completely straight answer. Many will tell ... Views: 2255
Many wives are having a very difficult time coping after their husband has left them to pursue a trial separation. They often aren't sure how to constructively fill their time. And they can find themselves always thinking about and dwelling on their husband and on their marriage. Time seems ... Views: 637
I sometimes hear from folks who are starting to feel very discouraged because their separation has gone on for so long or things have been so volatile that it is starting to feel as if there is no hope. Sometimes, people recount situations where they feel disrespected and mistreated by their ... Views: 744
Many people feel intense worry when they are considering a trial separation. What if this is the wrong decision? What if the separation pushes you toward a divorce that you don't want? Is there another alternative that you haven't explored? These are all very valid questions. As someone who ... Views: 671
Many wives are very upset during their marital separation because their worst fear is literally coming true. Although their husband may have reassured them that they would stay in constant contact, once the separation begins, he can go silent. Many of the wives intuitively realize the inherent ... Views: 2178
Some people have the unfortunate scenario of having their separation start because of an unfortunate situation. It wasn't just a matter of growing apart or their spouse needing space. It was an issue that made both parties angry and so things went very wrong. As a result, the couple separates on ... Views: 2220
Many of the wives who read my articles believe that at least part of the motivation behind their separation is their husband's midlife crisis. However, there is always the worry that the midlife crisis has become a catch-all for most unhappy husbands. Nonetheless, some wives rush to put their ... Views: 1256
On the day of your marriage, you envision growing old with that man standing at the altar with you. The idea is that the two of you will navigate life's good days and bad days together. On this day, virtually none of us envision that this ideal is not actually going to happen.
That's why it ... Views: 2093
It would be wonderful if we were always on the same page with our marriage. It would be nice if we would automatically know what our spouse needs and then be able to magically provide it, but this rarely happens.
One reason for this is that people don't always indicate what they need or they ... Views: 2043
There are times when you are dealing with a trial or marital separation where you don't really know for sure why your husband pursued all of this. Sure, he may have given you very general descriptions about being unhappy or needing his space, but he hasn't come right out and told you EXACTLY why ... Views: 1905
Many people are clear on the fact that, no matter what happens, they are committed to still loving their spouse. This, they figure, is the meaning of unconditional love. You love someone even when they aren't at their most lovable and even when it's not always easy for you. After all, love is a ... Views: 763
Admittedly, not everyone who tells their spouse that they want them to leave, take a break, or pursue a trial separation is telling the absolute truth. In fact, many spouses will make these claims simply because they want to get their spouse's attention or they are trying to get their spouse to ... Views: 972
One of the most common topics that I get asked about is how to read or interpret "mixed signals" from a separated spouse. Even when you're trying very hard to be open and to "go with the flow" as far as your separated spouse is concerned, it can be difficult when you both get frustrated with the ... Views: 872
Many wives know that something drastic must happen in order for their marriage to be saved. They often fully realize that they are dealing with a marriage that is very damaged. And some realize that they are going to need more than just good intentions to be successful in saving their marriage. ... Views: 866
I've started to get a lot of emails from people whose spouses have lost their jobs in today's economy. Often, this eventually puts a huge strain on the marriage even if the couple had a very strong relationship before the job loss. Even when the spouse who is still working is quite supportive, ... Views: 1895
I don't think that anyone enjoys being unsatisfied with their marriage. I don't think that anyone strives to be unhappy. In fact, many of us don't admit, even to ourselves, that we are not content with our marriage until things have gotten pretty bad.
And sometimes, once we admit this ... Views: 554
I get a lot of emails asking for tips on coping when your husband has left but you still love him and want him back. It can be very painful and just feel odd when you're on your own and feel like part of you is missing. It can also be worse when there is an unknown of how it is going to turn ... Views: 807
Lately, I've been getting a lot of emails from folks who ask me if they should stay married because they can't afford to get a divorce. One example is the stay-at-home mom who has been out of the workforce for quite some time and knows that her income would not be enough to support herself or ... Views: 580
I sometimes hear from wives who are desperate for some sort of plan to make their husbands stay with them. Often, the husband has suggested a break, separation, or divorce. This is usually the last thing that the wives who write to me want.
I recently had a wife say, in part: "I would do ... Views: 920
I sometimes hear from wives who have heard a very difficult truth from their husbands. He's now claiming that he is no longer in love with her. But after dropping that bit of bad news, he's assuring her that he's going to stay either because of the children or because of his sense of ... Views: 780
I hear from many spouses who are sure that their spouse is no longer "in love" with them. Sometimes, their spouse has actually told them as much. Other times, their spouse is communicating this message, but they are doing so with actions and not words. In short, the spouse just isn't attentive ... Views: 585
I sometimes tell wives that very often the most powerful tactic to getting your husband back is doing those things that work but don't feel intuitive. It's not necessarily thinking about what you want to do and then doing the opposite, but often the things that feel right at the time are the ... Views: 807
I get a lot of correspondence from wives who worry that their husbands are no longer are "in love" with them. These same wives are usually no longer receiving the affection or the affirmations that make someone in a marriage feel loved. These women will often tell me things like "it's almost as ... Views: 766
I often hear from wives who are very confused because their husband has left their home and is now apparently pursuing a marital separation. Sometimes, the wife had a little warning about this beforehand. And sometimes, she didn't. But regardless of the circumstances, it is always shocking and ... Views: 1129
When your spouse pursues a separation, it's natural to be concerned about his motivations. One common concern that I hear a lot about comes from women who are concerned that their husband truly wants a divorce because he wants to start seeing other women.
