What is plastic surgery?
Plastic surgery is a surgical process of reconstructing or repairing the parts of the body by transferring the tissues either for the treatment of injury or for some cosmetic reasons.
What are the procedures involved in plastic surgery?
There are many procedures ... Views: 513
Recently, Hair transplant therapies have got lot of recognition. These therapies have helped people to get rid from their baldness. Many people think that hair transplant therapies can only be used for the baldness of scalp, but they are unaware that they can be used for other body parts also ... Views: 560
Do you have fewer hairs on your beard and eyebrows? You may feel embarrassed due to your less hair on your face. We have a solution for you to gain your hairs of beard and eyebrows. You can go for facial hair transplant if you want your hairs on beard and face.
Facial hair transplant works in ... Views: 770
Dr Prashant Yadav of Dezire clinic, a board-certified cosmetic surgeon is known for Gynecomastia surgery treatment in India at very low cost. You can watch their surgical video and also patient results at their YouTube channel and get the amazing pictures of surgical results.
Gynecomastia is ... Views: 553
The beautiful eyebrows and eyes speak most about the emotions and it is the first thing about the face one notice when you are meeting for the first time. And when you stand in front of the mirror, your face gives you correct pictures of your hidden emotion. But if you notice sagging eyebrows ... Views: 520
It is true fact that men are at high risk of hair loss or thinning of hair as compared to women. But, it does not mean that women do not experience hair loss and reduce hair density, they also do. If talks about hair loss then on average, we lose 80 strands a day which is completely okay, but ... Views: 609