Here are real secrets to manifesting your greatest life. They are powerful, practical and achievable. Pretty bold claim I know, yet I’m sticking by it!
These secrets are not just concepts to me, they have both saved my life and are at the foundation of the emotional healing and life ... Views: 866
Here are real secrets to manifesting your greatest life. They are powerful, practical and achievable. Pretty bold claim I know, yet I’m sticking by it!
These secrets are not just concepts to me, they have both saved my life and are at the foundation of the emotional healing and life ... Views: 793
Are you a Modern Urban Hero?”
Only you can answer this, yet the fact that you’re reading this, is an indicator.
The journey of the Modern Urban Hero first quest begins with the choice to leave the comfort and safety of the false self (all the stuff that was inherited from his ... Views: 1038
This article outlines a process for gaining emotional mastery, really! I know this well because it has been the essence of my own path both personally and professionally. Learning to not resist contracting emotional states has been the most difficult AND most valuable thing I’ve learned on my ... Views: 1245
The past is only the past when we become present to it.
A new client arrived for her Core Wound Release session last week. She'd recently heard how powerfully healing and liberating the process was. I recall how excited and eager she was to schedule her session just a few weeks earlier. Yet, ... Views: 4228
AUM. You've heard it, chanted it or meditated to it. Yet, do you know what the sound really means?
The oldest known spiritual text, the Upanishads from ancient India, says that AUM is the sound of God. That's a pretty bold statement, isn't it? The ancient text goes on to explain that it ... Views: 2658
Bill Maher may be a gifted comedian, talk show host and the creator of the recent movie “Religulous” yet most would agree that he is about as far from being a fundamentalist you can get.
Or Is he?
Maher and I agree that it is ridiculous to steadfastly hold on to the belief that the ... Views: 1430
Let It Begin from Within in 2010.
It's a cute jingle but what does it really mean anyway? How can this be helpful to you in your real life?
The intention of this article is to provide you with something that is both inspirational to feel and practical to do to begin from within in ... Views: 1030
Awakening to Wholeness: My Personal Story
The Limits of Positive Thinking and the Four Principles of Awakening to, and Living in Wholeness.
I recently received an email inquiry from my SOULutions website that stated; “Can you help me think more positively about myself and feel more ... Views: 1312
The first principle to Awakening to Wholeness is JUST FEEL IT! Feel it all, as fully and as deeply as you are able.
WHAT? Does this sound off to you, counter-intuitive, maybe even a little scary? In the past, it most certainly would have seemed so to me. My strategy was more like "If it's ... Views: 1225
The Christmas season that we are on the other side of holds a special place in my heart because my father was a part time Baptist preacher. I have fond memories of his moving sermons at this time of year about the beauty and purity of God's gift to us in Jesus through the virgin birth. ... Views: 1908