The awakened kundalini enables humans to reach their full potentiality in every area of life. This
can result in a person achieving mega-success and supreme inspiration to become the greatest that
they can be, whether they are writers, artists, sculptors, teachers, doctors, scientists, ... Views: 1016
According to Tantra, the human being is a miniature universe.
According to the philosophy of Tantra, the entire universe is a manifestation of pure consciousness.
In manifesting the universe, this pure consciousness seems to become divided into two poles or
aspects, neither of which can exist ... Views: 1044
Jupiter-Brihaspati, guru
The 7th house mainly indicates marriage and partners. Also, it is familiarly quoted as the seventh house is the “kalathira ... Views: 1047
The characteristics of sexual tendencies depend upon the position of Mars in the horoscope.
If Mars belong to:
First House
The native's married life will be full of enthusiasm, have strong sexual urges and will never be satisfied in sex. He enjoys sex life greatly and fully ... Views: 861
Sexual behavior and temperament are connected to the sign to which a person belongs. The planets Mars and Venus play an important role in the sex life of a person. Vedic astrology has classified the yoni ( size of sex organs and sexual behavior) on the basis of NAKSHATRAS.
Sex and Yoni of ... Views: 876
Sexual activities come under the basic need of human being and it is a very important part of life. Dis-satisfactory sexual life leads to many diseases. So it is very necessary to take powerful steps to maintain our sexual power and to keep our body and mind healthy.
Now here are some ... Views: 876
1. 6th, 7th and 8th houses of the horoscope are very important to study the impotency problem.
2. If Malefic Venus is present in the 7th house then it may create a problem in sexual life.
3. If Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus are present in 8th house together and generating malefic effects ... Views: 872
Sexual Behavior Of A Native
It depends upon the nature of the 7th house and the planets occupying the same:
If the seventh house is occupied or aspected by Mars, the person will be angry in the act and will destroy the pleasure.
If the same planet is Jupiter, the person will make ardent ... Views: 981
Some combinations, which may render a person’s impotence, are:
Rahu or Saturn in second, Mercury in 8th, and Moon in 12th house.
If Moon is hemmed between malefic and eighth house is occupied by Ketu or Mercury.
If Saturn and Mercury are in the eighth house and Moon is afflicted by Rahu, ... Views: 880
The behavior of a native in the intimate act and give you the reasons and possible cure for ill performance. Erotic power or sexual power is something which has been a very under-the-seat thing in our society. It applies to men mostly; and as we are a paternal and male chauvinistic society, this ... Views: 845
1. If the presence of Venus-Mars is in the 8/12 house, the person is sensual.
2. The main role of the lord of the tenth house in increasing sex is if the lord of it comes in the seventh house or is in the ascendant and it is mainly Venus or Mars, such a person is lustful by nature and has a ... Views: 878
1. The conjunction of Mars + Venus in the Ascendant Horoscope of any native instigates lust, the planets of the birth point towards the natal instinct, and that person is affected by its lifelong influence. The percentage of this feeling may be lower in a person, and more in some. According to ... Views: 936
Such yoga is in the horoscope, there will be more sensuality in the person: -
In this article, I am mentioning some astrological yogas, which are in the horoscope of a person, then the planets that make that yoga indicate the person to be sexier than ... Views: 855
If a person has genitals related disease and an experienced astrologer should get his birth journal assessed, then the above mentioned planetary conditions will be found in his magazine.
But this is not the only reason for his problem. Because according to astrology, there are other sinful ... Views: 1072
Have you ever noticed that people who do not fall prey to any bad habit, lead a simple life, take nutritious food and not only do not consume any kind of intoxication. Still, such people have problems like cancer or heart ... Views: 893
In the male horoscope, the factor of female happiness is Venus, similarly, in the horoscope of the female, the planet of happiness of husband is Vahspati. In the horoscope of a woman, if she is looking at the seventh house, she is getting very good husband happiness.
