Whenever two or more are gathered, someone needs to be in charge, calling the shots. The greater the number of people in any given group, the more necessary it is to have an effective leader. This is especially true in the world of sales, where teamwork and cooperation are essential elements in ... Views: 1070
It's tough being a small business. A small business usually means having a smaller advertising budget than the big guys. It can be hard to compete against those companies who seem to have no lack of funds to saturate their brand everywhere.
Fortunately, social media is potentially a great ... Views: 1229
Maintaining a talented staff is not a "one and done" thing, but rather an ongoing practice. Things change, times change, people change, and you need to stay on top of all those changes to ensure a consistently professional staff.
Here are some specific reasons as to why you should always be ... Views: 912
Consider, if you will, how bosses have been portrayed in our culture over the last half-century. Television shows, movies, cartoons, many of them depicted the boss as this cruel tyrant whose favorite phrase seemed to be "You're fired!". It's a stereotype, sure, but one that some people's ... Views: 1185
The Internet is positively filled with articles, blogs, and infographics detailing how Internet-related companies can market themselves. While that's great for them, it doesn't do much for the traditional brick and mortar businesses that have no substantial reliance on the online ... Views: 1098
There used to be this image of retirement that included "the country" as a setting. It was a quaint notion, expressed in terms of "I'm going to retire and move out to the country". Even the great consulting detective Sherlock Holmes eventually retired from his hectic life in London to become a ... Views: 1878
One of the most important requirements of any successful relationship is the ability to communicate effectively. That's the case whether it's a relationship between friends, romantic partners, or yes, a customer-merchant situation.
That really should come as no surprise since when you get ... Views: 878
The purpose of mobile marketing is to generate leads. These leads, if all goes well, turn into actual customers, who in turn will not only make repeat visits, but will also bring in more of their friends, which means more leads, and so on.
So far, so good. But to have a substantial lead, you ... Views: 1025
We live in a hectic world that is hyper-connected 24/7 365 days of the year. It’s probably no surprise that a lot of people, myself included, are looking for ways to reduce the stress level through proper diet, exercise and meditation.
Yes, you heard right. Meditation. That hippy stuff ... Views: 1187
If you've been feeling in a bit of a slump lately maybe it's time to make some changes. Real success comes from making shifts in your behavior consistently. Rarely will one major decision have a substantial impact on your life. Usually, it’s just simply making a commitment every day and sticking ... Views: 1288
A smart, successful business is one that not only draws in customers, but manages to retain them, even in the face of obstacles like increased competition, inconsistent and unpredictable economic times, or human fickleness. Sure, those initial sales are good, and they definitely serve to bump ... Views: 816
Congratulations! You've successfully reproduced! Now the fun starts! When people call having a baby a life-changing experience, it's kind of like saying World War II was a spirited disagreement between differently-thinking parties.
With a new little one in your lives, get ready for a lot of ... Views: 1420
There is a lot of lip service given to the importance of working as part of a team, especially in the working world. We are treated to the same old homilies like "There's no 'I' in team", "Check your ego at the door," and other words to that effect. While this is all well and good, sometimes the ... Views: 1200
Come on, admit it; even in this day and age when it's no big deal to see a little boy playing with dolls (not action figures ... dolls), or a little girl playing with a plastic construction set or laser pistol, there's still a bit of eyebrow-raising when faced with the prospect of "real" men ... Views: 1107
A sales manager is the person who leads and guides a team of salespeople, and that's a pretty straightforward fact. The real question is, though, what does it take to be a great sales manager, and how can you bring it about?
Fortunately, it need no longer be a mystery, as the following will ... Views: 838
When it comes to your career, you should treat it as if it were a shark, and no, it doesn't mean you should be attacking swimmers at the beach. Rather, if it's not always moving, it dies. No matter how old you are or how long you've been involved in your career (which is not the same as simply ... Views: 823
Buzzwords like Big Data and analytics fly around fast and furious these days, and rightly so, as information is key to making smart choices and putting together intelligent strategies that stand a better chance of working. This is all great, but what many businesses today need, particularly the ... Views: 938
Knowing another language or two is one of those things that, if you have the time and opportunity to do, is a fantastic way of expanding your horizons. This happens because when you learn a new language, you inevitably learn things about the culture and history of the country that uses that ... Views: 1241
For many men, it's an inevitability as they get older: receding hairlines, thinning hair, pattern baldness. Time marches on, and the hair marches off right along with it, off into the sunset. It doesn't every happen to every man, sure, and it doesn't necessarily only happen to older men, but ... Views: 835
Adoption is often a complex, emotionally-charged experience for some or all of the parties involved. It can be a bewildering, uncertain time, particularly for the birth mother, who is probably wrestling with feelings of what to do, and questioning whether the right decisions are being ... Views: 997
The competition out there in the world of small businesses is fierce enough without any extra hindrances. If you own what is considered to be a Disadvantage Business Enterprise (or DBE for short), you have even more obstacles in the way of your company's success.
That's why we're about to ... Views: 833
Just because your business isn't a Fortune 500 company doesn't mean you can't attract some top-notch professional talent. The answer is simple: instead of selling a product or service to the public, you need to sell your company to a prospective talent who you are certain will be a big ... Views: 773
Are you in the market for a new car? Well, "new" doesn't have to mean a brand new car as much as it means a car that is new to you. There are so many options for replacing your vehicle, and sometimes it can be a bit of a bother to try and sort out what the best choice is.
Do you buy a used ... Views: 1047
Marketing is the ongoing struggle to get people to receive and act upon your message. You want those butts on seats, eyes on websites, and dollars in your business' coffers. The Internet age hasn't made the struggle easier, since it seems that people's attention spans are shorter than ... Views: 914
There are so many people out there that trumpet the benefits of Big Data (including, admittedly, yours truly), that it's easy to overlook one very frightening implication. Big Data means increased information delivered easier and faster, but a lot of that information is about flesh and blood ... Views: 1177
Online Reputation Hurting Your Career?
Is there anything more valuable than your career, especially in a day and age where the economy can force your client to terminate you on a moment's notice?
With that question in mind, what are you doing in 2015 to make sure that your online ... Views: 836
Is there any time in our adult lives (and in many cases even as kids) where we're not worrying about money? For most of us regular folk, if we're not concerned about finances while we're working, we're worried about how to make ends meet if we're NOT working. Then when retirement age comes, we ... Views: 945
Do you know what's worse than taking out a big loan? Taking out a big loan from a lending institution that's scamming you, that's what. It's bad enough that you're borrowing money in the first place; never mind being in debt to someone who's determined to hose you any way they can.
Here's how ... Views: 1139
According to the Bible, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. This tells us two things: first of all, the people who keep misquoting it as "money is the root of all evil" are full of it. Second, that it's possible to develop an unhealthy relationship with money.
Money is one of ... Views: 1144