When a planet signifies the 1st, 6th and 10th house, it becomes negative for marriage.
1st House - Staying Single or loss of family (12th from the 2nd house of family)
6th House - No Marriage (12th House from the 7th house of marriage)
10th House - No Fulfilment of Desires (12th from ... Views: 565
Planetary Time Periods
If a number of planets are not positive for marriage and the Main Time Period (Mahadasha) of a planet denying for marriage is in operation then the marriage will get delayed till the next time period and this will continue to happen until a good main time period ... Views: 554
7th house cusp owned by a planet negative for the marriage straightaway indicates no marriage. You can accurately tell if a person is meant or not meant to get married in life by also looking at these three things in the horoscope.
The main significator of marriage for any person ... Views: 554
Relationship without Marriage
If 7th is completely afflicted but Venus and the 5th house gain strength, relationships would remain without marriage. If 12th is strong, bed-pleasures will not be denied. If both 5th and 7th and Venus are afflicted but 12th is strong, bed-pleasures would be ... Views: 583
First thing, be it Rahu Ketu Sun Saturn Mercury Venus Mars Moon Jupiter, no planet is in the 7th house has the possibility to deny marriage. There are specific results ascribed to the nature of married life for all the planets in the 7th house individually and all of those can vary from anything ... Views: 571
Fortune to father can be assessed from a child's chart by observing the 5th house of the child's birth chart in Vedic astrology.
The reason is 9th house of the child is that of the father according to Vedic astrology and bhagya (fortune) for father is 9th from the 9th which is the ... Views: 682
Basics -
Barren signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo,
Remaining 8 signs are either fruitful or semi-fruitful,.
Ascendant is health of native,
5th house indicates children
3rd house rules younger siblings
11th house rules elder siblings
Jupiter, moon give life
Rules for not having at ... Views: 723
Rational means it makes logical sense in a mathematical, quantifiable way. Think Spock from Star Trek, or even Dr. Manhattan from The Watchmen. At times, they are coldly rational and only consider pure logic even if absurd moral or ethical sacrifice is involved.
Reasonable means it is a ... Views: 878
Making a rational decision involves an analysis of the inputs (information, assumptions, and biases) that form part of your reasoning, as well as the outputs (decisions, assumptions, and biases) that result from your reasoning.
The intellectual roots of rationalising dates back to Socrates, ... Views: 534
Anger arises when we don't remember or perceive the truth. Decisions involve the memory,intellect and intuition. Say,u had a good experience of eating ice-cream. That is there in the memory. Now, if someone offers u Ice-cream,u take a decision to eat it based on your memory and the intellect. ... Views: 676
Try to understand the following points in order to understand Anger -
Anger is our fear based reaction . It is not an action.
Base of anger is ego or fear.
Try to see your face in turbulent water, u will find urself unable to see your face properly in water similarly when we r in state of ... Views: 722
Anger arises when we don't remember or perceive the truth. Decisions involve the memory,intellect and intuition. Say,u had a good experience of eating ice-cream. That is there in the memory. Now, if someone offers u Ice-cream,u take a decision to eat it based on your memory and the intellect. ... Views: 658
Diabetes is a disease of metabolism, appears due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced.
Let's understand some technical terms related to this disease.
Carbohydrates (food)
Carbohydrates are one of the ... Views: 745
The stopping of thought should not be the focus of meditation. It is possible that this happens though, Buddhism calls this samadhi, I think the same applies to Hinduism. When the mind enters (deep) samadhi thinking stops. There might be some small notions remaining, yet these won't classify as ... Views: 552
You don't stop thinking. This is the process...
First you must have a proper mantra chosen for you.
The mantra is charming to the mind. You easily start to think the mantra and as you do you begin experiencing the manta on more and more subtle levels. The result is that the body begins to slow ... Views: 701
Who am I – Where did I come from – What is my life’s purpose - Where am I going.
We spend almost every waking moment seeking the answers from outside of ourselves. The cacophony of answers from outside can confuse and may even at times overwhelm us.
Meditation allows us to go within ... Views: 615
Mistakes are bound to happen, never worry While taking chances.
Do right things at right time.
Watch porn because “Zindagi Na milegi dobara” means you will not get the adolescence again.
Nobody is going to give you practical sessions or classroom training. You have to learn it on your ... Views: 542
Don’t wake up accidentally, Wake up with a purpose!