The woman, who is seen in ... Views: 938
According to astrology, a person gets physical pleasure due to the compatibility of the planet Venus. Which includes home, vehicle, etc. Apart from this, Venus is also considered a factor of sexual organs and semen. Venus attracts pleasure, consumption, luxury, and beauty. For some time after ... Views: 815
Nowadays, EVP is considered a standard means of searching and speaking to souls all over the world. Today there are hundreds of EVP forums connected to the Internet, on which educated and serious people come to talk to the soul. They say that dead click spirits talk to them.
Anabella Kardosay ... Views: 1100
You can also talk to dead souls
This is an electronic voice projection ie EVP. The voices of the dead have been recorded in this machine.
Do dead people talk to each other? Can a living person communicate with a dead person? Can you hear the gossip of the dead?
Or, are people making ... Views: 1274
Beej Mantras are seed mantra. Each deity has a specific beej mantra. A mantra is full of shakti and there are various beej mantra each with it own power. When mixed with other mantras, they provide extra power to that mantra. Basic beej mantra "Om" is further expanded into the following types of ... Views: 782
What is Beej Mantra?
A bija mantra is the seed of a mantra. The power of a mantra lies in its seed. Chanting the mantra is effective only when the worthy seed is chosen. The seed awakens the power of the deity of the mantra. There is no letter that is not a mantra and there is no plant that is ... Views: 1189
Do goddesses also appear in Kali Yuga?
Goddesses have done well for the seekers in every age. An example is needed to understand this. You must have seen that all the devotees start worshiping Navadurga when the Navratris are coming. Do the devotees of Goddess Durga ever think whether the ... Views: 1004
The second part of the 'Combination for Love Marriage in Horoscope' brings the transit, mutual relation, planetary periods, and combinations responsible for the above. In the first part, we have witnessed how love has importance in life and what are the general conditions in the chart. Today, ... Views: 784
Money is always a query tossed towards the astrologers, but its importance is debatable. However, there's one aspect in life that everyone needs in life, and it's called love. The modern context has seen astrologers always come across love issues, marital woes, sometimes desire for a happy ... Views: 738
Imagine, when oceans can be rose to heights by the gravitational pull of the moon, what impact the celestial bodies will have in our life. The gravitational force of Mars ensures that all comets approaching earth are diverted towards the red planet. So, the red planet is protecting the people on ... Views: 740
There is a lot of prominences given to the gemstones in India especially because it has a unique mythological reference. During the process of Samudra Manthan, there were varied elements that emerged out and one of the well-known elements was poison (visha) which was gulped by Lord Shiva. ... Views: 1229
Indian astrologers are admired worldwide. Many researchers of different countries are really astonished by the thought process and imagination of the Indian astrologers. The specialty of astrologers in this historic country is the knowledge they possess. India has always been a land of ... Views: 779
By looking at the position of the planets present in the Ascendant Horoscope, it can be told that how will the relationship of the family in the family?
For example, if the Sun planet is afflicted in the horoscope, the person is likely to have a bitter relationship with the father.
Or ... Views: 685
Due to Sun God being a direct planet, it has a direct impact on all the places of the earth, animals, plants, and humans.
Sunrise is considered to be very auspicious in Hindu Culture. Sun has a prominent role in reading the horoscope by good astrologer in India
If the Sun is strong in the ... Views: 943
The role of Venus in the horoscope is important. It is considered a calm and severe planet. Its role is completely different from other planets.
The role of Venus in the horoscope gives us clear information about a person's marital status as said by the best astrologer in India
It is the ... Views: 1010
Devotion has great importance in all religions. Bhakti is a path that anyone can easily take and receive the grace of God. In fact, it is a fast-growing medium of attaining God. Through devotion, a man is freed from his sins and sins and attains the supreme abode of that Supreme Father God. ... Views: 1309
If you complain you will become a complainer. If anyone comes to me complaining about someone, I consider him to be a guilty party. Why has an occasion arisen for him to complain? Most complainers are usually the perpetrators. Being the wrongdoer himself, he comes to complain. If you complain, ... Views: 642
When husband and wife are fighting verbally, it is generally superficial. They do not harbour any vengeance from within. If you were to interfere and come in between, they will get their work done but eventually they will always stick together.
