How conscious are you about what you eat? Do you really know what you are ingesting?
Now at first thought, I am guessing that many will say that they are conscious. There are likely those that relate that to blessing or praying over their food. Then there are those that will say they are ... Views: 1039
How quickly do you heal? Is it really possible to heal rapidly, even from things that are supposed to be untreatable and have been with us awhile? What does it take to turn around our health?
So many of us have heard the phrase “healing takes time”. For most, that has been applied to the ... Views: 1296
Have you been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately? How about irritated, edgy, angry, or just “heavy” in some way or area of your life?
If so, you may be experiencing what can feel like a “hostile takeover” of your life. I have talked in the past about retrogrades, and how to work with them. ... Views: 1014
What have you connected with that is both ancient and sacred?
While I am all for being in the present moment; what makes the present moment what it is, comes from ages and ages of events and choices that have culminated to create the current moment here and now. For most people, there is ... Views: 1390
What connection do you share with the Earth?
There are so many different things that people will come up with when asking them this. People connect in so many ways, and it seems that it is often a very personalized experience for most people. I have seen everything from no big deal, to what ... Views: 1001
What are your thoughts on the world today?
Certainly when asked this there are a variety of responses that seem to come forth from people. Some will say they don’t think about it at all, others will be loaded with opinions, others have already created a thousand solutions for what they see ... Views: 1046
Do you listen to when source is calling you; or do you kick, resist, and fuss over the path laid at your feet?
So many people will automatically answer YES, if you ask them if they want greater abundance in their life. They will say that they want it all; and many pay thousands of dollars a ... Views: 1155
How often do you use a quick fix for things in your life?
So many times we get wrapped up in a hectic life and find excuses for why we can’t take a deeper look at what is really happening. The irony of this is that many people in this space, that do this, then turn around and claim that ... Views: 2089
Have you ever wondered if outward enemies are really inward friends?
I would say that often what we seen in people is not always how they are. Who they are behind closed doors can be very different than who they show themselves to be out in public. This is something that I have seen in many ... Views: 994
How do you tune into the cycles of life? Do you have things that you like to do as Spring starts each year? What seeds are you planting; and which ones are beginning to sprout?
It is no secret that once again the cycles of life are turning. We are beginning a new Seasonal Year here in the ... Views: 1002
Have you paid attention to the energy of things around you? Have you ever wondered what is behind the vibration that something in the universe carries? Have you ever thought to yourself, “How can I align to that frequency”?
It is no secret that everything in the universe operates by ... Views: 993
Do you ever really stop and think about the weather? Have you ever wondered beyond the scientific explanations what causes a natural disaster? Are you a person that pays attention to which way the wind blows literally?
I have always found the weather and natural disaster patterns that ... Views: 901
Have we really forgotten more than we have learned? Have you really ever pondered where we came from and what is next? Have you had an opportunity to peek on the other side of the “veil”?
I know these can be some really big questions. Most of the people I know or come across have at least ... Views: 986
How many times in life do we think we are going into just another “routine” day, procedure, or something that we have been through plenty of times before? How many times does that routine situation turn into something else? Is there a way that we can tell if what should be “routine” will turn ... Views: 1220
What is your idea of love? What is your idea of a great Valentine’s Day? Do you only celebrate love a day or two a year; or is it an ongoing practice for you?
This is a time of year, when people turn to thinking about relationships, love, celebrating vows. It is a time of year that many ... Views: 987
What will you make of this year? What is the energy that you are willing to let go of? What successes are you opening the door for?
Once again we come around the the Chinese New Year. One of the great things I love about this celebration, is how much they incorporate in it. It is not a ... Views: 873
How simple is your life? How real are you living? Is your life filled with complicated situations or the need to be something that you are not?
It is so easy in a world that runs at such a fast pace and full of technology; to make things complicated. Many people get wrapped up in worrying ... Views: 926
Do you feel that there is a connection between church or religion and government? Have they always been joined at the hip in one way or another? Have you noticed any common ties between government and religion?
Now, I realize I may rock some waves this week; and that is ok. Afterall, I am ... Views: 994
Do you feel that there is a connection between church or religion and government? Have they always been joined at the hip in one way or another? Have you noticed any common ties between government and religion?
Now, I realize I may rock some waves this week; and that is ok. Afterall, I am ... Views: 1062
Have you ever felt a loving presence that placed you in a deep state of peace? Have you ever experienced the sensation of being picked up and carried when times go tough? Have you ever felt a love that you knew was far beyond anything in this physical world?
I can recall a few times that I ... Views: 1299
What are your thoughts about Red Flag or False Flag Operations? Are they about more than just a distraction? Are “they” “crying wolf” too often?
It seems like these days it is getting harder and harder to tell the truth from the distortions from the flat out lies. Although, I will say that ... Views: 971
When was the last time you really let yourself be vulnerable? What do you associate vulnerability with? How often do you allow yourself to enter this sacred space?
Now, I was going to make a post about authenticity and abundance with the New Year coming in; however, I then realized that ... Views: 1022
How many times have you thought “If I only knew then, what I know now”? How often have you wondered if you had the information that you needed to make wise choices along the way? Have you ever wished you could get some help or glimpse into the future to know what to do or what path to stay ... Views: 959
Do you have particular instruments that you prefer for sound healing? Do you feel that different instruments create different healing experiences? Have you found different instruments to be more effective for specific types of healing?
