Change. That word alone tends to paralyze many people. They start assuming and pre-acting about what they think will happen before it even starts and go off on a tangent until they're paralyzed by the mere thought. I'm not going to say "Now how smart is that exactly?" Preconceptions of what ... Views: 1479
I recently did a poll, posted a blog and asked clients "What would you do if you had an extra 15 minutes on top of the 24 hours in a day? (click here to read that post) and got screamed at from all parts of the globe.
"WHAT? 15 MINUTES? What's 15 minutes? What can anyone do in just 15 ... Views: 1396
Leaders navigate via curiosity. Curiosity leads to learning and expands the realm of what they don't know to what they do know. Leaders share what is there AND isn’t. They rely on observations, intuition and inklings to help staff move forward. Intuition and inklings aren’t found in any ... Views: 1487
Some people think they can do everything . Well, many executives keep doing things themselves because "it's a lot easier to just do it than take the time to train someone and then have to check the work anyway". These same people start coming in a little bit earlier and leaving a little later to ... Views: 1393
“The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created--created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and ... Views: 2512
Have you thrown anyone away recently? Someone who works for you, someone in your family, a friend…someone you’re dating or even married to? Did you need to read this to realise you might have?
Relationships can be defined as “a state of connectedness between people”. One ... Views: 11170
Sensitizing yourself can lead to emotional surprises. It doesn't mean being more 'touchy-feely' or sensitive. It means being aware of all that's around you and inside of you. And yes, one can get hurt in the process but one can truly live and experience life to the fullest extent as well. That ... Views: 4426
A question I hear often, along with many others. "When will I finally have time for me...for my life? When will I be successful?" or "When will I know true happiness?"
I know my answers will be controversial and cause reactions. Good. If I'm pushing your buttons in any way it means you ... Views: 2988
Are you looking in a specific place? Expecting something to happen? What energises you.....makes you feel alive? Life is yours. It isn't what happens to someone else, it's what happens and how it happens to you. And, no matter good, bad or indifferent, it's how you process the experience and ... Views: 3704
One of the things I work on with my clients is Defining Success. It's more than a personal mission's success as you know it according to your personal ethics, values and integrity, taking into account competencies, talents and strengths and when you see the results it's ... Views: 3017