There’s nothing better than real stone when it comes to decor, right? But, what happens when you don’t want to spend a fortune? You opt for faux panels, of course. This is a much cheaper alternative, so if you want to learn more about faux panels, then keep on reading.
What Are Faux Stone ... Views: 441
Do you ever wonder which warranties are worth buying when you acquire new equipment for your business? Have you ever paid for an extended warranty on top of the manufacturer’s warranty and wondered if it was worth the cost?
Warranties might be worth it if you cash in
The thing about ... Views: 505
Are you working remotely or self-employed? If so, do you have a dedicated office space to work from?
Whether you’re new to working from home or it’s been your regular gig for a while, it’s essential to have an office. Dedicated office space in your home will give you a quiet space to work ... Views: 494
If you’ve been operating under the assumption that you’re either a creative person or you’re not, it’s time to correct this faulty line of thinking.
While it’s true that some people are naturally born with a predisposition toward creative thinking, the reality is ... Views: 605
CBD may be a popular wellness trend, but that doesn’t mean it’s just for hip, young people. In fact, many of the people with the greatest potential to benefit from these products are older, disabled, or otherwise on the margins. Because CBD oil can provide pain relief, minimize ... Views: 793
Maintaining joint health is a common concern among adults, with many worried about developing pain or arthritis as they age – and with good reason. According to the CDC, more than 22% of adults have received an arthritis diagnosis, with that number expected to reach 26% by 2040, and that ... Views: 910
We all like comfort. We seek a lot of different things – including sex, money, relationships, cars, houses, and jobs – to fulfill this deep-seated desire to be comfortable. Yet if you look closely at the heart of comfort, you’ll ultimately discover failure.
The Problem With ... Views: 925
Are you on a spiritual quest to become a better version of yourself and share that bliss with others? Are you struggling to quit smoking? If you’re serious about spiritual growth, smoking cigarettes will create numerous obstacles on your path. Here are 5 gentle reminders to use as ... Views: 823
Are you sabotaging your self-growth efforts unknowingly by indulging in habits with an unknown impact? All of our habits have a far-reaching impact on other people and the planet.
Self-improvement is rooted in examining your thoughts, ideas, and habits and rooting out ineffective behaviors ... Views: 857
Amateur designers often assume that consumers and internet users want complexity, when in fact most are seeking simplicity. As you refine your web and graphic design skills, take the time to explore the concept of negative space and how it can be leveraged for maximum visual impact.
What is ... Views: 1397
Are you thinking about changing careers? If so, you’re standing at an exciting crossroads, but also a potentially frightening one. After all, you’ve already found a professional path, and while it may not be ideal, giving it up can put you in a precarious position. Luckily, there’s a way ... Views: 1176
When we talk about car accidents, we often frame the accident itself as the big event – the terrible thing that happened. In reality, though, a car accident is a second in time, but what really changes people’s lives is the aftermath. Injuries stemming from car accidents can have ... Views: 1036
If you have a loved one who suffers from Alzheimer’s or dementia, selecting the right long-term care facility can be difficult. And if you don’t know exactly what to look for, it can feel a lot like comparing apples to oranges.
Basic Alzheimer’s Care Options
It’s believed that there are ... Views: 1033
Motivation is a peculiar thing. It comes in waves and can quickly subside without much warning. All it takes is one factor or shift in mentality and it’s gone. On the flip side, it only takes one domino to fall to set motivation back into motion.
How to Capture Willpower and Stay ... Views: 976
Ever since the late 1980s, people have been swarming the self-improvement section in bookstores. Today, they’re checking the bestseller lists on Amazon for the latest and greatest strategies from people like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, and Eckhart Tolle.
While many self-help authors ... Views: 1054
Every person gets 24 hours in a day. Some people use their time wisely, while others let it slip away. If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t seem to get as much done in the day as others around you do, it’s time to rethink your approach. You aren’t a victim of some ... Views: 1197
Just because you’re junking your car, doesn’t mean you should be lazy about the process. If you want to maximize your ROI and get the most money you possibly can for your vehicle, there are some important steps you must take. Otherwise, you could end up getting ripped off.
4 ... Views: 1514
Kids learn by example, whether or not those examples are set intentionally. Children absorb every aspect of their environment including sounds, smells, and the words and actions of adults around them.
Kids pay close attention to how adults treat each other and tend to mimic their actions ... Views: 1153
Drug abuse among teens has been declining over the past two decades across the United States and Australia, but despite record low numbers, parents, healthcare professionals, and tech experts have recently coalesced around a new concern: social media as a gateway to drug use. As teens ... Views: 1743
As a kid, rainy days were always the worst. You’d wake up excited to play outside, only to find you’d be staying inside until the skies cleared up. While frustrating, these constraints often led to the greatest creativity. Knowing that playing outside wasn’t an option ... Views: 1374
How many internet-connected devices do you have in your home? Do some of them have cameras?
