If you are currently working on a web app or resource, you have probably already come across or about to be concerned with the question of how to choose a hosting server. In this article, we talk about that and more. In particular, about how to set up hosting server, how to make SSL certificates ... Views: 451
Any business out there puts a major focus on boosting sales. With that purpose in mind, whole websites with custom design and software optimization are built. But what if you have a fully-featured dedicated corporate site or landing, yet it doesn’t bring any profit or income boosts? You need to ... Views: 351
In a couple of recent years, outsourcing companies has gained firm positions on the global digital services market. Along with that, IT the niche of IT outsourcing grows with the pace proportional to that of the mass development of IT technologies. Surely, many companies in that field have to ... Views: 334
The online gambling market continues to grow rapidly. According to Statista, its global turnover will amount to almost $59 billion by the end of 2020, which means an increase of 8% compared to the previous year.
What are the reasons for such success in the virtual gaming industry? The rapid ... Views: 495
What Is a Gambling License and Why Do You Need It?
The owners of virtual gambling clubs need a license – permission to carry out gambling activities to attract customers. When choosing an online casino, the player should read the documentation carefully. The presence of a license ensures that ... Views: 572
Progress keeps on making huge leaps towards practically non-stop nowadays. A mobile phone has long turned from regular communication means to an efficient work tool. For one thing, business management in companies now actively employs various software tools to promote the brand.
But where does ... Views: 364
A well-developed client-base is fundamental to the ultimate success of any business. Retaining and boosting the loyalty of company partners is a major task for top managers to handle. Thus, your customer support representatives should focus on understanding the main questions and needs of ... Views: 381
Everybody realizes how powerful web promotion is nowadays when it comes to popularizing one’s products or services. There are many tools and methods in this aspect, but directory websites play a special role here. They gather top provider names in one place for interested users (potential ... Views: 386
Among many advanced tools and methods Modern web development industry has introduced, two principally different types of digital solutions – Progressive Web Applications (PWA) and Single-Page Applications (SPA). Developers all over the world tend to choose between PWA and SPA, with both options ... Views: 746
Admit, at least once you were interested in online casinos, the possibility of winning money here, as well as the existing features of the game in a virtual world? And for sure you had to face a lot of questions – how do virtual gaming clubs work, why do some players lose more, and others win ... Views: 762
Online poker or slot machines are more selling than a real casino. Video Poker is a really popular gambling game which has already taken over hearts of many players all over the world. However, there are still people who avoid playing this game considering it as a twin of Slot machine. They ... Views: 625
Imagine your site interacting with a user as an application. That is, the user can install it on any gadget, receive notifications and work with it (even without an Internet connection). It allows users to use the latest features supported by modern browsers on a website adapted for mobile ... Views: 423
Web development standards are constantly growing along with the complexity of modern technology. Front-end world surprises us with plenty of frameworks and languages to build an interface on the site. The range is too large, and it became quite problematic to select the suitable technologies for ... Views: 448
Ways of purchasing are developing quite fast so now online shopping is a daily routine. Payment gateways or online payment processors simplified this procedure and became essential tools for every online store. Nowadays, the number of payment gateways and their smooth work defines the conversion ... Views: 404
When the application doesn’t work, nobody wants to hear the phrase “the problem is on your side” from colleagues. As a result, users suffer and the client is unsatisfied – and they don’t care which part of the team is responsible for the breakdown. In the past, there was a barrier between ... Views: 404
Picking up a platform for your future e-commerce online business becomes really crucial and overwhelming decision. There are so many resources to go through and so many platforms looking nice to trust. Shopify is a choice of entrepreneurs and businessmen who want their stores to enter the market ... Views: 1008
People meet concerns everywhere: while reading yogurt ingredients section on its packing, trying on clothes in the fitting room, looking for a reliable tour agency to book a hotel, etc. So when it comes to the choice of outsourcing development company for creating the project which contains not ... Views: 586
More and more often we prefer computer games to other entertainments. This is easy to explain: today the Internet offers many attractive games, for participation in which you don’t need to spend a dime. You enjoy the process, being in the usual, convenient for you environment, at any time, day ... Views: 601
Facebook plugin for Unity is a must in integrating social features into Unity multi-platform games quickly and simply. It enables using a wide range of Facebook social options, no matter it’s a desktop, iOS or Android device. Maintaining a single codebase, developers create socially integrated ... Views: 483
As a favourite game of the rich in movies, playing roulette is the main criterion of person’s wealth and prosperity. From the time of its creation, roulette game was really popular among casino players and attracted a great number of newcomers. No matter it’s online or offline, roulette doesn’t ... Views: 980
CMS Magento is one of the most popular e-commerce engines. Users can create huge online stores with many different additional functionality on it. CMS Magento is made in PHP and MySQL and has open source code, which means that it can be modified at any time and adapted to its own needs.