Now, I have addressed aspects of sound healing before; ... Views: 1769
Have you ever felt the presence of an Angel? Have you ever asked an Archangel for help or assistance? Have you ever wondered if Angels can really assist you?
As I think back, it seems that angels have always been one of my favorite things. The angel on the tree at Christmas, I could barely ... Views: 946
How much clarity do you have? Have you found yourself in spaces of confusion? Have you wondered how to move into greater clarity?
I would reckon to say that at least at some point in our life; we have experienced confusion, or some form of it such as disorientation or lacking a physical ... Views: 1113
Do you enjoy taking a look at what is coming your way? Have you used astrology or other tools for seeing the flow of your year? Do you take the time to see how the energy is flowing before you are in the middle of it?
There used to be a time where I was all over every aspect, influence, and ... Views: 914
Do you remember when you really got “active” on your path? Do you remember having an awakening that really made you get “serious” about the life you are living? What was it that made that an awakening journey for you?
Even those that are born with gifts of intuition or seeing seem to have ... Views: 971
Do you have certain Crystals or Gemstones that you are consistently drawn to; or are there favorite ones that you like to work with? What experiences have you had working with Crystals and other Gemstones? How have you worked with Crystals and Gemstones?
For as long as I can remember, I ... Views: 1007
How are your interactions with others? Have you ever thought about how your interactions affect your spiritual path? What types of interactions do you usually have with others?
It is interesting that as focused as we can be in the outer world in this human existence; that we also often ... Views: 963
Have you ever let music transport you to a different space? Have you ever had music unlock your own inner muse? Have you ever experienced visions or connected to your true self while listening to music?
I know for myself, I can think of many journeys that I have taken while meditating to ... Views: 967
Have you ever come to a point where you feel like everything you learned wasn’t true? Have you wondered about all that “well-intentioned” guidance along the way? Have you ever came to a point where you wondered who you really were?
It seems to often happen a bit later in life; maybe the ... Views: 1365
How do you deal with the times where things feel hopeless? Have you experienced a period in life where it felt like you would never get out of it? Have you spent time in a space full of confusion and disorientation?
If you have answered yes, to any of these questions, then you have had a ... Views: 930
Have you had times that your anger got the best of you? Have you found yourself reacting in a rage that perhaps you didn’t even know where it came from? Have you experienced others that have a hard time communicating without anger or rage?
This is a big one for many, as anger is often one ... Views: 1119
How do elections influence you personally? What difference does it make who is in office? What happens when a new world leader is elected?
Now I am not here to debate the aspect that whether our vote makes a difference or not. We know here in America elections are more about entertainment, ... Views: 881
Do you feel that your life is abundant or are you feeling deprived and unfulfilled? Do look forward to what your day will bring or are you dreading getting out of bed in the morning? Have you experienced what a truly abundant life is?
Many people today have been living in a space of ... Views: 1157
Have you ever loved doing something so much, that nothing would keep you from having it in your life? Have you ever enjoyed something to the point that you didn’t concern yourself if you ever got well known for it; or even made a dime for doing it? Have you ever enjoyed something so much that ... Views: 889
Have you ever had a situation that you considered an obstacle? Have you felt like all the cards were stacked against you? Have you ever beat the odds in a situation?
I love exploring this as so many people come to realize they have really come through some tough challenges and created some ... Views: 1209
What threads do you have woven through the different areas of your life? What wisdom connects for you whether it is spiritual, social, cultural, intellectual? How does the mystical aspects of dreams work in your waking life?
As much as many people try to keep the different areas of their ... Views: 836
Is it possible that there is more than one timeline for our Earth? What are your thoughts that our pure and original timeline has been “hacked” and there are attempts to divert us into a more controlled “darker” timeline? Why are timelines important?
This is probably not your everyday ... Views: 1021
Do you keep up with where the planets currently are and what they are doing? How much influence to you think planetary transits have? Do you know which planets seem to affect you the most?
At one point in my life I seemed to track all of this like a Hawk. I still keep track of what is ... Views: 991
It is really interesting that this major portal of energy has received little discussion about it. Usually, in searching a date on something as major as this; there would be a ton of information available; however, until I got the right combination of words in NOTHING was coming up. Why would ... Views: 1098
Does the way we state things influence the way our brain receives the information? Does our brain need certain components in order to have clarity so that it can process what is being asked of us to an action? Can shifting how we communicate change our behaviors and help us live in greater ... Views: 904
What if you were a natural at something from a very young age? What if you knew as a child just what you wanted to do in life? Have you nurtured the talents you were born with?
Every now and then in life we see those that seem to just be naturally talented. It is as if they are born into ... Views: 962
Have you ever wondered if spirits are actually communicating with us? Have you wondered if they are actually trying to converse with us? Have you wondered what it would be like to know how a conversation with a spirit friend would work
Now all of this might sound a bit far-fetched for many. ... Views: 1060
Have you ever first hand lived in an area where you are under constant alert of attack? Have you ever been in the lines of battle grateful that you just made it through another day? Have you ever thought about what it would be like to have to leave your home and everything you have on a ... Views: 2394
How do you choose to grieve the loss of something or someone in your life? Have you ever thought about the possibility that you can be happy even in your grief? What is the most challenging piece of grief for you?
At some point in our lives, we all experience the loss of someone close to us ... Views: 1747