Uninstall all social media: Facebook, Insta, Tiktok everything.
Understand this, it’s a trap.
Never fake maturity / depression on Social Media.
Chasing opposite sex is purely a waste of time.
Never waste time. A second less does not make ... Views: 530
Sit alone and think about your parents and their efforts which they putting for your bright future.
You will get many reasons to work hard.
Stand in front of mirror and see in your eyes and observe what do you want to do and what are you doing at present.
This helps in better knowing ... Views: 869
10 rituals of radiant living:-
Find a time of silence for everyday.
You should do some physical exercise daily.
Do deep breathing three to four times a day for one minute.
Eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily add a plate of salad with your food.
Read regularly and acquire knowledge.
Take ... Views: 641
Grab the sharpest pencil in your house.
If it’s not sharp, sharpen it.
Got your pencil? Great.
Now grab a notebook.
Write down a list of the 25 things that bring you the most joy in life. It can be anything. Activities, food, people.
Now take a pen and trace over the top 5 things ... Views: 498
I started following the timetable daily which I used to follow once in a week.
Take some fresh morning air and meditate as this helps to focus on my day.
Drink lots and lots of water. As this helps to keep me energize and as well as hydrated.
I plan my day before I start it, just take 5 min ... Views: 502
Remove social media from your phone.
Learn how to meditate in a way that works for you and never stop (I learned by reading the book Untethered Soul by Michael Singer).
Make reading a daily habit.
Have hobbies you genuinely care about that aren’t movies and TV (Game of Thrones is not a damn ... Views: 519
Stop discussing your life with every second person. You ain't any story teller..!
Stop wasting your time on pubg. It doesn't feed you..!
Stop critising yourself. Cheer up, man..!
Stop chasing your crush. He/she doesn't give a damn..!
Stop arguing with your opposites. It just stress you ... Views: 428
What’s the difference between a topper and you?
A topper has focus and you don’t.
A topper is clear about his goals and you are not.
A topper is persistent and you are not.
A topper never waste his time and your favorite app is instagram.
When you are listening to Sandeep Maheswari they ... Views: 812
Never sleep without planning your day in advance.
Never go back to sleep once you wake up.
Make your bed perfectly after your wake up. This is your first accomplishment for the day.
After waking up, do some sort of exercise at least for 20 mins.
Eat less but high quality food.
Make a diet. ... Views: 487
Daily Habits.
The sole reason for this part is the Power of Habit, Discipline, and attitude.
I have set certain daily goals and habits that I practice rigorously no matter what weather, what time. I dedicate some amount of time for the mastery:
Read 50 pages daily of good ... Views: 551
It includes five key elements or simply 5 Keys:
Life audit
Life edit
Life debit
Life credit
Life accredit.
Now, the task here is, You have to analyze and write down each of these key elements with respect to your entire life.
And this is what I did (Mind it though, you can use your ... Views: 479
It's quite common for both negative and positive thoughts to pop up in your mind . Here is an activity through which you can deal turn each negative thought to positive thought is
Write down your thoughts
Take a sheet of paper write your negative thought and next to it write anything ... Views: 577
These are eight ways to improve yourself everyday :-
Understand that intensity is rabbit and consistency is a tortoise. Your dreams doesn’t care about how you feel,be consistent.
Don't rush yourself with timelines of others. Some people excel in life early and some after them.
Mind ... Views: 663
Spirituality should not be taken as a form of convenience, in the sense that one must relate to it when they feel comfortable to do so. The maintenance of one's spirituality is like the nourishment of one's own body. Much like we have food for the body, (believe it or not) there is food for the ... Views: 922
Creation is evolving consciousness,ignorance and disease is frozen life energy , feelings,thoughts,consciousness. Therefore to heal it needs to melt,the life energy needs to flow and the feelings must be expressed.
It is important to have a process of awareness, ... Views: 388
Spirituality is a way of being , path of self-knowledge, a correct vision of the creation and Great spirit and also about the composition of the multidimensional creation.
