No matter how progressive society becomes, there is always some element of bullying and prejudice that brings us right back to an unwavering constant of love and hatred. Displaying and teaching a child about the various acts of compassion, is a powerful life lesson that will stay with them ... Views: 1003
Some people say that life starts at 40, and we’d be inclined to agree. At 40, you’ve got stuff figured out. You’re not struggling with your first job or navigating dating with youthful naivety. You probably have a career, know what you want in life and you know how to have fun. While there are ... Views: 1380
There’s nothing wrong with thinking about cosmetic surgery if you are doing it for the right reasons. While many people will have different boundaries for what constitutes the “right reasons”, it’s more about being sure that you’ll be happy with the outcome and it won’t cause you unnecessary ... Views: 836
Projecting a confident persona doesn’t just help to shape other people’s impressions of you. If you successfully manage to project a confident appearance, this will have a significant impact on your mind and behaviour. It seems that “fake it till you make it” is actually a viable strategy. If ... Views: 1268