Your body is an incredible organism that is made to sense the environment around it and make sense of it. There are far senses: vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch and there are near senses: tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive. The near senses are for providing information from within ... Views: 2260
Emotions are the way that our energy selves tell us what is going on energetically. The best way to work with emotions is to think of them as messengers and E-nergy-in-Motion. By noticing them and acknowledging them they then move through. Below are 5 emotions and their energetic messages.
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Over the course of my lifetime I have had many friends, family and one exhusband whom I had to say goodbye to. Sometimes I was the one being left behind, such as when my sister died. Sometimes I did the leaving such as occurred with my ex. Sometimes we both did the leaving such as with some of ... Views: 4532
In the past I have written many posts and articles about human energy and how it relates to healing and transformation. But now we stand on the cusp of a great shift. This shift has been referred to by the Mayans, Hopis, Hindis, Tibetans and many other ancient cultures. Current predictions are ... Views: 4290