These concerns are understandable. ... Views: 1627
Some wives occasionally feel unloved by their husbands. And, much of the time, they don't feel this way because of the way that their husband acts. They feel this way because of the words that he carelessly says when he becomes angry. Many times, the husband's go-to words when he particularly ... Views: 1462
I often hear from wives whose husbands have told them that he no longer loves them. They often don't want to accept this and some doubt if it's even true. These women want to know if they have to accept this or if there is anything at all that they can do. I often hear comments like: "my ... Views: 1375
I recently heard from a woman who outlined pretty dreadful living conditions with her husband. She described a spouse who had pretty apathetic and cold. From the way that the wife described the situation, it seemed as if he either treated her with annoyance or pretended that she didn't exist. ... Views: 677
I know first hand that it is an absolutely horrible, terrifying feeling when you begin to feel in the bottom of your gut that perhaps your marriage is over. This is made even worse if the state of your marriage has brought about anxiety and unhappiness. You already feel bad enough. But when you ... Views: 692
Over the holiday weekend, I got an email from a wife who was asking for my advice on getting her husband's cooperation in helping to improve and save their marriage. She wrote, in part: "my husband feels that a marriage shouldn't be work -- that if two people are compatible and are a good match ... Views: 573
I recently heard from a wife who told me that she could literally feel her husband slipping away from her. She said in part: "I know that I'm losing him. I can feel it. He just doesn't seem all that interested in me or the marriage anymore. I feel like any day now, he's going to tell me that he ... Views: 1268
I very often get emails from wives who confide that their husband doesn't want them anymore. This can be a loaded phrase. Sometimes, what the wife means is that the husband no longer seems to be attracted to them physically. Other times, the wife means that the husband no longer wants to be ... Views: 666
I often say that one of the things people most want in a romantic partner is to feel seen and understood. What I mean by this is that if a person can make us feel as if they see what we are truly about and love us unconditionally anyway, that's a feeling of acceptance that most of us have been ... Views: 582
I recently received correspondence from a wife who was feeling increasingly distant from her husband. Over the past few years, she had noticed some changes in him. And, these were changes that she didn't like all that much. She told me that her husband used to be easy going and laid back. Today, ... Views: 691
Many people are pretty clear about what they need from their spouses in order to be happy in their marriage. And sometimes, the more unhappy you are in your marriage, the more you spell this out for your spouse. That's why it can be very frustrating when your spouse assures you that you are ... Views: 551
It’s easy to lose perspective when your marriage deteriorates and becomes unhappy. Like with anything else that turns bad, it can begin to feel as if things will never change or improve. Each day can seem worse than the last. And one wonders if the clouds will ever lift.
Someone might ... Views: 574
It's not uncommon for me to hear from people who have discovered that their marriage hasn't turned out how they thought that it would. Many see this as a negative thing because they perceive that their spouse is falling short in some way. And many feel as if their spouse isn't meeting his or her ... Views: 508
I get a lot of correspondence from wives lamenting a husband's distance, coldness, and aloofness. Some of these come from wives who are already separated and others come from wives who are still married, but who suspect that their spouse may be contemplating a break or separation. These wives ... Views: 496
It is difficult to listen to your spouse complain about a flaw that he sees within you. This is especially true if you disagree about the severity of the flaw and have trouble controlling it. Most of the time, this is a reoccurring frustration.
However, sometimes this issue escalates to the ... Views: 604
I recently received correspondence from a wife who told me that she was afraid that she losing feelings of love for her husband. She specifically said that she no longer felt "connected" or "intimate" with him and she suspected that he felt the same way. They weren't being ugly to one another or ... Views: 508
One of the questions I am often asked is, "How do I know if my husband still loves me? Because he never tells me that he loves me anymore. Sometimes, when I tell him that I love him, he changes the subject or doesn't reply. He never shows me affection." While I can't know your specific ... Views: 687
I often hear from wives who feel as if they may as well be speaking a foreign language to their husbands because he doesn't seem to understand what they are saying, especially when it comes to their feelings. It's often a struggle to make their husband listen and understand, especially when ... Views: 680
The other day, I received an email from a wife who said that no matter what she says or does, she can not convince her husband that their marriage can be made better or can be saved. She said in part: "I just can't get my husband to understand and believe that if we were both committed to doing ... Views: 524
I suspect that many people reading this article are terrified. They're frightened because a trial or marital separation is in their near future and they are worried that is going to make things worse rather than better. They're concerned that the marital separation is going to set them on the ... Views: 574
I believe that most of us like to think that the deterioration of our marriage would be swift and noticeable. We like to think that it would be an obvious change that we would not only notice, but to which we would quickly react. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Much of the time, the ... Views: 580
I wish I could tell you that the vast majority of correspondence that I get are from people who are perfectly happy with their marriage and are incredibly content with their spouse. This isn't the case, though. Most of the time, I hear from people who feel as if their marriage, or their feelings ... Views: 581