Fights that do not result ... Views: 923
Directions have been given great importance in Vastu Shastra too. By the way, if the matter is to keep money, then the east and north direction are considered correct, but in other directions also, the importance of the different forms of money has been told in Vastu Shastra.
The north ... Views: 1002
Venus is called a planet with majestic qualities. It is the brightest planet in the solar family. In astrology, it is also considered a symbol of love, beauty, material wealth and pleasure. Shukra Dev is the guru of the demons. His father's name is a poet and his wife's name is Shataprabha. Like ... Views: 1027
According to your zodiac sign, astrology says your perspective can also be known in terms of money. For example, how generous you are in financial matters or how much you believe in saving money. Your zodiac sign affects you in every aspect of life. The same thing applies in the case of money ... Views: 937
Obesity is a curse for every age person. Today it is considered fatal than any terrible disease. Health experts have also proved that obesity is a disease itself, as well as the cause of many diseases. It gives shelter to diseases such as blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, paralysis, ... Views: 1077
Anger is said to be the biggest enemy of man. It is also told in the Gita that work, anger and greed lead a man to decline. People who are dissatisfied with something or situation in life tend to be angrier. In anger, the tongue loses its temper first. But astrology and Vastu Shastra suggest ... Views: 1040
The cow has an important place in Hinduism. Devotees attain salvation through its worship and donations. According to the scriptures, even the Vaastu defects of the house are eliminated by cow service.
The Gau Dynasty is considered to be the basis of Hindu civilization and culture. In our ... Views: 999
Nature-bestowed gems are filled with amazing divine and supernatural powers. When wearing these gems, they enter the rays of the respective planet into the human body and give them healing. This increases the flow of positive energy in humans and they succeed in tasks.
If a couple is ... Views: 1099
There is no individual, institution or creed in the publication of Gita. Only this fact proves that the Gita was also liked by scholars of other creeds and translated into their respective languages and published with their commentaries. The background of Gita is related to the war environment ... Views: 1560
Astrology describes the auspicious and inauspicious signs of every part of the body. According to this, information about the nature and fate of a person can be obtained from every part of the body.
A man whose teeth are directly raised and smooth, he is rich.
A person who has long teeth ... Views: 1128
The relationship between cold weather and cough is old. Most people succumb to cough in this season. Actually, the reason for cough is not only weather, but also due to smoke, dust etc., people get cough, which gives unbearable pain. There are many types of cough in Ayurveda, each of which has a ... Views: 641
As you all know there was no movement of currencies in the past, even then society used to produce different types of materials to live life as we all do. God is pleased that he did not make anyone equal and has made everyone with different arts and qualities. Everyone has a different production ... Views: 841
The power of spirituality is considered to be the most influential in the world. Spiritual power has had an important place in our lives for centuries. Achieving this is also not a difficult task. If one acquires qualities like honesty, contemplation, compassion, prayer, then he becomes the ... Views: 701
People consider economic matters more before shopping for anything. But with this, if the astrological benefits or losses of those things are calculated, then those things can become more auspicious. Especially if someone is thinking of buying a car or vehicle, then he can benefit from the ... Views: 851
In the scriptures, staying silent is always said to be beneficial. By staying silent, spiritual powers are developed and energy is stored in the body. Lord Shri Krishna has also given prominence to the restraint of speech in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and said that a silent fast increases the ... Views: 991
There is no key for this day and age that shows you how to live your life. Forget about moksh, even then you need to know how to live your life, don’t you? You just need to distinguish where each path leads, then decide which one you want to take.
If you cannot decide, he will tell you which ... Views: 635
What is the meaning of divorce anyway?
Are these people cups and saucers?
When you cannot separate even a cup and saucer, how can you separate a man and a woman?
Once there used to be a vow of one wife, one husband. The kind of thinking, which prevailed, was that other than his own wife, a ... Views: 709
With whom do we get angry?
We especially do not get angry with the secretary in the office or with the nurse in the hospital, but we do get angry with our wife at home. That is why, when a hundred people are sitting and listening, at that time I tell all of them, “If people get scolded by ... Views: 799