If you have a spiritual vision of yourself ,brothers /sisters and the multidimensional big reality ,if you realize that ... Views: 766
Time is an illusion. You can't find something that's not real. You make time. There are 3 types of beings in 3rd Density, (1) of the body, I call them Bronze (Physical). (2) Silver of the Mind (Mental) and last Gold of the Spirit (Mysticism). If you are of the body you will find a distraction( ... Views: 417
The well-known sage of Lucknow, India, H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji,) was asked why more people don’t pursue enlightenment, or ‘build spirituality’ as you refer to it. He smiled and said simply, “They are otherwise occupied.” And he made it clear there was nothing wrong with that, nothing ‘better ‘ ... Views: 627
1.Stop Watching Porn because it will give you only 2–5 minute of mental satisfaction and you’ll ruin your whole day by thinking about all those stuff.
2. Do the exercise for at least 30–45 minute daily it’ll surely change your life.
3. READ. READ. READ. Read a lot. You will definitely see an ... Views: 704
Most of the people expect natal Saturn in the 8th, would bring a lot of difficulties in their life.
But we have to remember 8th house can even be a very good placement for a malefik if it is well aspected or else placed in friendly sign.
The most important thing is that this placement ... Views: 524
The Rahu-Ketu axis control on 2nd House/8th House :
Ketu in the 8th house brings a sense of detachment towards transformations in life - as if the person hates anything that happens outside his/her plans. This makes the person looks immatured since Ketu denies the person the innate ability to ... Views: 609
There are many ways by which we can know that your ketu is giving Good result or bad result, its the lucky planet or not.
If we hear anyone talking about materialistc thing or the things with it we don't have any relation and by hearing it from any third person we start thinking about the ... Views: 486
All the planets in astrology(except ketu) have been provided a marana karaka sthana where the planet becomes strengthless.
If you have any planet in marana karaka, it will the highest possible negative results according to what it signifies and has to be strengthened.
For eg, Marana karaka ... Views: 529
Ketu is wisdom, Ketu is your legs, Ketu is sacrifice.
If your wisdom is the reason for your loss or downfall- Ketu is Bad.
If you have unidentified pain in the legs and it affects your progress- Ketu is Bad.
If your sacrifice has resulted in your loss or downfall- Ketu is Bad.
One of ... Views: 513
if Rahu is good ketu is bad if ketu is good rahu is bad. Well it's true but not fully. They both can be mixed bag.
Now Rahu and ketu are Shadow planets. It depends where the dispositer is.
For example Ketu is in libra now which house is libra. What does it represent? Where the ... Views: 761
These movements are very useful to beginners, who want to start doing yoga but don't have any experience of yoga or any other exercise.
There are several joints in our body, which needs lubrication and movements. The food we consume supplies the lubrication and Yoga ... Views: 467
Kalsharp is typical & Mysterious yog of kundli because it form by two mysterious planets RAHU & KETU.
Before we start we know about the meaning of Kal sharp yog why did some one say that it is kalsharp yog ? What did some one see in Horoscope?
Answer is - Kal Sharp means that one dangerous ... Views: 589
KAAL means death. The person born under Kaal Sarp Yog passes through death like agonies throughout the life. The Kaal Sarp Yog is formed when all the planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu. ONLY when all the seven planets come between Rahu & Ketu KAAL SARP YOG exist. The person who takes ... Views: 1850
When Rahu is in the first House and Ketu in the seventh house and the rest of the planets are left to this axis the Yoga which arises is the Anant Kalsarp Yoga. Though this yoga has the power to give windfall gains to the native, it is bad for ... Views: 512
Indian astrology has strange names of different yogas , like Gaj Kesari ( Elephant -Lion ) which is formed 4 times a month for 8 days and astrologer may tell you that it is a Rajyoga and you will become king-like in future .
It has Visha yoga ( Poison ) formed every month 2 days and ... Views: 465
Astrology is an exchange of knowledge and direction given by the astrologer to the client. A client must never expect this free because then the value of advising remedies and exchange of knowledge will not work
Traditionally astrology was the profession of sages ( Brahmins ) who would spend ... Views: 490
Shani impact on Profession:
Since Shani or Saturn is associated with hard work and discipline, the natives work in industries involving heavy physical work like farming, labor, road construction, civil engineering, and ship building. Also, the natives under the influence of Shani have a ... Views: 653
A lot is said and believed about the effects of Shani in a person’s astrological charts. This is the reason that he is one of the most revered as well as one of the most feared planets. The Sadhe saati and dhaiya of Shani are the most well-known and talked about effects. However, Shani is not ... Views: 531