Facebook is a widely used social media platform to connect with friends and family. There are many communities on Facebook that bring together people with shared interests of business acumen. We often search for the people we want to connect whereby checking their names. However, Facebook image ... Views: 333
What should you do first?
Focus on the product or focus on marketing
Many people while they call to hire a PR agency, ask the question that, what should be the priority; Sales or marketing. I have personally encountered this question so many times that now I can even sense this question. Very ... Views: 393
How best PR agency in delhi uses storytelling as a tool.
To succeed in public relations writing skills, social media expertise, and experience in public speaking are very important. But the importance of the art of storytelling in the field cannot be negated.
Storytelling is one of the most ... Views: 506
With the ever-changing industry, the technological penetration, and increased awareness, the public relations sector is set to enter new horizons of prominence.
In the past decade, PR has undergone a tremendous change. And with 2020 marking the end of the decade, the world of Public Relations ... Views: 448
Public relations agencies have started to innovate new ways to make the PR strategy more effective to take on the Covid-19 downtime as a challenge. The businesses are struggling to soften the impact of the coronavirus outbreak; on the other side, buyers are also changing their priorities and ... Views: 515
The PR hacks from the best pr agency in Delhi will save your time and money both.
At the time of COVID- 19, businesses are suffering financially. In the recently published activity, the GDP growth has seen 40 yrs low. The GDP stands at -23.9%. This news is worrying for the nation. The ... Views: 472
When Barak Obama fought the American Presidential election, he gave a slogan; we can, we will. Barak Obama won the US presidential election and created history by becoming the first Black US president.
I am trying to take you back to make you realize that if you can earn the faith of your ... Views: 574
Delhi is the capital of India; it is rich in every manner. Either it is culture, food, monuments, etc. The same way Delhi, NCR, is a hub for business as well.
A number of corporate houses have their head office in Delhi NCR. Due to which many PR companies also exist in the city. This ... Views: 470
After the tiring day at work in a start-up, Ramesh asks himself, where am I going wrong? What is that more I can do? I have got a really good product, a great internal team, great service to the customer but I am not seeing any increase in the new customers. He is so frustrated with this ... Views: 565
PR is definitely not an advertisement.
There is a difference between speaking about ourselves and someone else mentioning our name. When someone else mentions our name, it looks like they are impressed by our work or actions. Hence it builds credibility. Many people around the world confuse ... Views: 498
Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it. Steve Maraboli
To succeed an individual needs mindset. At the same time, a company that is made by people also requires a mindset to succeed. Mindset is everything while one thinks about growth. I guess you are ... Views: 416
“Advertising is what you pay for, publicity is what you pray for” – Helen Woodward
Well, the first question that arises to one’s mind after reading this statement is that if one cannot pay for publicity than what should s/he do to publicize his/her
If your quest to find a ... Views: 437
According to the WHO, this pandemic is not going to end very soon. The entire world is working towards creating a vaccine for COVID -19. It’s already been more than six months that the Hunt for COVID vaccine is on. In this race of creating vaccine Oxford University, has taken lead. The entire ... Views: 523
It is important to hire a top PR agency to solve all the communication-related problems.
Communication is the pillar of all the needs of the company. Right communication is required to communicate write messages to your target audience. The right communication skills and strategy become a ... Views: 467
People always say that content is King content is not going to go out of fashion ever. But content it’s not like every kind of content always works. Content needs a strategy. To develop really good content for the benefit of what benefit of marketing your product and services, need to find out ... Views: 400
Today in the time of this pandemic people are very carefulabout spending their earned money in any kind of marketing activity. But as weknow that people are using PR exercise as their marketing nowadays.
Many people raise this question that why my PR strategy with all my public relations ... Views: 590
On May 28, 2020, Google made an announcement about a new ranking algorithm that will be roll- out soon to judge the website quality on the scale of users’ experience of interacting with web pages. If Google judges that the visitors wouldn’t get a nice experience while staying at your web pages, ... Views: 402
Public relations agencies have started to innovate new ways to make the PR strategy more effective to take on the Covid-19 downtime as a challenge. The businesses are struggling to soften the impact of coronavirus outbreak; on the other side, buyers are also changing their priorities and buying ... Views: 486
Covid-19 has changed the way of digital marketing for the years to come. When companies are focusing on improving the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns at a lowered cost, some innovative digital marketing tools recently emerged as a great help for marketers. All the leading online ... Views: 500
The geographical component of local SEO makes it more important for businesses to address the concerns of nearby potential buyers. Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way of shopping; therefore, businesses need to adopt separate strategies for organic SEO and local SEO. The numbers of statistics ... Views: 478
With the current internet penetration, digital marketing comes with great job opportunities for newcomers
Recent years have seen a sudden rise in the use of the internet. Which was possible due to their low cost. This penetration helped businesses to reach out to the expanding consumers. ... Views: 476