How many different computers, phones, and smart devices can track your location?
Which social media websites have recorded your personal information? How many of your followers know where you ... Views: 1107
You’ve probably heard the phrase “go with your gut” or “gut reaction.” You’ve probably made decisions based on this “gut feeling.” And you’ve probably experienced the sensation of knots or butterflies in your stomach.
Your gut really ... Views: 1345
Cybersecurity is a hot topic among major organizations, but do you give it much thought for your small business? You might not realize it but small businesses are a primary target for cyber attacks.
According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report published in the final quarter ... Views: 1657
Every human who has ever lived has experienced pain in some form or fashion. However, in most cases, pain comes and goes. You twist an ankle and it’s sore for a few days, but then it gets better. You have a headache for a couple of hours and then it goes away. You give birth to a ... Views: 2045
For many people, alcohol consumption is just a normal part of life. A cocktail after work, a beer with friends at a baseball game, a glass of wine with dinner…it’s just something you do. You aren’t alone, either. According to data from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and ... Views: 1586
Our culture has come a long way on the road to recognizing and overcoming mental illness, but there’s still much work to do to improve overall understanding and acceptance. With 43.8 million adults in the United States suffering from mental illness in a given year, the problem isn’t going away ... Views: 1158
You can’t get on social media these days without seeing someone post an article, video, or comment about Bitcoin. This groundbreaking cryptocurrency is enjoying its fair share of attention and probably has you wondering, should I get involved?
What is Bitcoin?
For starters, it’s important ... Views: 1143
For millions of single Americans, the dating world is more frustrating than enjoyable; bad dates, bad habits, and loneliness can encroach on daily life and make it hard to find a match and/or be happy with yourself, both of which are important to single people looking for love.
... Views: 1213
Alcoholism is a disease that can seriously hinder your ability to function. It can also have significant physical repercussions, including liver damage, weight gain, cancer, diabetes, and other serious illnesses. Every year, more than 88,000 people die from alcoholism.
Fortunately, the ... Views: 2278
Millions of Americans drink alcohol on a regular basis. Most do it in moderation, while others practice unhealthy habits like binging. Most people assume they aren’t dependent on alcohol for anything, but take it away and they get angry, agitated, or hurt.
Regardless of whether or not you ... Views: 1505
For many Americans living paycheck to paycheck, payday loans are the only bridge keeping them financially afloat. Unfortunately, very quickly, payday loans can dig you into far deeper debt. Because of the astronomical interest rates associated with these loans, the cost of using them is far ... Views: 1727
Millions of Americans don’t get the recommended amount of sleep each night. It’s recommended that adults get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night, but in reality, 40 percent of us get less than that. Lack of sleep impacts our daily performance, our feelings of wellness, and of course, both ... Views: 1554
Addiction is a tough issue to confront. Even when you know that you’re dealing with an alcohol addiction, it’s not something you want to reflect on or talk about. It’s certainly not something you want to muster up the energy to fight. More than 15 million Americans have some sort of alcohol use ... Views: 1471
Nearly every day, you may see a friend post on social media that he or she was recently hacked. In fact, nearly two-thirds of people who have social media accounts say they’ve experienced an account breach.
But if you’re like most people, you do little if anything to prevent it. Like millions ... Views: 1549
If you owned a failed business, accumulated more debt than you could handle, or suffered some sudden expenditure, you may have had to file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy has a number of logistical side effects, including crashing your credit score for up to 10 years, but some of the worst effects ... Views: 1640
The purchase of an investment property is a move that’s recommended by successful investors all over the world. Most high-profile investors have at least one real estate holding to diversify their portfolio.
Investors love real estate for many reasons. First, real property is often more ... Views: 1432
Do you want to make more money? Of course you do. But you don’t have to win the lottery to make more income, nor do you have to suffer through years of formal education to guarantee yourself a higher salary. In fact, there are a handful of basic lifestyle changes you can make—some of which can ... Views: 1123
Is your credit score far from where you want it to be? Did you recently get turned down for a credit card or loan offer? Or are you hoping to buy a house soon and know that you won’t get a favorable interest rate? While it’s virtually impossible to boost your credit score over night, raising ... Views: 1474
We’ve all experienced the feeling of being stuck. Some of us find ourselves in these ruts more often than not. But when you find yourself in a rut, the best thing you can do is look for a way out. The more you wallow, the more likely that you’ll be stuck for a long time. And when it comes to ... Views: 1148
Have you ever paused to reflect on the many thoughts you have throughout the course of a given day? You’d probably cringe at the idea of someone else being able to see these ponderings. That’s because most of us are intrinsically judgmental.
When Judgment Becomes Dangerous
Judgment is ... Views: 1291
If you’re like the majority of working professionals, you’re shy about voicing your opinion. You might deliberately avoid situations where participation is mandatory, remain silent in group discussions, or simply say what you think people want you to say rather than telling them what you really ... Views: 2524