Having ... Views: 385
Tester is a common profession in the modern IT world. It is great for those who are good at Information Technology at school and have critical thinking, systemic vision, can clearly define causality and formulate the thoughts.
There is an opinion that becoming a tester is one of the easiest ... Views: 394
Online markets are full of similar stores and sites for dropshipping and sales. All entrepreneurs do their best to stand out of the crowd. Looking for an extraordinary solution for your Shopify store? Recently a fresh breathtaking technology took over the e-commerce marketplace. It can unit ... Views: 440
SEO is still one of the most underestimated aspects of any website constructuring. Most businessmen pay more attention to the fact of how well the website was optimized for search engines, but ignore the SEO point. Therefore, you can find the same basic mistakes in site promotion in many ... Views: 426
It’s amazing how quickly technology changes. Yesterday, everyone was surprised at the rapid development of native mobile applications, and today we are witnessing a new evolution.
Progressive web applications are a product of the joint evolution of the mobile site and the native application. ... Views: 394
Progressive web applications burst out the IT market 4 years ago and now became a new trend for both small companies and enterprises. It was caused by their special concept of being an adopting and universal web application built with essential web technologies(HTML, JS, CSS).
We’ve noticed a ... Views: 436
When working with an online store, the basic template will not give you a fully functional and automated store that you need. The Shopify app store is full of hundreds of great apps that can help salespeople optimize daily tasks, add new store functionality, and make business management ... Views: 514
Photo and video-sharing applications like Instagram is the highest level of social mobile networks. When it’s only started working, it cost $500.000, but then it got 10 investors and became a 57 million dollars piece of cake.
Now it was estimated to 100 billion american dollars and has 1 ... Views: 462
Creating an online store is not such a difficult task as it may seem at first glance. One of the most successful options for implementing this idea will be a business with Shopify. It is this platform that gives everyone the opportunity to create full-fledged online stores on their own.
The ... Views: 498
Looking through various forums and blogger’s articles about creating online stores, it may seem that making a design is easy and simple. Perhaps it is true, because there are a huge number of free themes, templates, tutorials and online-builders. But not every design is selling.
When making a ... Views: 457
Once, business management implied making your own items from nothing, wasting a cattle of money and handling everything from conveyance to bundling and client support. Now you have one more option and the most prominent trend and this is dropshipping.
In case you are curious about selling ... Views: 480
The issue of payment, of course, is one of the key points in the entire product development process. There are several basic payment models, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, being an effective solution for some projects, and far from the best option for some.
Choosing a ... Views: 477
Day by day designers and developers are tasked with creating interfaces for an increasing number of users who deal with different browsers on various devices with countless screen sizes and with as many features as never before. This is really a daunting task. Fortunately, design systems come to ... Views: 452
Do you want your business to join the e-commerce breakthrough? If you don’t, you may be passing up the projected $5 trillion in e-commerce sales anticipated from the world market in 2022.
They are the US and UK, alongside with China, where are the biggest e-commerce markets.
Behind these ... Views: 489
Today images on the site are an integral part. Starting from graphic design and uploading images in blogs, graphics accompany most sites on the web. Images are truly important for engaging the audience. They attract additional traffic. Any product with appealing pictures will catch an eye at ... Views: 1130
The online commerce area is rapidly expanding. It catches an eye of aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as those who have had their own offline business for a long time. The World Wide Web often serves as an excellent addition to already working customer sources.
When planning to transfer your own ... Views: 396
Growing the potential outcomes of JavaScript for server-side scripts, development utilizing the Node.js system has gone to the fore among programming technologies. Node.js prompted a perceptible progression of JavaScript outside the browser, which is broadly affirmed by JS engineers.
Being ... Views: 532
If it is expected to accomplish an objective — on time and within budget, obviously – knowledge of management is a must-know. Whether up to the development of a new software, a promoting campaign, or the landing of a human on Mars, project management makes it conceivable to succeed.
All ... Views: 542
Difference Between Testing of Mobile And Web Applications
Testing is one of the most important development stages before the product is launched for use. Testing mobile applications is a long process with its own complexities: a variety of mobile devices with different screen resolutions, ... Views: 558
Progressive Web App Development
Havе you ever sееn a site interacting with the user as an application? Is it possible to get the site installed on any gadget, receive notifications and use it even offline? This is the reality that Google is actively promoting, and in this article, you will know ... Views: 478
Is there a limit on how complex an android application can be? Most often, as a response, you can hear the opinion that such a restriction is the limitation of google play to the size of the added apk.
However, Multi-Programming Solutions has many popular applications, especially games, which ... Views: 528
If you have a website, check how many visitors open it on tablets and smartphones – perhaps the result will surprise you. The higher the percentage of such visitors, the more closely you need to consider the design of both desktop and mobile versions of the site.
From PCs to cell phones in a ... Views: 400